Some People Think That Modern Technology Is Making People More Sociable IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 11, 2022

Some People Think That Modern Technology Is Making People More Sociable IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the knowledge and views. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people think that modern technology is making people more sociable, while others think it is making them less sociable. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1

Technology has changed our lives drastically over the last few years. It has a huge impact on our everyday work and life. There are many views on the impact of technology. A group of people are of the view that modern technology. For example smartphones and other applications have made people more sociable. While the group of people are of the opinion that it has made people less sociable. According to my personal point of view, I support the former. The following arguments will prove my point.
Everyone is obsessed and addicted to social media. Technological devices like phones and smartphones are commonly seen in everyone's hands. The social media platforms like Facebook,Twitter, Instagram etc are a medium of entertainment. Such social media apps also support sharing. Videos and photos with anyone sitting around the world. It also has made communication easy. One does not even need to call the person. They can just react to the message and the other person can reply to it. People can pass messages, pictures, documents, drafts,etc. to one another in a fraction of a second. It also helps to make new friends and meet new people. Also, it helped to maintain the old friendships and relationships.
Though, as listed above are the advantages of technology. There are many disadvantages as well. The emotional connection one feels when physically talking with someone is gone. People have started creating a fake life and personality to just gain popularity. No one is living in reality. They are a whole different person online. This has adversely affected youngsters. Everyone tries to form fake relations. Later, some people get emotionally hurt by it. It has created a sense of non-trust in the minds of the people.
In Conclusion, technology is making people more sociable. But it also has made people change their true selves. It might have become easier to contact anyone, anytime. It has made it easy to connect to people. But the difference between online and offline gets ignored.

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Model Answer 2

Technology like smartphones have impacted everyone's life. Many people have changed themselves due to such advancements. There are two viewpoints about technology. Positive aspect of it suggests that technology has made people more sociable and easy to communicate with. The negative aspect of the people suggests that technology has made people less sociable. From my point of view, I support the latter. In the following arguments, I will support my viewpoint.
There are many individual differences between human beings. The individual differences include priorities, mindset, thoughts, emotions as well as physical characteristics. Some people are socially active while others are reserved to themselves. Many are extraverted and others are introverted. People can sit at home and communicate with their friends and relatives through social media. They no longer have to go outside and talk. But there is always a competition that goes on social media. Everybody tries to prove that their life is better than the other. In this competition, people have started becoming who they are not. They have started making a fake reality for themselves.
It has made people online sociable but is really prone to emotions and feelings. It is common to get betrayed or hurt online. It might be common but it has caused emotional damage in humans. It had made them suppress their feelings. Many depression and anxiety cases have only one reason and that is social media. People judge each other and pass negative comments. It can be a very mentally stressful thing to experience.
While people can video chat, share images and photos, videos and chat online. They can also have a real face to face experience. But there is no emotional connection. Whenever we meet someone there is a connection created. We become sympathetic and empathetic. But online such feelings got lost. Also, it has a bad influence on youngsters. Youngsters try to copy everything they see on social media. It might get them in trouble.
To conclude, modern technology has affected relations and friendships. While it has made it easy to connect with people. It has also made people less sociable.

Model Answer 3

Technology like smartphones and their applications are considered a basic necessity today. It is sometimes considered important for survival. There are many mixed views about the impact of social media and technology. Many are of the view that it has made people more sociable. While others believe that it has made people less sociable. According to my point of view, it has made us away from our loved ones. It has impacted our lives so much that we don't even realise how we were and how we had become. I will try to prove my viewpoint in the following arguments.
Technology and social media has brought people together from different cultures and ages. One can Learn about different cultures and traditions. They become more comfortable and flexible in adjusting with different people. There are many studies and researches that suggest that people who are more technologically involved are more sociable. However my views are contradictory to such studies.
People get addicted to social media platforms. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp etc allow people to video call, chat, share images and documents. It made people addicted and obsessed with it. People try to spend their free time using smartphones. They become unconscious about the outer situations and circumstances. It has made people stop making real friends. Socialising more and people became more self reserved and self involved. They don't like to attend family functions and parties. People replace their real loved ones with online friends that one can never trust. I have noticed many youngsters and people involved and busy with their smartphones at family functions. They don't show any interest in talking with each other. Also social media made everyone emotionless. Nobody feels emotionally connected to anyone nowadays. They all try to just take their emotions and love. It has made them robotic.
To conclude, social media has made people less sociable. We might be able to make new friends and get to know more people. But it has separated us from our loved ones and real life friends. Also it distracted us from our goals and our dreams.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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