Some People Think Playing Computer Games is Bad for Children IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 27, 2022

Some People Think Playing Computer Games is Bad for Children IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people think playing computer games is bad for children. Others think that there are some positives in which children develop. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1:

With technological advancements, today every individual has computers and other electronic gadgets. Nowadays, even children are exposed to computers at a very young age for various purposes and they tend to grasp computer skills much better than the previous generation. With access to computers, children soon get hooked to various computer games as the games are created in such a way that it grasps their attention. Today almost every child who has access to electronic gadgets like laptops, desktops, or smartphones plays various types of computer games in their leisure time instead of outdoor games. Some people think that this has a bad influence on children, while others are of the opinion that computer games have several positive effects on children. In this essay, we will explore both views and arrive at a conclusion.

Computer games do have several positives in terms of inculcating soft skills. Computer games usually require the child to concentrate on one particular thing in order to win the game. This improves their focus on the game but sometimes this leads to addiction which needs to be carefully monitored. Many computer games require children to form teams and play together which intuitively makes them better team players and also learn teamwork. There are many games like wordplay, sudoku, and puzzles that enable them to think quickly and improve their analytical skills.

But computer games tend to affect children adversely. Nowadays, children are reluctant to go outside and play with others. They prefer playing virtually. Such a behavior cuts them off socially, as though they’re playing with other people but they’re alone in their room isolated. This affects their interpersonal skills as they grow up and face the real world. This reclusive behavior causes withdrawal symptoms which soon lead to anxiety and other mental health issues.

In my opinion, though there are a few positive habits that computer games help in cultivating, these games simultaneously cause irrevocable harm to young minds which can not only affect their health negatively but also harm society at large. Thus, computer games are largely bad for children and parents should be made aware of the consequences and changes in behavior so that they can help their kids before it's too late.

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Model Answer 2:

Most people are of the opinion that computer games are bad for children. Few others believe that such games have certain positives too. In this essay, we will take a deeper look into both sides before coming to a conclusion. Nowadays children hardly play outdoor games in their leisure time as they have more advanced computer games at their disposal. These games are highly addictive in nature which leads to children being glued to the computer screen for hours and avoiding all learnings which are necessary for a young growing mind.

People who argue that computer games have positive impacts on children usually consider how such games help them to be better team players or improve their decision-making skills. But such skills can also be acquired through various other settings by interacting with real people, as team-building habits come in handy when an individual is able to communicate effectively with others in the real world with real problems and not virtually isolated in their own rooms. Though on the surface these might seem positive, but in reality, these habits do not seem to have an impact in the real world, as these games make it difficult for children to communicate in a social setting with people around and also causes stage & speech fright.

Many people think that computer games make children better at multitasking and improve their cognitive function as an activity is done repeatedly over a certain period of time. But this in most cases becomes counterproductive as children can get easily hooked on these games and soon show signs of disinterest in other necessary academic and extracurricular learning. Though multitasking, computer games predominate their attention which leads to being distracted at school and other activities.

Constantly sitting in one place and playing computer games can severely affect an individual’s physical and mental health as well. Today young children have obesity problems from sitting for hours in one place and not doing any physical activities. It also causes neck pain and eye problems from continuously looking at the screen from a fixed position. Therefore, in my personal opinion, computer games are bad for children in the longer run, as it affects both their health and personality negatively.

Model Answer 3:

Computer games are increasingly gaining popularity among young minds, especially teenagers, who are in awe of the animation and the technology employed to curate such mind-blogging computer games which allow them to experience various scenarios virtually. Most children get hooked to various computer games easily. Now, this behavior becomes a debatable matter as many people think that computer games are bad for children, while others think that it has certain positive effects on children. In this essay, we will be discussing both standpoints before arriving at an opinion.

Computer games are of many types and today many academic experts are looking for gamified learning as it is more engaging for the students. The old way of teaching from books is becoming obscure and many schools are converting their traditional classes into smart classes where children are taught the same subjects more creatively and making it more engaging. Computer games have been the primary inspiration for this, as more and more children were actively engaged in it voluntarily and were also learning various skills via those games.

People who are against computer games and consider them bad for children usually look at their addictive nature of it. Computer games when played excessively can be addictive and cause health problems. But everything when done in excess has negative effects, and so do computer games. Young minds can mold habits easily, therefore they need to be monitored by their parents in most activities and the same goes for computer games as well. When monitored properly, children mostly benefit from such games as it teaches them team building, and multitasking and also improves their concentration power and thinking abilities. Children can learn many soft skills through computer games intuitively which otherwise have to be learned through traditional classroom settings, which in some cases are not that effective.

Therefore, in my opinion, though computer games can lead to behavioral issues when played without any parental controls, it has several advantages which are making it appealing to educational institutes to embrace them to speed up the learning process. Thus, it is not bad for children and computer games can help children in increasing their visualization power and make them more creative.


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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