Young People Who Commit Serious Crimes Should Be Punished In The Same Way as Adults IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Dec 21, 2022

Young People Who Commit Serious Crimes Should Be Punished In The Same Way as Adults IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answers have been provided in this article. This IELTS writing topic addresses a social issue where candidates are asked about their opinion. Candidates are required to share their opinion on whether young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. Candidates can write about the advantages and disadvantages by giving examples to form their argument. Thus, a brief conclusion is also necessary to be provided in this aspect. Three samples of this IELTS writing task 2 are provided for the students so that they can select from a range of answers. In the body of the answer, the views regarding both sides are explained. The concluding part of the answers leaves the candidate to decide which is more important.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

TOPIC: Some people believe that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults

Band 6 IELTS Essay

Most individuals hold the opinion that juveniles who are accused of serious crimes must face the same charges and legal proceedings as adults. I will explain why I vehemently disagree with this assertion in my essay and give supporting evidence. To begin, it is a well-known truth that juvenile crimes are more likely to be perpetrated by young individuals. Particularly those who are raised in hostile households or who are from violent neighbourhoods filled with criminals. This demonstrates that the negative decisions and acts of such young people are not their own. Instead, they have been hugely influenced by the child's environment and the adults' poor behaviour, who served as their role models. A person cannot properly discern between good and bad until they reach a particular age, according to the psychology of children and teenagers. In light of this, people consider such behaviour as normal if they were raised in an environment where there were many adults who had led illegal lives. However, it has been established that lengthy incarceration does not alter the behaviour of the prisoner. As an illustration, consider a young individual who has changed their morals and is given a jail sentence. Then, in an effort to avenge themselves, they could feel resentment toward adults and decide to turn to crime. It has been proven that the only things that can assist a youngster in finding and choosing the proper path is psychological counselling. This can assist them in assimilating into regular society, enhancing the society they are a part of. Finally, I must say that I vehemently disagree with the notion that juvenile offenders should be treated equally to adults. Due to the lack of positive role models they had as children and the lack of lessons about right and wrong. We need to offer counselling and rehabilitation, which is another reason I oppose the idea of equal prosecution. Rather than encouraging them to continue their vicious cycle of committing crimes, receiving their punishment, and then perpetrating the assault once more.

Band 6.5 IELTS Essay

The debate that the punishments should be imposed on criminals depending on age group has been always controversial. Several people argue to penalize the youths similar to the adults in the case of serious crimes. Even though sometimes it can seem like a logical interpretation, I strongly oppose the idea, as it may completely ruin the teenager’s future.

According to my, young people should not be judged similarly by the criminal courts, as they are too young to fully understand that their criminal acts could lead to potential consequences. Despite their crimes, they are not mentally mature enough to wisely evaluate their decisions. As a result, the youths usually act impulsively and engage in risky behaviors due to their lack of self-control and understanding of their own emotions. This is why it will be unfair if they are treated as harshly as an adult by the judicial system. Furthermore, staining the lives of young people with criminal records might make them unemployable which in turn will make their life harder and increase the chance to re-offend. Moreover, youngsters could get more aggressive after being committed to the prison system and miss out on the opportunity to learn empathy and discipline from a school. All of these factors will make it harder for the youths to make a fresh start in their life after being branded as criminals.

From my perspective, rather than approving the same court on teenagers which may send them to prison for life, they should be allowed to go to a reformatory school, as rehabilitation is a vital process, especially for young people. Therefore instead of sending young people to prisons to spend time with the hardened criminals, they are sent to a juvenile detention center where they can continue their academic learning journey and focus on their future properly without any kind of stress or worry. In this way, it will also be very easy for those teenagers to be inducted into the fold of society as soon as their sentence is over.

In conclusion, I oppose the view of delivering the same punishment to young people as adults. As it is never the correct way to treat youth of their misjudgments and it might also lead to developing some serious psychological problems leading to cause more problems in the future.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

In modern times, the rate of youths being convicted for serious offenses has increased drastically. There are certain people who believe that young people deserve to be sentenced as adults, others however do not share these views. I completely disagree with youths receiving the same exact punishment as adults even for the same crimes committed.

Though there is a rise in the involvement of teenagers in more crimes lately, I believe that every child needs to have hope and a chance at a good future and hence should not be judged so harshly as an adult for their actions. According to my opinion, every human makes mistakes but it would be wrong of us to cost the teens their future because of one mistake. First and foremost, governments should not enact the same punishments to resemble crimes regardless of age as though in the short term it may decrease the crime rate but in the long term it will be detrimental to the social cohesion of the society as the youths could not be easily included within the social fabric of any community even after their prison sentence is over. This in general affects negatively the future of a country.

For such instances juvenile detention systems remain the best for younger folks as exposing children to the degraded environment of an adult person can affect their mental health severely and scar them for the rest of their life. In some proven cases it was observed that adult prisons left a bad impact on the young prisoners' minds which led them to turn to more violent crimes in the future. It is usually more beneficial to engage children in some constructive training instead of just sending them away to live in an isolated cell. On the other hand, it has never been proven that extensive jail time corrects the behavior of the convicts. In addition to these, the environment of the child in which they are growing up is also an important factor to be considered as in many cases it has a direct relationship with the crimes being committed by the youths. Young people are easily influenced by adults and as such can also copy their aggressive behavior ultimately leading to something far dangerous.

Altogether, though more and more demands for equal punishment for youths are being raised every day due to the steady increase in the number and nature of violent crimes being committed. I however vehemently disagree and believe the better way to punish them is to detain them in specialized centers where the government will provide professional help for dealing with the minor offenders.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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