Some People Believe That Young People Bring More Profits to a Company IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 11, 2022

Some People Believe That Young People Bring More Profits to a Company IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the knowledge and views. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people believe that young people bring more profits to a company. Others say that older people actually bring more profits. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1

Development and profit sometimes depend upon the people who work at that place. There are many views regarding the suitable people for the company's profit. Some people believe that young people bring more profits. While others are of the opinion that senior people bring profits. According to my point of view, both are important for the company. The following arguments are supporting both types of employees.
In the era of competition and fast development, many companies are investing more on young people. They are hiring young people for every sector. Main reason for this is that young people are more creative thinkers. They try to put a particular situation in many different circumstances. They have innovative ideas. Second reason is that young people are fully aware and capable of operating technology. They are more experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to technology. They have the capability to run a department with the use of innovative technologies. According to the recent surveys by CII, the most profitable and developed companies have a large number of young workers. They are developing continuously and get a lot of profit. Young people do have innovative skills and they increase the profitability of big companies or industries.
However, it would be unfair to ignore the contribution of old and senior people in companies. They are more experienced as compared to young workers. They have an exposure to the outside world and they are capable of dealing with stressful situations easily. They try to apply their earlier experience in present situations which sometimes result in effective solutions. Also, experience is useful when it comes to handling a deal or profit. Senior people are more logical and practical. They try to take both pros and cons which profits the company and prevent wrong decisions.
To conclude, both young and older people are good for companies. They both can work together to increase the profit and development of the company. They must be given equal opportunities to prove their skills and capabilities.

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Model Answer 2

In today's 21st century everybody tries to chase their dreams. To achieve their goals their age is no longer considered a barrier. They work hard and try their best to get successful. There are many views regarding the employees best suitable for company's profit. According to a group of people, youngsters must be hired. As they are more profitable for the company. Another group of people.holds the view that seniors are more profitable for the company. I support both categories. I would like to express my views regarding the same through the following arguments.
Young workers are more creative and innovative in their approach. They are more physically hardworking. They try to see a particular thing in different approaches. They are more technologically educated. They are suitable to handle jobs and departments operating technology. Also, their innovation increases with the appreciation and success they get in the company. If trained properly they can be the reason for profit and development of a company.
On the other hand, seniors are experienced. Juniors or youngsters lack experience because they start as a fresher. Customers get attracted to the business because of the prestige and goodwill of the employee. For example:- a senior salesman would be able to guide a customer effectively due to experience and knowledge as compared to a junior. It is important to maintain the relationship between clients and employees. Seniors are more experienced in this regard.
Youngsters are more physically capable. This also makes them more hard working. Due to deteriorating age older people get physically weak. It makes them tired easily. They need medical support. Also, their creativity becomes limited. But youngsters experience it everyday. They are creative effectively. They innovate efficiently.
To conclude, both the age group employees put efforts in the development of a company. They both have their own capabilities and talent. They must be provided with proper training and appreciation. They must be given opportunities to grow.

Model Answer 3

Companies depend upon the workers for their development and profit. Many are of the view that youngsters are more beneficial for the company. While others say that seniors are the most profitable. I will give views on both and will provide my view. According to my view, youngsters are more profitable for the company.
Youngsters have a positive outlook towards life. They have a lot of innovative ideas to put into the company's approach. Also they are well qualified with the technology. Sometimes youngsters are often regarded as a technological generation. It is because they are fully knowledgeable about the technology. They do good when given a department to operate with technology. Also, they have creative minds. They are enthusiastic and look for a learning approach. They see everything from a learning perspective. They look for new lessons and try to experience more. They are full of creativity and innovation. They are emotionally, physically and socially strong.
While on the other hand, seniors can't be ignored. They have a good experience basis. They have a strong foundation of their work. They know how to handle stressful situations and deal with clients. They know how to manipulate the dealers. They might be physically weak as compared to youngsters. But one can never compare how passionate they are about their work.
They always contribute their knowledge in boosting the productivity and profitability of the firm. As a consequence, long term profits are generated by the company. As per recent research and studies, senior workers tend to be more profitable as compared to youngsters.
To conclude, Youngsters hiring is a great initiative towards Employment. Manu army forces hire youngsters because of their creativity and physical fitness. Youngsters have been considered the future of every country. Similarly, the development of a company depends upon youngsters. They will be great when one needs to get creative ideas. Ideas are all what contribute in the development of a company.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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