Some People Believe that it is Best to Accept a Bad Situation IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 20, 2022

Some People Believe that it is Best to Accept a Bad Situation IELTS Writing Task 2 has three sample answers provided below. It requires candidates to answer a simple question with argumentative statements. The sample answers have an introduction and body. The introduction provides a brief about the given topic. The body in each sample answer portrays argumentative statements to support the test-taker’s perspectives.
IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the knowledge and views. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1

Life is a series of ups and downs. When things go downhill, we might lose all hope but handling such a situation positively and with optimism is the key. Many people are of the opinion that it is better to accept the harsh realities of life and make peace with them. I am completely against this belief and in this essay, I will discuss both the view and elaborate upon my opinion.
On one hand, people who believe that one should succumb to bad situations seem to lack the courage to make any changes in their life. For instance, if one is continuing a job that offers no satisfaction and yet is not quitting. This shows that they lack the conviction that something good might await them. They get dubious about the uncertainty that the future brings. Struggling to pay bills or buy food blankets their hope and they continue their miserable job which leaves them with no willpower or motivation. In another situation, when people suggest it is better to make peace than fight is when we lose a relationship with our loved ones. This can be due to a conflict with them or their untimely death. In such a situation, it is good to accept the situation as nothing can be done about it.
On the contrary, some believe that we should certainly try to improve our situation. For example, in the case of a job that is unsatisfactory, one should not fear and quit the job. Learning new skills and working on ourselves would surely allow us to be competent enough to bag another job that would be best suited for us. Secondly, if one is suffering in a relationship, they can opt to break up than go through every day’s torture. For example, one of my friends’ boyfriends was extremely toxic. She realized that she deserved better and called off her relationship with him. Today she is living a happy and prosperous life. All it takes is the guts to stand up for ourselves and say no to the situation that is dragging us down.
To conclude, sometimes it is good to make peace with a situation like the loss of loved ones. Other times it is suggested to make amends. What is in our control must not control us. We must realize that we should be in command of the situation, not vice versa.

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Model Answer 2

There are conflicting views about whether one should accept the bad situation or try to change it. While sometimes it is healthy to accept an unpleasant situation, most of the time it is better to fight and make changes. This essay will discuss both opinions and will present my point of view towards the end.
People who believe that one must make peace with the scenario hint at two possibilities. Firstly, if people are unsatisfied with their work, the reason could be that they might be shouldering a lot of responsibilities showered by their family.
They find it difficult to take any challenge and quit their jobs. This leads to them being stuck in their misery for a long time. The question thus arises if it is the situation that is bad or if it is them deciding to not make any transformations to better their situation. Another kind of people could be those who are indolent and lack the will to come out of unpleasant situations. They might even lack the confidence to hope for a better life for themselves. These people blame their surroundings and start believing that nothing can bring them out of the trap.
In contrast, many people believe that things can be improved with willpower and perseverance. For example, Narendra Modi who was not from an influential family has risen to the position of Prime Minister due to his hard work and diligence. I believe that self-motivated people do not settle for less for they know their worth and do not blame the situation for their limitations. They keep trying until they are successful. That is the mantra they live by. They look ahead, plan and put effort into making necessary changes in their life.
To conclude, people should be forward-looking and I believe that one should be in charge of the situation. Even when life throws lemons at us, we must strive to make lemonade and sip it with panache.

Model Answer 3

Life is a roller coaster ride and we must learn how to enjoy it. It is never a bed of roses. We must know how to tackle bad situations and try to improve them or come out of them. There are contrasting views on whether to accept a bad situation or try to change it. In this essay, I will discuss both opinions and give my perspective.
Many people do not dare to even think of changing their situation due to the fear that prances inside their head that what if it turns out to be worse. For example, if people are working at low salaries, they would still not consider switching jobs. Because they fear that they might not find a job that would pay them as the one in which they are stuck. In the case of health issues, people tend to lose mental strength and don’t even try hoping their life is now on the verge of decline. Such people think that life is a hellhole and they must burn it till it is extinguished in flames.
Another set of people thinks that we are the authors of our story. The key to a flourishing life is to accept challenges and come victorious. It might not be necessary that they would be triumphant in one go, but what is commendable is their will to not give up. For example, the current situation in the share market is such that people are losing money at an unimaginable rate. But what is important is the optimist will hold on and look for a better future where the market prices will again rise and they will earn profits. In my opinion, such people are brave and believe in their judgment. They are risk-takers as they know staying stuck leads to a life of pain and suffering.
To conclude, while life throws challenges at us, we must not fear them and make amends as required so that we can live a life that we have dreamt for ourselves. The obstacles that come in our way just make us stronger people and hence we must face them with vigour and hope.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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