Some People Believe That In The Near Future There Will Be No Borders Between Countries IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Sep 24, 2022

Some People Believe That In The Near Future There Will Be No Borders Between Countries IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people believe that in the near future there will be no borders between countries, while others feel that national borders will always remain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

People in our contemporary culture travel overseas more frequently than ever before as a result of globalization, and it has never been simpler thanks to low-cost airline carriers. Although some people believe that borders will disappear in the future, I firmly believe that boundaries will remain.

One the one hand, proponents of a borderless world contend that people are born randomly and have no choice as to where they are born, which is unfair, particularly for those who live in dangerous or underdeveloped nations. They assert that it is their fundamental human right to relocate to a safer country in search of a better life. For instance, many people around the world continue to experience famine and are compelled to live in hazardous situations like armed combat or on active battlefields. Additionally, it is asserted that abolishing borders may improve ties between nations that have a history of hostility.

In contrast, I agree with those who believe that borders will continue to exist as they do today despite all the advantages of doing away with them. First and foremost, borders exist to stop population expansion. A population explosion in richer countries could result from large-scale immigration from less wealthy nations, which could lead to an imbalance in the world's demographic.Every year, millions of migrants attempt to enter a country because of bad intentions and criminal activities like the trade in weapons or terrorism. To maintain peace in the nation, the majority of them are banned at the borders. My best argument is that there are international crimes occurring near borders. In reality, illegal activities that need to be stopped right away include the trafficking of organs, drugs, slaves, and adolescents. To protect their own nations and the population, borders, in my opinion, strive to keep an eye on those unlawful trading operations.

In conclusion, borders have many detrimental effects on richer countries, despite the belief of some that they should be removed in order to protect human rights and provide nations the possibility to have better ties. Overall, I firmly believe that borders must always be maintained.

Band 8.5 IELTS Essay

Some hopeful residents hope and believe that one day there will be no borders on our planet. But in reality, this collapse of boundaries is extremely unlikely. Further summarizing both points of view, I think that given the level of hostility, this seems implausible.

One cannot expect to provide a favorable atmosphere for our future generations with the increase of spying. How many nations from all over the world can share the same borders defies logic. And it is just impossible if there is to be a peaceful pact between two neighbors.

We learn about the Cold Wars that are raging among the most powerful countries in the world. Such as India and Pakistan, over the occupation of one another's territories and the sharing of borders. If we can reach an amicable agreement, we can realize our dream of a United World.

However, having a single nation can have some advantages, especially in terms of globalization and financial standing. Today, it is difficult to import and export essential necessities between different countries due to globalization and international trade restrictions.

People can go freely and discover the globe to the fullest extent if there are no borders separating nations. Boundaries may also encourage trade, which would be good for the economy. For instance, there are no borders between Singapore and Malaysia, allowing for unrestricted travel. They can enter the other country without a visa or having to go through security screenings. Naturally, these two nations have strong relations, therefore the absence of a border between them is only to their advantage.

Such rules will be eliminated in a united globe, and citizens would be allowed to purchase goods at fair prices. Furthermore, we can win the battle against global warming in addition to economic improvements.

I believe that having a united front can be very beneficial because there wouldn't be any such international regulations. Our scientists wouldn't be subject to interference from higher authorities, and they would be free to obtain crucial information whenever they wanted.

Band 9 IELTS Essay

Some believe that borders between countries will vanish in the near future. However, some disagree with this viewpoint. Geographical limits will always exist, in my opinion, and they are also necessary.

On the one hand, individuals may travel freely and see as much of the globe as they want if no boundaries exist between nations. Boundaries may also encourage trade, which would be good for the economy. For instance, there are no borders between Singapore and Malaysia, allowing for unrestricted travel. They can enter the other country without a visa or having to go through security screenings. Naturally, these two nations have strong relations, therefore the absence of a boundary among them is only to their advantage. Frontiers will delimit provinces in order to guarantee regional and resident security. Most importantly, it breeds unrest among the populace, which frequently triggers events. That is impossible to manage, like the beginning of war. As a result, uncontrolled circumstances can have disastrous effects on both countries and their citizens.

Avoiding separations between nations that are at odds can also protect the privacy of people living in opposing regions. Without boundaries, for instance, people can easily access neighboring regions. Which might result in undesirable conditions and difficult-to-maintain provinces. As a result, friendly interactions might still exist between distant locations.

On the other hand, not every country has positive relations with its neighbors. For instance, there must be a boundary between India and Pakistan. To prevent spies from entering the country, this is crucial. Similar to how there is a strong border between the US and Mexico. It is difficult to stop the flow of narcotics from Mexico into the US. We can envision what would occur if the borders between these nations were eliminated. Borders are obviously important for upholding law and order. They stop undesirable elements from entering the nation.

In conclusion, although it is true that borders have no place in an ideal world. Since ours is far from ideal, borders are necessary to deter criminal activity and uphold law and order. They are, in my opinion, here to stay as a result.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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