Some People Believe That Children Shouldn’t Be Given Homework Everyday IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Jul 29, 2022

Some People Believe That Children Shouldn’t Be Given Homework Everyday IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people believe that children should not be given homework every day, while others believe that they must get homework every day in order to be successful at school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1:

Homework is an important part of any educational institute. But homework also is a major subject of debate as some people think that children shouldn’t be given homework every day, while another segment of people are of the belief that regular homework is essential for children as it enhances learning and eventually leads to success. Before coming to an opinion, it is essential to discuss both of these views and the reasoning for such views.

Homework is more than often associated with great achievements in life, as it enhances the self-learning and thinking capabilities of a student.

And since youth minds are flexible, homework when made a habit at an early age, enables them to be self-reliant later in life as well. When something is taught in school, students hardly often go back to it, if not made mandatory and that’s where homework comes in. Homework pushes a student to grasp the concepts and actually learn them.

But again regular homework is something which many people oppose. It is obvious that children or teenagers do not enjoy doing homework regularly, as they want to enjoy their lives. Many parents and teachers feel that regular homework is not necessary and that school teaching should be effective enough for students to grasp concepts and enable efficient learning. Regular homework just overburdens students, who are already spending hours in school attending classes and returning home, and doing the same thing can cause boredom, disinterest, and stress.

In my opinion, I think both sides put forward valid points which I must delve into to form a balanced structure, where homework benefits the students, but does not overburden them and causes stress. So homework shouldn’t be completely eliminated but should be given in a way that students have time to explore other passions and also spend some time relaxing, as it is the phase when one should be allowed to play and enjoy life, before adulthood calls them in to take up responsibilities.

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Model Answer 2:

Whether or not homework actually impacts children positively has been a matter of debate. Many parents, teachers, educational counselors as well as doctors are of the opinion that regular homework is unnecessary and causes stress in the lives of innocent kids who should be allowed to enjoy their childhood. While there are another set of people who oppose this view vehemently- they believe regular homework is of utmost importance which enables children to self-learn and is disciplined. Before we reach a conclusion about this debate, it is necessary that we look at both sides of the argument, and then offer an opinion on the same.

Homework is an important element in any academic curriculum, as it teaches discipline and sharpens a student's learning abilities. Humans tend to take things seriously, only when it’s made compulsory, so regular homework with deadlines, also teaches students time management, which is an important life skill, which can come in handy later in professional life as well. Regular homework also teaches students how to learn independently, which stimulates their thinking capabilities, which enhances learning.

There are also many downsides to Homework, which is why many are against it. To do homework every day, can be counterproductive and a student instead of learning starts cheating and uses other unfair means to get the work done. Being overburdened with homework can negatively affect students' health, as it can lead to a lack of sleep. If students are regularly sleep-deprived, they will end up dozing off during classes, which will make it difficult for them to do their homework and they might end up not learning much.

In my opinion, overburdening students with homework will not ultimately be beneficial in terms of learning as well as concentration. Therefore, Homework should be limited and innovative, so that students take interest in learning and also have enough spare time to relax and enjoy other activities.

Model Answer 3:

Homework is seen as an essential tool in the learning process. But also, the subject is highly debatable, as it consumes time, energy and brainpower of young children which is seen negatively by many people and hence they are against the idea of making students do a lot of homework. But we cannot ignore the fact that homework does inculcate a number of necessary skills in terms of learning which makes students achieve great things in life. So before giving any opinion on this subject, this essay will first analyze both these views and then reach a conclusion.

Many people believe that students should be given homework regularly so that they can retain all that they have learned in school. This will in turn help them to be prepared and do well in examinations, which will ultimately make them successful in life. Homework makes students more responsible and understands punctuality, which are essential life skills that need to be cultivated over time. It also teaches students that there are things in life one may not like, but have to do as it is necessary.

Though there are many benefits of homework, many times it is seen to negatively impact students. Many times, regular homework can consume so much of a student's time that they have none left for extracurricular activities. To continuously learn and do tedious lessons can result in dull personalities, which can lead to self-doubt and lack of confidence. Too much homework can lead to reduced interaction with peers and make them lonely and depressed with time.

There are striking benefits of homework which cannot be overlooked but at the same time, there are negative impacts of it as well, which need to be considered. Either extremity is not the solution. It’s better to take the middle ground and give homework which is absolutely necessary for learning and help practice. Teachers and Parents should also encourage students to follow their hobbies and actively participate in extracurricular activities. This way students will be productive and learn things quicker.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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