Some People Believe That Air Travel Should Be Allowed To Grow Without Limits IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 29, 2022

Some People Believe That Air Travel Should Be Allowed To Grow Without Limits IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people believe that air travel should be allowed to grow without limits. Others think that the government should limit air travel. Discuss both views & give your opinion.

Model Answer 1:

With rapid advancement, it is currently possible to cover large distances via air which has made the world more connected than ever. Many believe that air travel should be allowed to grow without limits, as with more development, the journey will become more hassle free. But there are also some people who are against unlimited growth and are of the belief that the government should put limits on air travel. Before giving an opinion, this essay will explore both views in detail and then reach a conclusion after careful analysis.

Air travel, according to many people, should be allowed to grow without limits as it will only benefit the human race. With rapid growth, traveling will become faster and it will be the same time for many individuals who would otherwise end up spending so many extra hours traveling. Air travel has become more comfortable and people can travel long distances without feeling exhausted. Another reason why people want Air travel to grow without any limits is that then air travel will become inexpensive and every common man will be able to afford air tickets.Air travel has made it possible to get the best the world has to offer in terms of lifestyle, education, and others.

There are some people who are of the view that the government should limit air travel, as air travel leads to the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere which causes pollution and global warming. If it is allowed to grow without limits, then the emission will be uncontrollable and will lead to adverse health issues. Air travel compromises the environment which will impact the planet severely. But if the government addresses these issues, and limits air travel, then they will be bound to think about ways to reduce emissions and also minimize environmental damages.

We cannot ignore the benefits of Air travel and how its growth will benefit us. But it’s time we take a step back and carefully understand how much it contributes to global warming. This cannot be taken lightly as we can already see its adverse effect on the environment and climate change is a serious issue. Therefore, the government should come up with measures that will compel the companies to find sustainable solutions.

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Model Answer 2:

Air travel has made it possible to travel thousands of kilometers in a matter of a few hours now. Air travel is growing exponentially in the present time. And some people are of the view that it should be allowed to grow without any external restraints. However, there’s another segment of the population who thinks that the government should limit Air travel, and make restrictions on the number of times an individual can travel. Before coming to a conclusion about which view to side with, it is essential to look at both the arguments more deeply in order to understand the thought behind it.

Air travel on the outside might just seem to enable people to travel long distances in a very short span of time but the growth of Air travel will do much more than just make traveling easier and better. It will increase employment opportunities in every country be it developed, developing, or underdeveloped. Growth in air travel will enable countries to exchange their goods and services easily, which will again indirectly open up better opportunities for people with specific skills who might not be able to find employment in their region. Air travel has made many individuals take jobs far away from home but still have a family and visit regularly. The growth in air travel will open up many avenues for individuals and lead to immense development worldwide. Hence it should be allowed to grow without limits.

People who are against this view of unlimited growth and want the government to put restraints on air travel are mainly concerned about the environment, as Air travel leads to the emission of carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas leading to global warming. Initially, air travel made hijacking easy, which put the lives of people in danger but with technological advancement, we hardly have such hijacking cases, as documentation has become very meticulous and thorough.

Since climate change and global warming is a concerns that every industry is looking into, even Air Travel is incorporating sustainable ways in which they can reduce the transmission of harmful gases. So government restrictions on air travel aren’t the answer to this problem. There are many contributing factors to environmental issues and everyone has to work towards a sustainable future in order to see improvements allowing air travel to grow without limit can actually make it easier to share technology and methods which can address this issue on a larger scale.

Model Answer 3:

Air travel is one thing that has benefitted mankind immensely. With the advent of Air travel, came rapid development and globalization, as it became possible to connect and visit other countries and make the world a small village. Most people want air travel to grow rapidly and make journeys easier and hassle-free. But there are some people who believe the government should limit air travel, as unlimited growth can have negative impacts on the world.In this essay, we will look at both views and understand the reasons for the said views and then arrive at an opinion.

Air travel has made it possible for people to travel across oceans to different continents and share values, ideas, culture, technology and human talent. Growth in Air travel will only make it easier for individuals to travel more and reduce flight fares so that everyone can dream big. Unlimited growth should be allowed in this domain as it indirectly affects many of the country’s economy and employment opportunities. With rapid growth, travel will become even more frequent and people can accommodate more work in their schedule.

But there are downsides to unlimited growth and many people are of the idea that the government should limit air travel because, with the increase in air travel, accidents and crashes have also increased which leads to death in large numbers, as a plane can carry hundreds of people at once. Growth in air travel can increase hijacking which complicates geopolitics as well as put human lives in danger.Not to forget, growth in Air Travel will lead to a further increase in the emission of carbon dioxide which will affect the environment severely and cause air & noise pollution.

There are many negative effects of unlimited growth of Air Travel, so in my opinion, the growth needs to be regulated and closely monitored by the government. The government should also put certain limits on Air travel to minimize air traffic thus reducing pollution, accidents, and other unfortunate events. As much as we cannot overlook the benefits of growth, we also need to consider ways in which we can reduce the harm it can cause.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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