Some Cities Have Vehicle-Free Days IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Jul 29, 2022

Some Cities Have Vehicle-Free Days IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some cities have vehicle-free days when private cars, trucks and motorcycles are banned from the city center. People are encouraged to use public transportation such as buses, taxis and metro on vehicle-free days. To what extent do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Model Answer 1:

Automobiles on the road have been increasing by the day as the cost of vehicles has decreased and the number of cheap options available in the market has expanded, resulting in an increase in the number of cars owned by individuals. Cities have devised ways to minimise the number of vehicles on the road in order to fight the accompanying issues. On particular days, certain cities have enacted bans on private vehicles, trucks, and motorcycles. There are certain advantages and disadvantages to this, which will be covered throughout the article.

To begin with, the benefits of enacting vehicle restrictions include helping to limit street overpopulation, which improves roadway condition and lowers maintenance costs. It also reduces the amount of smoke in the air, making the environment safer. Furthermore, the ban encourages individuals to use public transportation, allowing people from all walks of life to afford transportation. Furthermore, it is said to be beneficial to one's health because people are encouraged to participate in physical activity. For example, CO2 emissions may be lowered if fewer vehicles were allowed on the road and people had to walk to the nearest bus or metro station.

On the contrary, there is a convenience drawback. Having the freedom to drive your own car gives you more privacy and allows you to be mobile at different times of the day. People whose occupations necessitate regular travel will find that taking public transportation is less efficient than driving their own automobile. For example, a salesperson may be required to travel to several clients, and waiting for public transportation would entail wasting a significant amount of time.

To summarise, the benefits of enforcing the ban outweigh the drawbacks. More flexible legislation, in the form of licences for particular scenarios such as emergency conditions or job requirements, could help to mitigate the negative effects of the disadvantages.

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Model Answer 2:

According to some people, private automobiles should be banned on free-vehicle days and people should use public transportation instead, such as trains and buses. In my opinion, drawbacks such as a country 's recession will be outweighed by benefits such as fewer climate struggles and fuel savings.

The widespread disadvantage of excluding private vehicles may lead to a slump in the economy. If a shipment of items' raw materials failed to arrive on time, a cycle of the company's process could be disrupted, affecting the economy of the country. In the chemical industry, for example, once the machinery is begun, the material must be fed continually until the process is completed. Restart the process as well. It operates on an outrageously high price for whatever reason. This example demonstrates the economic consequences of a boycott against the prohibition of private transportation.

Despite the disadvantages of secession, the general benefits of prohibiting private transportation include less environmental impact and reduced fuel use. Because there would be fewer vehicles on the road, fuel usage will drop dramatically. To some extent, this will help to eliminate dangerous gases in the habitat region. Furthermore, due to the free-vehicle days, the use of petroleum fuels will be significantly lower than usual. I feel that prohibiting private automobiles is not only beneficial to the environment, but also protects the natural ecosystem.

To summarise, the benefits, such as reducing climate change and conserving natural resources, outweigh the downsides, such as slowing economic growth. As a result, I have weighed the advantages and disadvantages and I am confident that the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages.

Model Answer 3:

Many cities throughout the world have begun to implement vehicle-free days as a first step toward prohibiting private cars from the city's busiest areas. These days, public transportation such as buses, taxis, and the subway are intended to totally replace private automobiles. While such a prohibition may appear inconvenient at first and elicit a negative reaction, it has the potential to improve city life in different areas.

Private cars are undoubtedly more convenient than public transportation in many circumstances, and busy executives, directors, and agents may not appreciate the inconvenience of being compelled to utilise the subway. Some of these high-profile people rely on cars for their own safety and the safety of the valuable equipment and documents they bring to meetings, as well as the ability to work while driving. Furthermore, many companies in the city centre may have difficulties if delivery trucks are prohibited on particular days; this would result in shortage of supplies at various retail stores and supermarkets.

The advantages of car-free days, on the other hand, are considerable. Reduced congestion will allow public transportation to move faster between stations while also greatly improving air quality. For many people, not going to the city centre will solve the never-ending parking problem, saving them time and money. Bicycles will have more space, and their safety will improve as roads are not clogged, not to mention pedestrians, whose safety will be enhanced by the monitoring of all cars allowed into the city centre.

Another factor to consider is the shift in thinking that vehicle-free days would entail. For city employees, being able to get around without a car can be a liberating experience. This real-life example would demonstrate that cars aren't always necessary, and that using the bus or tram is just as easy and quick. People would be more open and receptive to alternative modes of transportation if they were less reliant on private automobiles.

To summarise, while some may perceive banning of private cars as a disadvantage, vehicle-free days appear to be important for improved transportation, better air quality, and higher security.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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