SJH Maintenance Policy Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Dec 26, 2023

SJH Maintenance Policy Reading Answers is a general reading topic that discusses the maintenance and cleaning policy and procedure of a company. The given IELTS topic has 5 questions in total. The given topic SJH Maintenance Policy Reading Answers comes up with a single type of question, that is, True/False/Not Given. In this the candidates need to select True if the question matches with the information in the passage. They need to select False if the statement contradicts the passage and Not given if the information is missing.

The candidates should thoroughly read the IELTS reading passage to recognize the synonyms, identify the keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers can be taken into consideration by the candidates in order to score a good score in the reading section. Similar topics like SJH Maintenance Policy Reading Answers have been included in these practice papers.

Section 1

Read the passage to answer the following questions

SJH Maintenance Policy Reading Answers

The purpose of this policy is to outline the duties and responsibilities of janitorial staff in the maintenance of workplace amenities, facilities and grounds in order to meet the health, safety, welfare and hygiene needs of staff and students at and visitors to SJH Secondary School.

General Cleanliness

Classrooms are to be kept clean and tidy at all times. On each school day after school hours, floors are swept and mopped, or vacuumed if carpeted. In the event of any spills, floor surfaces are never left wet to prevent injuries due to slipping. Furniture is dusted and polished, but equipment, such as computer screens and overhead projectors, is wiped with appropriate agents to prevent damage. Keyboards, telephones and desk tops are wiped down with special solutions to keep these surface areas sanitised.

Bathrooms are serviced and cleaned mid-morning, mid-day and early afternoon, and supplies restocked as necessary. Disinfectants are used on floors and toilets as well as wastebaskets. Dispensers are refilled with toilet paper, liquid soap and paper towels.

General repairs

Janitors take care of minor repairs in the school. These include fixing school and office furniture, repairing clogged drains and toilets, replacing tight bulbs and tubes; and troubleshooting. It is the responsibility of the caretaker to ensure classroom equipment, such as ceiling mounted projectors, is in good working order. Managers are to be notified in a timely manner of any major repairs that need to be undertaken.

School Grounds

Caretakers are responsible for the upkeep of the school grounds. This includes cutting the grass, trimming the shrubs and looking after the garden beds as well as removing snow from the walkways and parking areas in winter. Gutters and drains are cleaned of debris regularly. Tree branches that obstruct or create hazardous situations take priority. Playground equipment is checked on a regular basis to make sure it is safe to use.

Waste Materials

Appropriately identified waste containers need to be available at locations where particular waste is generated. Two paper recycling bins and a secure waste bin service the high traffic area in the photocopying room. Removal of the former waste is carried out as necessary. Confidential waste is collected by Poison Security on notification, usually weekly. Four bins are also strategically placed on school grounds - two for general waste and the other two for recyclable materials, namely cans and bottles, and paper. These are checked on a daily basis and emptied accordingly.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 23-27

Do the following statements agree with the information in the text?
if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN If there is no information on this

  1. Care must be taken in terms of the type of cleaning product used on classroom equipment.
    Answer: True
    Supporting Sentence: Classrooms are to be kept clean and tidy at all times.
    Keyword: clean, tidy
    Keyword location: 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence
    Explanation: The author states that classrooms are needed to be kept clean and tidy. In the paragraph, the author goes on to explain how the care is taken for the tools used for cleaning. The furnitures are dusted and polished, but equipment, such as computer screens and overhead projectors, is wiped with appropriate agents to prevent damage. This proves the care taken for cleaning.
  1. Dispensing receptacles in washrooms are topped up as necessary.
    Answer: True
    Supporting Sentence: Bathrooms are serviced and cleaned mid-morning, mid-day and early afternoon, and supplies restocked as necessary.
    Keyword: restocked, necessary
    Keyword location: 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence
    Explanation: The author states that dispensers are refilled with toilet paper, liquid soap and paper towels. He also mentions that bathrooms are cleaned three times a day and the stocks are refilled as and when necessary. The question statement also mentions the same thing. It says that the stocks are topped up or restocked as necessary. Hence, the statement is True.
  1. Janitorial staff are required to diagnose and fix minor problems.
    Answer: True
    Supporting Sentence: These include fixing school and office furniture, repairing clogged drains and toilets, replacing tight bulbs and tubes; and troubleshooting.
    Keyword: troubleshooting, fixing, repairs
    Keyword location: 4th paragraph, 2nd sentence
    Explanation: The author clearly states that janitorial staff are responsible for the repairs and maintenance. They fix all the school and office furnitures, clogged drains and replace lights. Not only that, they also need to troubleshoot the problem before fixing it. Hence, they need to diagnose and fix the problem. The question slao states the same thing. It mentions that janitors are required to check and understand the problem or diagnose the problem. They also need to fix the problem. Hence the answer is True.
  1. Outdoor play areas are not used in winter.
    Answer: Not Given
    Explanation: There is nothing mentioned about outdoor play areas and not used in winter. Since there are no such information mentioned in the passage, the answer is Not Given.
  1. Recycling bins are emptied on a weekly basis.
    Answer: False
    Supporting Sentence: These are checked on a daily basis and emptied accordingly.
    Keyword: daily basis, recycleable
    Keyword location: Last paragraph, last sentence
    Explanation: The author in the last paragraph explains how the waste products are regulated. The removal is carried out as necessary. There are many types of waste products which are regulated and removed. Confidential wastes are collected on weekly basis. However, the general and renewable wastes are emptied on a daily basis and not weekly. Hence, the statement is False.

Read more IELTS Reading Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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