Should Wealthy Nations be Required to Share Their Wealth IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 26, 2022

Should Wealthy Nations be Required to Share Their Wealth IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or, is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves? OR

Some people say that rich nations should help poor countries with their basic needs like food and education while others oppose the idea and argue that the poor nations themselves should try to improve their condition. Do you agree with the idea that rich and developed nations should help the poor nations?

Model Answer 1:

As the world is gradually becoming more of a global society , the need to stand with other nations in times of crisis or calamities is increasing drastically. While many think that providing aid to the poorer countries is a reasonable thing to do , many think of this to be quite unreasonable. Both of these viewpoints possess some strong justifications. I have discussed both the viewpoints in my article below .

Let us first discuss the first viewpoint. As the saying goes, "with great power comes great responsibility", the first world countries should really help other poorer nations in times of any crisis or calamities. Same as the neighbouring houses providing help or aid to each other in crucial times in a local society, in case of the global society also, the nations should be helping each other in times of need. This makes the sense of bondings between nations really strong , which in turn contribute towards maintaining world peace. Also, though the world has been divided into continents and nations because of various socio-political and geopolitical reasons , we should never ever forget about the fact that we , as human beings, belong to the same race and we all live on the same home planet - the Earth. So keeping beside all the excuses , the first world countries should help the second and third world countries to grow in a sustainable way. This really helps to maintain global equality. Again, helping a non Ally or rival nation in times of need can eradicate chances of war like situations , inducing a state of peace and belongingness among the people of both the nations.

Now, talking about the second viewpoint, helping a poorer nation more than enough may have some negative impacts also. If the government of a poorer nation keeps on getting help and aid from any rich nation everytime any issue arises, it will become lazy and eventually become unable to tackle any problem by itself. In times of even a very small or easily preventable issue , they will look upto the richer nation for help. This will really break the trust of the general public of the poorer nation upon their government.

Hence, in the case of providing any help or aid to a poorer nation, the richer nations should discuss these factors thoroughly. However, in case, the poorer nation is going through a very bad situation like natural calamities, civil wars or the spread of any viral disease, the second viewpoint can be dismissed.

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Model Answer 2:

With time, the world is making more complex interconnections among nations and continents. Hence, both the richer and poorer nations should realize the fact that being isolated or being in a "one's own master" attitude is a foolish thing to do in today's world. However, being interconnected with each other has also it's limitations. Let us discuss both of the perspectives in my article below.

As the modern day economy of a nation can't grow without global linkage , it is really important for nations to remain interconnected. Hence, in times of any crisis or calamities, nation's should help or provide aid to each other so that at least the basic amenities of the people of the poorer nation could be provided. This helps in inducing the sense of friendship among nations and maintaining world peace. Sense of enmity or agitation among the people of two rival nations also gets eradicated by such practices. On the other hand, providing help to a poorer nation even in some small issues may agitate the general public of the richer nation. The people of a nation appoints their government not to tackle the problems of other nations but for their own nation. Also, they pay their taxes to provide facilities for themselves not for the people of some other nation. Helping a poorer nation in small preventable issues with the money gathered in the form of taxes from the common people of the richer nation may agitate them or even may result in the fall of that government in the next assembly elections. Again, if any poor country keeps on receiving help from a rich country everytime it faces any issue, the self-sustainable nature of the government will get eradicated. They will be unable to perform their duties by themselves. Hence , rather than looking up to a wealthy nation, the developing countries should try to stand on their own feet in times of crisis and calamities . Then only, they will be able to enter into the developed nation's category.

In conclusion , I would like to say that although, from a humanitarian point of view, it is necessary that we as human beings should help each other in times of need, excluding any sense of enmity between us, there should always be a limit of providing help. Crossing that limit will have negative impacts on both the helper and helped nations.

Model Answer 3:

From a humanitarian perspective , the wealthy nations are obliged to provide help and aid to the poor nations in times of any crisis . From ancient times , it was seen that the kingdoms with more wealth helped their ally kingdoms in their times of need. It has been practiced since then and is in prevalence now also. Although it sounds very moral or dutiful, providing help or aid to a poorer nation more than enough can induce negative impacts on both the nations also. I have discussed it in my article below.

As the citizens of a nation appoints their government to rule over themselves and provide the necessary facilities to themselves, helping other nations with their money may ignite them . Also the governments of a particular nation are solely obliged to provide the demanded facilities along with the basic amenities . So rather than receiving help from any other nation, the governments of the respective nations should on their own try to eradicate all the important issues. Again, one of the most important negative impacts of helping a poorer nation is that once the nation receives any help from a wealthy nation, that poorer nation , in a way becomes a slave for the richer nation. The poorer nation becomes obliged to act as the richer nation commands, which sometimes may even be non beneficial for their freedom. The richer nation then uses that poor nation to take certain steps to fulfill their own interests which may even be evil from many perspectives. It doesn't matter whether that poorer nation supports that step or not, as they have received significant help from that rich nation in their times of need , they have to act according to that rich nation. This is also evident in today's global scenario in the form of China's debt trap. Hence, it is very important that the governments of the respective nations build their country with their own hands rather than receiving help from others and eventually becoming their slave. They should also motivate their people to be self-sustainable and self-sufficient, so that no foreign power can enter into their nation and make a profit out of their crisis. However, in case of a heavy crisis like a pandemic, natural calamities like earthquake, flood or heavy economic and infrastructure loss due to civil wars or large protests, wealthy nations should be with the poorer nations in those crucial times, without focusing on any personal interests in their crisis.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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