Should The Government Reserve A Certain Percentage Of High Level Jobs To Women? IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 11, 2022

Should The Government Reserve A Certain Percentage Of High Level Jobs To Women? IELTS Writing Task 2 has three sample answers provided below. It requires candidates to answer a simple question with argumentative statements. The sample answers have an introduction and body. The introduction provides a brief about the given topic. Body in each sample answer portrays argumentative statements to support the test-taker’s perspectives.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Men do most of the high-level jobs. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women? What is your opinion on that? Use your own knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Model Answer 1

Men have consistently held top positions and salaries since the start of the "Industrial Age," depriving women of these opportunities. It was once believed that women were incapable of managing a key situation, that they were different from men, or that they were unable to make a decision. However, things have changed, and women are now succeeding despite several obstacles. Furthermore, women's workforce participation has remained dissatisfactory. I believe the government should promote women to join the workforce in order to ensure equitable opportunity and a balanced workspace in the world.
Previously, men were the primary breadwinners in families, with women taking care of the home, the children, and other duties. Women are not permitted to work outside in many conservative nations. Because of this, the Gross Development Progress (GDP) of these countries declines. Gender discrimination, women's education, and other issues are brought into sharp focus. The main issue is that women's workplaces are being gradually absorbed into the house, which is bad for a nation. Without equal representation of men and women, no country can thrive.
The government can induce women to enter the workforce by managing good education and a variety of other services. For instance, Bangladesh's garment industry, where millions of people work and contribute to the national economy, is the best case of women's empowerment. The government should prioritise putting women in front of society in order to reduce patriarchy and establish women's rights. It should also set aside a specific portion of jobs.
In conclusion, only the government can support women by providing safe working conditions, ensuring their safety, and the right training for the job at hand.

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Model Answer 2

Some claim that there are many recognised organisations where women hold high-level positions. But in reality the number of such female employees is quite negligible in comparison to their male counterparts. In light of this, it would seem that the government should set aside a specific proportion of these positions for women. And this stance is often debatable. In my view, the government ought to set aside some of these positions to ensure fair opportunity, a balanced workplace, and a healthy economy.
First off, the power imbalances between men and women in these organisations are weakened by the high-level positions held by men. It makes perfect sense for women to hold such senior positions in the workplace, given that we are sincerely working to create equality between men and women. Second, both men and women use the products, services, and organisations that they work for. And female decision-makers in these organisations are just as important as male decision-makers.
Thirdly, without allowing women to hold high-level positions, society would not be able to achieve a balance between the contributions of men and women. We can't realistically expect women to engage in all aspects of society in order to create a better one if we don't allow them to use their abilities.
Women are doing better than ever in education, power, and contribution, and a government initiative like this would encourage them more to move forward. In developing nations, a girl's future is decided by her parents when they choose whether she should enrol in school, learn to cook, or prepare for marriage. Such parents would be encouraged to treat their children equally by the advantage offered by the government in the case of jobs for women.
Therefore, a reserved position for women in high-level jobs is a great notion to empower women for the general betterment of the organisation and society.

Model Answer 3

Men have consistently retained the top positions. Historically, men have scaled the majority of the peaks, whether they are the head of state or the CEO of a global corporation. Although women have reached the pinnacles of history as well, instances of this have been comparatively rare. Governments all over the world are increasingly debating whether there should be a reservation for women in senior roles. Even the step would undoubtedly result in a rise in the proportion of women holding the highest posts, though it is not without its drawbacks.
Women's lack of representation is one of the reasons given by proponents of reservations for women. The male-dominated society has historically marginalised women. This has had an impact on issues affecting women, like domestic violence. Giving women executive positions will considerably aid such causes. Others list equality of the sexes as one of their objections. Women are not treated equally as males in many regions of the world, particularly in developing countries in Asia and the Middle East. Several people have demanded reservations for women as a result of this. They contend that reserving leadership roles for women will promote equality between the sexes and social peace.
However, reservations would result in a number of issues that are frequently addressed. The introduction of reservations would "lower the bar" for women. Due to the fact that the posts were designated for women, many of them will be filled by women who lack the necessary skills and experience. Over time, this will result in a decline in the company's or the country's productivity and growth. Since women would not have to work as hard as males to get the top jobs, such a change would also create a feeling of disparity between men and women.
To sum up, I would suggest that governments should assist and promote women rather than create reservations for women in top positions. Support could come in the form of free teaching or financial help. This would make it possible for women to acquire the expertise required for top positions and land those jobs without sacrificing productivity and growth.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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