Seaweed for Human Consumption Reading Answers

Seaweed for Human Consumption Reading Answers is a particular topic discussing about how to write a good management book. The given IELTS topic has been taken from the book called “Reading for the IELTS”. There are 13 questions total in the the topic called Seaweed for Human Consumption Reading Answers, which the candidates should attempt within the given time span of 20 minutes. The topic basically includes three types of questions, which are, choose the correct letter, complete the following table, and no more than three words. The candidates should read thoroughly the IELTS reading passage in order to recognize the synonyms and identify the keywords and for answering the questions below. Similar kinds of topics like Seaweed for Human Consumption Reading Answers are included in the IELTS reading practice papers, which the candidates can take into their consideration for performing a good score in this section.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Seaweed for Human Consumption Reading Answers

Seaweeds are algae that live in the sea or in brackish water. Scientists often call them ‘benthic marine algae’, which just means ‘attached algae that live in the sea’. Seaweeds come in three basic colors: red, green, and brown: dulse is the red seaweed; sea lettuce is amongst the green algae, and the brown is a wrack. Red and brown algae are almost exclusively marine, whilst green algae are also common in freshwater and in terrestrial situations. Many of these algae are very ancient organisms, and although lumped together as ‘algae’ are not actually closely related, having representatives in four of the five kingdoms of organisms. There are about 10,500 species of seaweeds, of which 6,500 are red algae (Rhodophyta).

The trend today is to refer to marine algae used as food as ‘sea-vegetables’. The main species used in Ireland at present are dulse, carrageen moss, and various kelps and wracks. Dulse – also known as dillisk in a number of areas – is a red alga that is eaten on both sides of the North Atlantic. Generally only eaten in Ireland after it has been dried, it is frequently sold in small packets, most commonly in the west and north. About 16 tonnes are used in Ireland at present; the species is also eaten in Canada, Iceland, Norway, France, and Scotland. About 53 tonnes of carrageen moss were gathered in Ireland in 1994.

Whilst dulse and carrageen moss are worthy sea-vegetables with a history of utilization and a small but proven market, other species also show considerable promise. Our kelp resources are considered underutilized. All of the kelp species are edible but Laminaria saccharina is probably the most palatable as it has a somewhat sweet taste, probably due to its high levels of mannitol, and it also looks better.

Two other brown algae with potential as food are currently under investigation by us: Himanthalia elongata, known in some places as thongweed, and Alaria esculenta, also known as dabberlocks or murlins. Himanthalia is eaten in France after drying or pickling (‘Spaghettis demer’), and plants are sold in Ireland dried. After soaking in water it makes a surprisingly fine accompaniment to a mixed salad; it does not have the strong seaweedy taste that some dislike. With the aid of a basic research grant from Forbairt, the Irish research, and development body, we are examining the growth and life cycle of populations of this species on the west coast. Plants are easy to collect but must be dried quickly and packaged well to preserve their excellent taste and mouthfeel.

Alaria is a large, kelp-like brown alga that grows on exposed shores; In Ireland, plants grow to considerable sizes, being found up to 6m in length in some areas, but these are dwarfed by some Pacific species that may grow to 18m in length and to 2m in width. With Marine Research Measure funding, a study of the possibility of developing fast-growing hybrids of this species by crossing species from the Atlantic and Pacific is being carried out. We have grown in culture isolates of A. esculenta from Ireland, Scotland, France, Norway, and Atlantic Canada and other species from British Columbia and Japan. Species of this genus are ideal for cross-breeding studies as the males and females are tiny filamentous plants that are relatively easy to grow and propagate in culture under the red light which stimulates reproduction in our growth rooms. Male and female reproductive structures occur on different plants so that we can put plants from one country in with those from another to see if they are sexually compatible.

To date, we have obtained interesting results with A. praelonga, a large species from Japan that co-operates sexually with A. esculenta from the Aran Islands and other Irish sites. The resulting Irish/Japanese progeny are grown initially in sample bottles agitated on a small shaker and their growth rates compared with plants that have resulted from self-crosses. Preliminary results are very encouraging, with hybrid plants showing relatively high growth rates. We hope by this method to obtain sterile hybrids that will not reproduce in the wild so that we can introduce foreign genetic material without the fear that some sort of a triffid will be introduced that will take over the west coast of Ireland.

While studies of these two food species are very promising, we must bear in mind that the market -for such sea-vegetables is very small and needs development and investment. Nutritionally, sea-vegetables are as good as any land-vegetable and are superior in their vitamin, trace element, and even protein content. The increase in catholic food tastes in Europe should see greater utilization of sea-vegetables in the next 20 years.

Section 2

Solution with Explanation
Questions 1 – 5:
Classify the following features are characterizing

  1. Brown algae
  2. Green algae
  3. Red algae
  4. Brown and Red algae

Write the correct letter A, B, C or D in boxes 1 – 5 on your answer sheet.

Question 1: Are being investigated as possible food sources.

AnswerA-Brown algae
Supporting sentence
Two other brown algae with potential as food are currently under investigation by us: Himanthalia elongata, known in some places as thongweed, and Alaria esculenta, also known as dabberlocks or murlins.
two other brown, food, potential, thongweed, murlins
Keyword location
Paragraph D, first line.
The first line of paragraph D states that looking into Himanthalia elongata, also known as thongweed in some places, and Alaria esculenta, often known as dabberlocks or murlins.

Question 2: Are now called sea vegetables.

Answer: D-Brown and Red algae
Supporting sentence
The trend today is to refer to marine algae used as food as sea vegetables.
sea vegetables, trend today, marine algae, food
Keyword location
Paragraph B, first line.
 The beginning part of paragraph B explains about a past trend where Brown and Red algae are regarded as marine or sea vegetables.

Question 3: Make up more than half of all seaweed species.

AnswerC-Red algae
Supporting sentence
There are about 10,500 species of seaweed out of which 6,500 are red algae (Rhodophyta).
seaweed, red algae, out of which.
Keyword location
Paragraph A, last line.
 The last line of paragraph A suggests that out of 10,500 species of seawood, nearly half(about 6,500) are red algae or Rhodophyta.

Question 4: Are found on land and in freshwater.

Answer: B-Green algae
Supporting sentence
Red and brown algae are almost exclusively marine, whilst green algae are also common in freshwater and in terrestrial situations.
freshwater, terrestrial, green algae.
Keyword location
Paragraph A, line 4.
 The fourth line of paragraph A implies that whereas red and brown colored algae are basically found inside the sea, the green algae on the other hand are most visible in freshwater and land. 

Question 5: Are nearly all marine.

AnswerD-Brown and Red algae
Supporting sentence
Red and brown algae are almost exclusively marine, whilst green algae are also common in freshwater and in terrestrial situations.
red, brown algae, marine.
Keyword location
Paragraph A, line 4.
The fourth line of paragraph A explains that red and brown algae are basically marine, which means they are mostly visible inside the sea. 

Question 6 – 9:
Complete the table below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the reading passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 6 – 9 on your answer sheet.


Question 6:

Answer: Murlins.
Supporting sentence
Two other brown algae with potential as food are currently under investigation by us: Himanthalia elongata, known in some places as thongweed, and Alaria esculenta, also known as dabberlocks or murlins.
alaria esculenta, murlins, dabberlocks
Keyword location
Paragraph D, first line.
The beginning portion of paragraph D enhances that Himanthalia elongata, also known as thongweed in some places, and Alaria esculenta, often known as dabberlocks or murlins.

Question 7:

Answer: Grant.
Supporting sentence
With the aid of a basic research grant from Forbairt, the Irish research, and development body, we are examining the growth and life cycle of populations of this species on the west coast.
forbairt, research grant, Irish research
Keyword location
Paragraph D, last line.
The solution is in the concluding part of paragraph D, where it says, "With the backing of a basic research funding from Forbairt, the Irish research and development organisation, we are researching the growth and life cycle of populations of this species on the west coast." According to our information, the Fortbrait awarded a basic research grant to investigate the life cycle of Himanthalia elongata populations. As a result, a grant is the correct answer.

Question 8:

Answer: Hybrids
Supporting sentence
With Marine Research Measure funding, a study of the possibility of developing fast-growing hybrids of this species by crossing species from the Atlantic and Pacific is being carried out.
fast-growing, hybrids, species
Keyword location
Paragraph E, line 2.
 In the concluding part of paragraph E, where the author mentions that marine research funds are being used to study the possibilities of generating fast-growing hybrids of this species by crossing species from the Atlantic and Pacific. According to our understanding, a study was done with the assistance of marine research funds to produce fast-growing hybrids. As a result, hybrids are the solution.

Question 9:

Answer: Cross-breeding
Supporting sentence
Species of this genus are ideal for cross-breeding studies as the males and females are tiny filamentous plants that are relatively easy to grow and propagate in culture under the red light which stimulates reproduction in our growth rooms.
species, genus, Crossbreeding
Keyword location
Paragraph E, line 5.
Line 5 of paragraph E describes that the species in this genus are useful for cross-breeding research because the males and females are tiny filamentous plants that are reasonably easy to grow and propagate in culture under the red light that drives reproduction in our growth rooms.

Question 10 – 13:
Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 10 – 13 on your answer sheets.

Question 10: What does the red light in the growth rooms do?

Answer: Stimulates production
Supporting sentence
Species of this genus are ideal for cross-breeding studies as the males and females are tiny filamentous plants that are relatively easy to grow and propagate in culture under the red light which stimulates reproduction in our growth rooms.
cross-breeding, genus, red light, stimulates reproduction
Keyword location
Paragraph E, line 5.
Line 5 of paragraph E portrays that the males and females of this species are tiny filamentous plants that are reasonably easy to grow and reproduce in culture under the red light that drives reproduction in our growing rooms, making them suitable for cross-breeding investigations.

Question 11: What are initial growth rates shown to be?

Answer: Relatively high.
Supporting sentence
Preliminary results are very encouraging, with hybrid plants showing relatively high growth rates.
hybrid plants, growth rates, relatively high
Keyword location
Paragraph F, line 3.
The third lines of paragraph F explains that the initial results are highly encouraging, with hybrid plants growing at a relatively fast rate.

Question 12: What does the sea-vegetable market need?

Answer: Development and investment.
Supporting sentence
While studies of these two food species are very promising, we must bear in mind that the market -for such sea vegetables is very small and needs development and investment.
food species, sea-vegetables, development, investment
Keyword location
Paragraph G, first line.
The beginning line of paragraph G states that the development and investement is what the sea vegetable market required. 

Question 13: What increasingly should lead to greater consumption of sea-vegetables?

Answer: Catholic food taste
Supporting sentence
The increase in catholic food tastes in Europe should see greater utilization of sea vegetables in the next 20 years.
Europe, catholic food, utilization, sea vegetable
Keyword location
Paragraph G, last line.
The ending part of paragraph G states that with the rise of Catholic food trends in Europe, sea veggies should see more use over the next 20 years.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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