Scientists Have Been Warning For Many Years About The Importance Of Protecting The Environment IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 11, 2022

Scientists Have Been Warning For Many Years About The Importance Of Protecting The Environment IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the knowledge and views. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Scientists have been warning for many years about the importance of protecting the environment and that we must limit the use of energy in our daily lives. Despite warnings, many people do not do this. What are the reasons for that and how people can be encouraged to take an interest in protecting the environment?

Model Answer 1

Humans have used resources upto the extent that we have started seeing it's affects. Humans have exploited the environment and are still exploiting it. To name a few we can see glaciers melting, depletion of forests, decrease in rainfall and depletion of ozone layer. Scientists have been warning for many years about the importance of protecting the environment. But no attention has been paid to the same. People are not noticing that what they are exploiting will affect their own lives. They are digging a whole for themselves. People still keep on exploiting nature, cutting forests.
It is believed that our forefathers left this earth and nature for us to take care of. We didn't inherit it, we just rented it. It is our responsibility and duty to save it for our future generations as well. Everyone should encourage the preservation of the environment. Industrial waste is released into the water bodies. Due to which animals get affected when they drink such water. Acidic waste of industries is also disposed of into water bodies. Many effects on health are caused due to our own actions. People never think that Earth is their home. They are killing and destroying their own home. Resources must be consumed but within a limit. They must not be depleted.
Government should launch acts to preserve first. Just like the "Save Tiger" project many projects must be launched to preserve the environment. Conservation environment plans should be launched. To preserve coal and petroleum, gas should be used. Children should be provided adequate education regarding preservation of resources. They should be made aware about the importance of the environment and nature.
To conclude, the government should take initiatives to preserve the environment. People should understand the need for resource preservation. One must remember that forefathers left this earth not to destroy but to take care. We must be aware of our future generations' needs. We must not destroy and exploit resources because it might result in future generations' loss.

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Model Answer 2

It's the 21st century and exploitation of the environment still goes on. People are not even paying attention towards the coming future and the consequences faced. Many scientists and environmentalists have been warning about the importance of protecting the environment. But people are still ignoring the warning. They are continuing their consumption of resources and do not care about preserving it. I will be presenting some reasons and solution for the same
The first and foremost reason for the exploitation of the environment is that people have their own private vehicles. They reside everywhere in their vehicles. They travel to their workplace and home. due to this traffic increased and petrol diesel vehicles release carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere will start causing problems in breathing. Second reason is people have opened big industries and factories in urban areas. There are many toxic and acidic wastes produced by the industries. These acidic wastes are released into water bodies. Animals and humans drink this water and get affected and infected. This might sometimes result to death of animals and human beings. It is rightly said, human beings Killhuman beings. Whether it is directly or directly we are killing others and ourselves.
Many initiatives can be taken to preserve the environment. The first solution can be increased use of public transport. It will also save petroleum and harmful gas release will decrease. For local offices and homes, public transport can be the best option. Also, the permission to open big industries and factories must not be given. It should be clearly stated that no factory or industry will be opened in urban or populated areas. Government must take initiatives to increase afforestation. Deforestation must be reduced and more trees must be planted. No one should be given permission to cut trees for industrial purposes. Laws should be made for the same.
To conclude, it is our duty to take care of the environment. We are not the owner of the earth. We have rented in from our forefather. We have to preserve it for our future generations.

Model Answer 3

Environment is the only reason we are surviving. We geet everything from our mother earth. Yet we don't care to listen to the warning given by scientists environmentalists have been warning us to preserve environment. Yet humans are too busy to attend to those warnings. They just keep exploding and destroying the environment. We are making a great consumption of energy. But it might put into danger the future generation. Everyone needs to be motivated to care and put concern on the environment.
People have a lack of knowledge which makes them ignore such warnings. People are too busy in their everyday lives that they are not aware of the result and consequences of their actions. Such actions to name a few are burning plastic, throwing garbage into water, using plastic bags, smoking etc. Many people keep their engine on while in traffic. It releases harmful gasses. People use their own private vehicles to go everywhere. According to recent studies, engines release carbon dioxide. The day is not far when we won't be able to breathe.
The government can take initiatives to control the situation. The situation can still be controlled with proper measures. People must use public transport for local places. It is cheap as well as environmentally friendly. There must be campaigns to spread awareness regarding consequences of people's actions. There must be restriction on throwing garbage into water bodies. Noise pollution can be stopped by restricting loud speakers and horns. In foreign countries nobody press horn while in traffic. They patiently wait. While in India everyone keeps on horning until the traffic is cleared. There are various techniques adopted in foreign countries which can be applied in our country as well. Disposing factory toxic and acidic waste into water result in infections. Animals also get affected due to the same.
To conclude, we still have the power to preserve the environment for our future generations. We can plant more and more trees to spread afforestation. Use of coal and petroleum must be reduced. There should be a limit put on resource intake.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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