Salicylic Acid Reading Answers

Salicylic Acid Reading Answers is a topic about the advantages and disadvantages of salicylic acid. The given IELTS topic has originated from the book named “Complete IELTS Bands 6.5-7.5 Workbook Without Answers with Audio CD”. The topic named Salicylic Acid Reading Answers with 13 wide range of questions in total. Three types of questions as given in this particular topic are, match the headings, choose the correct letter, and choose the correct answer. The candidates should thoroughly read the IELTS reading passage to recognize the synonyms and identify the keywords and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers can be taken into consideration by the candidates in order to score a good score in the reading section in which similar topics like Salicylic Acid Reading Answers has been included.

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Section 1

Read the passage to answer the following questions

Salicylic Acid Reading Answers

  1. The benefits of salicylic acid were first documented in the 5 Century BC, when the Greek physician Hippocrates noted how powder derived from the bark of the white willow tree (Salixalba) was capable of reducing fevers and relieving pain. Surviving evidence suggests that early civilisations across the Middle East and in North America also used willow bark for these purposes. It was not until 1826, however, that the active component of willow bark was finally distilled and given a name - salicin - by Johann Andreas Buchner, a German pharmacologist at the University of Munich. A few years later, the process of isolation was perfected and the Italian chemist Raffaele Piria completed the development of salicylic acid through a chemical conversion. By the end of the nineteenth century, the German company Bayer was successfully marketing the drug as tablets under the Aspirin trademark, and it quickly became a staple in the medicine chest of households in the Western world.
  2. Although salicylic acid is still used most widely in over-the-counter painkiller tablets, over the years its applications have broadened considerably. In the field of dermatology, for instance, salicylic acid in the form of skin cream is lauded for its function as an exfoliator, brightening and enhancing the complexion. Because it softens and dissolves keratin, a kind of 'glue' in the skin's structure, salicylic acid is able to treat many conditions in which the skin has suffered from an excessive accumulation or clogging of skin cells. These conditions include acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and folliculitis, all of which have proved remarkably resistant to other treatments. As a further benefit, salicylic acid also has anti-inflammatory properties and, as a result, can soothe troubled skin where other medicines often tend to exacerbate the problem.
  3. Although it has a reputation as a 'gentle' chemical compared to harsher alternatives,in high concentrations, salicylic acid creams can prove harmful, and very occasionally, even fatal. Highly concentrated salicylic acid, particularly concentrations used for wart, corn or callus removal, can cause chemical bums if applied to skin for long periods of time. Hyper-pigmentation - a blotchy discolouration of skin tone - may also result in users who have darker skin and those who follow application with excessive exposure to ultraviolet light. Most over-the-counter facial lotions are limited to a relatively mild 2 - 3% concentration for this reason.
  4. Salicylic acid also has a number of other less widely known uses. Due to its antimicrobial properties, it is used in the formation of bismuth subsalicylate, the active ingredient in a number of popular remedies for upset stomachs and other intestinal problems. Some evidence suggests that salicylic acid destroys E. Colibacteria and consequently reduces symptoms of diarrhoea and gastrointestinal distress in many sufferers. Long-term use, however, is discouraged because an accumulation of bismuth subsalicylate in the body is toxic.
  5. Salicylic acid in the form of aspirin tablets is commonly used to reduce fever, aches and pains and inflammation but when ingested, it can cause gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach irritation or bleeding and other undesirable side effects - an issue for many users of aspirin over the years. Children seem to be particularly sensitive, with epidemiological research demonstrating a connection between aspirin use in children suffering from a viral illness and a damaging, and potentially fatal, condition known as Reye's syndrome. As a result, the Food and Drug Administration has recommended parents avoid the use of aspirin for all feverish children and teenagers.
  6. Salicylic acid has many uses for humans and other animals, but several species of flora, too, rely on its benefits. It seems to protect against fungicidal and bacterial infections by acting as a signal for pathogenic invasion. It also acts as a kind of therapeutic agent by playing a role in plant responses to abiotic, or external, stresses, such as in situations of drought, excessive cold or heat and heavy metal toxicity.
  7. It is a naturally occurring substance in most fruits, including berries, dates, raisins, kiwifruit, olives and tomatoes. A few vegetables and also mushrooms and almonds have a strong salicylic acid content. Some herbs and spices, such as turmeric and curcumin, possess so much of the substance that, according to the Rowett Research Institute, a very spicy curry contains more salicylic acid than a dose of aspirin!
  8. Some physicians recommend aspirin as a continuous medication in low dosages to provide a defense against heart attacks, strokes and blood clot formation in some patients. Early results from studies show it may even be effective in warding off certain types of cancer. However, it is not suggested that healthy people should start taking daily aspirin as a prophylactic measure, as there are positive lifestyle changes that can be made instead: quitting smoking, consuming little or no alcohol, and maintaining a normal weight by eating a wholesome diet and getting regular exercise. These adjustments to lifestyle may not be effortless but in the long run are extremely beneficial. If symptoms of withdrawal (from nicotine or caffeine, for example) are painful, you could take a couple of aspirin to overcome the temporary discomfort.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Question 1 - 8

Reading Section 1 has eight paragraphs, A - H. Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A - H from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i - xi, in the spaces given for questions 1 - 8

List of Headings

  1. Availability to the public
  2. Use as a digestive aid
  3. Risks of application to the skin
  4. Edible sources of salicylic acid
  5. Early popularity in Europe
  6. Unwanted side effects of swallowing aspirin
  7. Discovery and development
  8. Appropriate and inappropriate long-term uses
  9. External uses of salicylic acid
  10. Benefits for plant life
  11. A remedy for sick children

Question 1: Paragraph A

Answer: vii. Discovery and development
Supporting sentence: The benefits of salicylic acid were first documented in the 5 Century BC, when the Greek physician Hippocrates noted how powder derived from the bark of the white willow tree (Salixalba) was capable of reducing fevers and relieving pain.
Keyword : benefits, salicylic acid, documented
Keyword location: paragraph A
Explanation: The advantages of salicylic acid were originally noticed by the Greek physician Hippocrates in the 5th century BC. He noted how powder made from the white willow tree's (Salixalba) bark could lower fevers and ease pain. Early civilisations in the Middle East and North America may have also employed willow bark for these reasons. It is according to evidence that has survived. However, it wasn't until 1826 that Johann Andreas Buchner, a German pharmacologis, successfully distilled the active ingredient of willow bark. Also, he gave it the name salicin.

Question 2: Paragraph B

Answer: ix. External uses of salicylic acid
Supporting sentence: In the field of dermatology, for instance, salicylic acid in the form of skin cream is lauded for its function as an exfoliator, brightening and enhancing the complexion.
Keyword : dermatology, salicylic acid, brightening
Keyword location: paragaph B
Explanation: Whilst over-the-counter painkiller medications still contain salicylic acid most frequently, its uses have significantly expanded over time. For example, salicylic acid in skin cream is praised in the field of dermatology for its ability to exfoliate skin, whitening and enhancing the complexion. Salicylic acid is able to cure a variety of disorders in which the skin has endured an excessive buildup or blockage of skin cells. This is because it softens and dissolves keratin, a form of glue in the skin's structure.

Question 3: Paragraph C

Answer: iii. Risks of application to the skin
Supporting sentence: Although it has a reputation as a 'gentle' chemical compared to harsher alternatives,in high concentrations, salicylic acid creams can prove harmful, and very occasionally, even fatal.
Keyword : chemical, occasionally, fatal
Keyword location: paragraph C
Explanation: Paragraph C suggest that the salicylic acid is known for being a soft chemical when compared to more aggressive options. However, in excessive doses, it can be dangerous and occasionally even lethal. If applied to skin over an extended period of time, highly concentrated salicylic acid, especially amounts used to remove warts, corns. It also helps to remove calluses, might result in chemical bums.

Question 4: Paragraph D

Answer: ii. Use as a digestive aid
Supporting sentence: Some evidence suggests that salicylic acid destroys E. Colibacteria and consequently reduces symptoms of diarrhoea and gastrointestinal distress in many sufferers.
Keyword : evidence, reduces, gastrointestinal distress
Keyword location: paragraph D
Explanation: Paragraph D implies that there are numerous other, less well-known uses for salicylic acid. It is used to create bismuth subsalicylate. It is the active component in a number of well-known treatments for upset stomachs and other intestinal issues, because of its antibacterial qualities. According to some data, salicylic acid kills E. Colibacteria, which helps many people with diarrhoea and gastrointestinal upset.

Question 5: Paragraph E

Answer: vi. Unwanted side effects of swallowing aspirin
Supporting sentence: Salicylic acid in the form of aspirin tablets is commonly used to reduce fever, aches and pains and inflammation but when ingested, it can cause gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach irritation or bleeding and other undesirable side effects - an issue for many users of aspirin over the years.
Keyword : aspirin, gastrointestinal, stomach irritation
Keyword location: paragraph E
Explanation: Aspirin tablets, which contain salicylic acid, are frequently used to treat fever, aches, and pains, as well as inflammation. However, when consumed, aspirin has been linked to stomach bleeding, stomach irritation, and gastrointestinal ulcers, among other unpleasant side effects. Epidemiological studies have linked aspirin use in children with viral illnesses to Reye's syndrome, a dangerous and potentially fatal disorder. This suggests that children may be especially sensitive.

Question 6: Paragraph F

Answer: x. Benefits for plant life
Supporting sentence: Salicylic acid has many uses for humans and other animals, but several species of flora, too, rely on its benefits.
Keyword : Salicylic acid, flora, benefits
Keyword location: paragraph F
Explanation: Numerous flora species also benefit from salicylic acid's advantages in addition to its various uses for people and other creatures. By serving as a signal for pathogenic invasion, it appears to protect against fungicidal and bacterial infections. Additionally, it serves as a form of medicinal agent. It do serves by influencing how plants react to abiotic, or external, conditions including drought, extreme cold or heat, and heavy metal toxicity.

Question 7: Paragraph G

Answer: iv. Edible sources of salicylic acid
Supporting sentence: A few vegetables and also mushrooms and almonds have a strong salicylic acid content.
Keyword : vegetables, mushrooms, strong salicylic acid content.
Keyword location: paragraph G
Explanation: In most fruits, including berries, dates, raisins, kiwifruit, olives, and tomatoes, it is a naturally occurring compound. Some vegetables, as well as mushrooms and almonds, contain a significant amount of salicylic acid. According to the Rowett Research Institute, some plants and spices like turmeric and curcumin include so much salicylic acid. They had contents of so much salicylic acid that a highly spicy curry has more of the compound than an aspirin dose!

Question 8: Paragraph H

Answer: viii. Appropriate and inappropriate long-term uses
Supporting sentence: Some physicians recommend aspirin as a continuous medication in low dosages to provide a defense against heart attacks, strokes and blood clot formation in some patients.
Keyword : aspirin, defense, blood clot formation
Keyword location: paragraph H
Explanation: In order to protect the patients from heart attacks, strokes, and the development of blood clots, few doctors advise taking low doses of aspirin. They advised take the low doses of aspirin on a regular basis. Early research findings suggest it might even be successful in preventing some cancers. However, it is not advised that healthy individuals begin taking daily aspirin as a preventative strategy. It is because there are healthier alternatives available, such as giving up smoking, abstaining from alcohol. It also includes keeping a healthy weight through a balanced diet and frequent exercise.

Questions 9 - 12

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A - G, below. Write the correct letter, A - G, in the spaces given for questions 9 - 12.

  1. can cause high temperatures and sore muscles
  2. is usually sold in high concentrations
  3. kills germs inside the body
  4. may result in a serious disease or even death
  5. reduces the sticky effects of blocked up cells
  6. resists the progress of many diseases G. changes the colour of the skin

Question 9: Salicylic acid is used on the skin because it………………………………

Answer: G. changes the colour of the skin
Supporting sentence: In the field of dermatology, for instance, salicylic acid in the form of skin cream is lauded for its function as an exfoliator, brightening and enhancing the complexion.
Keyword : dermatology, skin cream, complexion
Keyword location: paragraph B, lines 2-3
Explanation: Paragraph B says that salicylic acid is recognized for its ability to exfoliate skin, brighten skin tone, and improve complexion in the field of dermatology. For instance, Salicylic acid is able to cure a variety of disorders in which the skin has endured an excessive buildup or blockage of skin cells. It is because it softens and dissolves keratin, a form of "glue" in the skin's structure.

Question 10: Some users of salicylic cream have problems because it ...............

Answer: A. can cause high temperatures and sore muscles
Supporting sentence: Highly concentrated salicylic acid, particularly concentrations used for wart, corn or callus removal, can cause chemical bums if applied to skin for long periods of time.
Keyword : salicylic acid, chemical bums, skin
Keyword location: paragraph C, lines 1-2
Explanation: Salicylic acid creams can be toxic and, very rarely, even harmful in high amounts. It is harmful inspite of its reputation as a soft ingredient when compared to more aggressive treatments. If applied to skin over an extended period of time, highly concentrated salicylic acid, especially amounts used to remove warts, corns, or calluses. In that case, it might result in chemical bums.

Question 11: Aspirin is used for stomach problems because it ...............

Answer: F. resists the progress of many diseases
Supporting sentence: Salicylic acid in the form of aspirin tablets is commonly used to reduce fever, aches and pains and inflammation but when ingested, it can cause gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach irritation or bleeding and other undesirable side effects - an issue for many users of aspirin over the years.
Keyword : aspirin, reduce, aches
Keyword location: paragraph E, line 1
Explanation: Aspirin tablets, which contain salicylic acid, are frequently used to treat fever, aches, pains, and inflammation. However, when ingested, aspirin has been linked to gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach irritation, bleeding, and other unfavourable side effects. Salicylic acid serves a variety of purposes for both people and other animals. Although, some flora species also gets advantages from it. By serving as a signal for pathogenic invasion, it appears to protect against fungicidal and bacterial infections.

Question 12: Young people should not take Aspirin because it ...............

Answer: D. may result in a serious disease or even death
Supporting sentence: Children seem to be particularly sensitive, with epidemiological research demonstrating a connection between aspirin use in children suffering from a viral illness and a damaging, and potentially fatal, condition known as Reye's syndrome.
Keyword : Children, sensitive, Reye's syndrome
Keyword location: paragraph E, lines 2-3
Explanation: Aspirin tablets contain salicylic acid, which is frequently used to treat fever, aches, pains, and inflammation. However, when consumed, aspirin has been linked to stomach bleeding, stomach irritation, and gastrointestinal ulcers, among other unpleasant side effects. Salicylic acid serves a variety of purposes for both people and other animals, but some flora species also benefit from it. By serving as a signal for pathogenic invasion, it appears to protect against fungicidal and bacterial infections.

Question 13

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Circle the correct letter in

  1. What is the writer's overall purpose in writing this article?
  1. To outline uses and effects of salicylic acid in various contexts
  2. To examine the key properties of salicylic acid and how it functions
  3. To show the benefits of salicylic acid compared to other treatments
  4. To warn against the dangers of misusing salicylic acid

Answer: A. To outline uses and effects of salicylic acid in various contexts
Supporting sentence: Some physicians recommend aspirin as a continuous medication in low dosages to provide a defense against heart attacks, strokes and blood clot formation in some patients.
Keyword : physicians, defense, patients
Keyword location: paragraph H
Explanation: To protect some patients from heart attacks, strokes, and the development of blood clots, some doctors advise taking aspirin on a regular basis in modest doses. Early research findings suggest it might even be successful in preventing some cancers. However, it is not advised that healthy individuals begin taking daily aspirin as a preventative strategy. It is because there are healthier alternatives available, such as giving up smoking, abstaining from alcohol. Also, keeping a healthy weight through a balanced diet and frequent exercise.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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