Robots Are Important For Human's Future Development IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 29, 2022

Robots Are Important For Human's Future Development IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people think that robots are very important to human's future development. Others think that they are dangerous and have negative effects on society. Discuss both opinions and give your personal view.

Model Answer 1:

In the opinion of many, robots are beneficial for the future society, while others believe that robots will make future societies worse off. There are valid points on both sides, and they have merit.

On the one hand, the people who favor robots are thinking on the line of the Industrial Revolution in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. In other words, these people believe that robots will make our lives easier, just like the industrial revolution did a few hundred years back for the human race. For example, robots can take up risky and dirty jobs, which is unsafe and undignified for any human. Furthermore, the initial capital may be heavy, but a robot uses minimal maintenance, unlike a human. Thus, robots will make human lives in the future more efficient and more manageable.

On the other hand, as robots enter the labor market, they can threaten the livelihood of many unskilled and semi-skilled workers in the developing world. This is undoubtedly a problem for skilled workers since our research and current technological trends don't show artificial intelligence surpassing human cognitive ability. For example, robots are appropriate for doing tasks like breaking things, welding, painting cars, cleaning, and other tasks requiring very less inexpensive training than humans. Therefore, a rise in unemployment is inevitable in some sectors of the economy in the near future if robots are employed without safety nets.

In conclusion, it can be ascertained that robots can change the way human beings live in the coming years. However, this significant intervention in society has both positive and negative repercussions. The positive includes an efficient life, whereas the negative includes job loss in the third world. I believe that robots can redefine and make our lives more efficient, but the government should develop adequate public policy. Unskilled and semi-skilled workers should be provided with training to take up alternative forms of employment when robots enter the job market.

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Model Answer 2:

Two shades of opinion exist on the issue of robots in society. The former adheres to the somewhat progressive way of integrating more robots into our daily life for the better, while the latter is much more conservative and sees robots as a threat. While I see some valid points on both sides of the coin, I believe that much of the latter opinion has been shaped by popular culture and the media.

Robots have revolutionized the manufacturing industry, especially those based on the assembly line manufacturing process. It is evident that in a world that moves fast and is always on the move, consumer goods and other industrial products need to be manufactured quickly and efficiently to keep pace with the demand and supply curve. For example, even in China with a vast labor force, the majority of the heavy and dangerous work is done by robots. Thus, robots not only bring speed to the production process they also keep human hands from rough and unsafe work.

On the other hand, some people are obsessed with assessing the adverse and disastrous effects robots can have on human life. Primarily such notions develop after seeing major commercial Hollywood movies which capitalize on fear by showing robots as evil characters. Films like these show robots destroying cities and killing people, and destroying the earth. Therefore, these people are very much afraid when others talk about robots' benefits to the world.

In conclusion, some humans acknowledge the beneficial effect of robots on our lives while others fear them. I believe the acknowledging set of humans think from a logical point of view, whereas the people who fear robots are only influenced by commercial films. That is, they don't put much effort into understanding robots. Therefore, in my opinion, robots should be welcomed.

Model Answer 3:

World opinion is divided among two extremes. One side back investing in robots while the other side is against robots with all their might. While I understand that there are specific reasons in favor of robots, opinion against robots stems from a lack of understanding of the issue.

The first side thinks of robots as what they are. In other words, robots are there to make our life easy, just like every other machine. For example, with the advent of personal computers in the 90s and the introduction of the internet, we live in a much smaller world where humanity is connected. In a similar way, robots introduced in restaurants and hotels have made our lives easy. Thus, jobs that are aligned with serving people are done more efficiently than humans.

However, some people confuse robots with artificial intelligence. That is, robots are machines that follow orders or do repetitive tasks, but artificial intelligence is a system or program that can mimic how a human thinks. It is also important to mention that artificial intelligence doesn't even need a robotic body to operate. For example, virtual assistants on our laptops and phones like Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa try to mimic how humans think and speak. On the other hand, most robots in factories don't even look like humans. Thus, the fear of robots is unfounded.

In conclusion, one side thinks of robots as machines listening to orders given by humans, while the other judges them as free-thinking individuals like artificial intelligence. Most robots are making our lives easier and the life of humanity much safer, like working in extreme temperatures or working under much water or air pressure. If any humans even come to the vicinity of those areas, they may lose their life. Equating such important machines with self-thinking systems is a gross error that society must be sensitized about.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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