Risk Assessment Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Sep 12, 2024

Risk Assessment Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. Risk Assessment Reading Answers has a total of 7 IELTS questions in total. In the questions set there are questions where you have to fill in the blanks with correct answers.

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers feature topics such as Risk Assessment Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

Section 1


Employers have a legal obligation to protect their health and safety and that of their workforce and they must assess the risks to the health and safety of their employees while they are at work. A risk assessment is a careful examination of what could cause harm to people in the workplace. Doing a risk assessment will help employers identify the significant risks in their workplace, and avoid wasted effort by effectively targeting these. A good risk assessment will help avoid accidents and ill health, which can not only ruin lives, but can also increase costs to business through lost output, compensation claims and higher insurance premiums. There are a variety of types of risk assessment, but it's generally acknowledged that involving employees in the risk assessment process is a highly effective way of identifying hazards and developing solutions that work. A risk assessment should cover all standard operations, including cleaning and maintenance activities and it should reflect how the work is actually done. 

Risk assessment involves looking for the hazards, deciding who might be harmed and how, evaluating the risks and deciding whether the existing precautions are adequate or whether more should be done, recording your findings and telling your employees about them and reviewing your assessment and revising it if necessary. Review and revision is often necessary if the work alters significantly or when someone returns to work following a development in her/his physical condition that could affect or be affected by the work.

Body mapping is a technique that employers and safety representatives can use to gather evidence about the effects of work on the human body. It can be used to identify clusters of problems that may need to be investigated further, and to encourage workers to think about answers to the problems they report. There are various aspects to different jobs that need greater attention in terms of risk assessment.

Manual Handling: As well as the requirements for a general risk assessment, one main area to focus on is the task, load working environment and individual capability. Because manual handling is such high-risk work with regards to the potential of injury, the Manual Handling Assessment Chart (MAC), which can be used to help identify high-risk tasks, has been created In spite of its broad analysis, the MAC may not comprise a full risk assessment, as some aspects, such as individual Circumstances, are not encompassed.

Upper Limb Disorders and Repetitive Stress Injury: Due to the nature of many modern jobs, there is a marked occurrence of upper limb disorders (ULD's) through repetitive stress. ULD's are conditions that affect the muscles, tendons, ligaments nerves or other soft tissues and joints in the upper limbs, such as the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands and fingers They are often called repetitive strain injuries (RSI), cumulative trauma disorder or occupational overuse syndrome. The overriding cause of most ULD's is computer use at poorly designed work stations. There is a wide range of indications such as tenderness, aches and pain, stiffness, weakness, tingling, numbness, cramp, or swelling. Employees may be more likely to suffer an upper limb problem if exposed to more than one factor. However, just because a worker is exposed to these factors, it does not mean they will develop a ULD or that the risks cannot be controlled.

Questions 15-21

Complete the summary using

the words in the box below.


There is a (15).......... for all employers to protect their workers by conducting risk


Supporting statement: “........Employers have a legal obligation to protect their health and safety and that of their workforce and they must assess the risks to the health and safety of their employees while they are at work.......”

Keywords: obligation, assess

Keyword Location: para 1, Line 1

Explanation: The passage mentions that employers have a "legal obligation" to conduct risk assessments for their workers, indicating that it is a formal "requirement" under the law to protect employees' health and safety.

assessments, which can detect actual and potential workplace hazards, leading to better production, fewer law suits and cheaper insurance. All risk assessment categories are more effective with (16)....... involvement and should cover all aspects of


Supporting statement: “.......It's generally acknowledged that involving employees in the risk assessment process is a highly effective way of identifying hazards and developing solutions that work.......”

Keywords: employees, effective

Keyword Location: para 1, Line 6

Explanation: The passage highlights that risk assessments are more effective when employees (or workers) are involved in the process. Hence, "worker involvement" is crucial for effective risk assessment.

work. A variety of processes are included in risk assessment and alterations in processes or action can be necessary after job changes or a change in an employee's

(17)........ Body mapping can assist risk assessments and especially can lead to

Answer: HEALTH

Supporting statement: “.......Review and revision is often necessary if the work alters significantly or when someone returns to work following a development in her/his physical condition that could affect or be affected by the work.......”

Keywords: condition, affected 

Keyword Location: para 2, Line 4

Explanation: The passage refers to how changes in an employee’s physical condition, which directly affects their health, may necessitate updates or alterations in the risk assessment process. Therefore, "health" is the correct answer.

proactive (18)..... coming from employees. Manual handling work can be especially risky


Supporting statement: “......Body mapping ... can be used to identify clusters of problems that may need to be investigated further, and to encourage workers to think about answers to the problems they report........”

Keywords: mapping, answers

Keyword Location: para 3, Line 3

Explanation: The passage describes body mapping as a tool that can help workers think about solutions to the problems they face. The term "answers" is synonymous with "solutions," making it the correct answer.

and, even if the MAC is used, this may not cover all (19)........... The increased 


Supporting statement: “.......The Manual Handling Assessment Chart (MAC), which can be used to help identify high-risk tasks, has been created ... the MAC may not comprise a full risk assessment, as some aspects, such as individual circumstances, are not encompassed........”

Keywords: individual, circumstances

Keyword Location: para 4, Line 4

Explanation: While the MAC chart helps assess risks, it does not cover all individual factors, particularly those that are unique to each worker. Thus, "factors" is the correct word.

(20).......•... of ULD's in today's computer-dominated workplace is due to repetitive


Supporting statement: “.......Due to the nature of many modern jobs, there is a marked occurrence of upper limb disorders (ULDs) through repetitive stress........”

Keywords: occurrence, upper

Keyword Location: para 5, Line 1 

Explanation: The passage indicates that there is an increased "occurrence" or "incidence" of ULDs in today's workplaces due to repetitive stress. Therefore, "incidence" is the correct word.

stress and the ULD's can cause a number of problems. Various (21).....•. reveal


Supporting statement: “.......There is a wide range of indications such as tenderness, aches and pain, stiffness, weakness, tingling, numbness, cramp, or swelling........”

Keywords: aches, numbness

Keyword Location: para 5, Line 4

Explanation: The passage lists various signs or "indications" of ULDs, which are the same as "symptoms." Thus, symptoms is the correct answer.

the presence of ULD's and they can be caused by more than one contributing factor, though the exposure to these does not guarentee a ULD

incidence lawyer diseases health
solutions doctors requirement factors
contract symptoms worker recommendation

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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