Researcher On The Tree Crown Reading Answers

Researcher On The Tree Crown Reading Answers 14 questions that have to be answered in 20 minutes. Researcher On The Tree Crown Reading Answers comprises three types of questions. Namely- matching the paragraph, choosing the correct option, and no more than two words. For no more than two words, candidates must read the passage and understand the statement provided and answer within a word limit of two. In choose the correct option, candidates are required to answer based on a given cue. They are required to choose from multiple options. For matching the paragraph, candidates need to skim the passage for keywords, understand the concept and choose the appropriate answer. Candidates must read the IELTS reading passage, identify keywords, and recognize synonyms to answer the question.

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Reading Passage Questions 

  1. The forest canopy – the term given to the aggregated crowns of trees in a forest – is thought to host up to 40 per cent of all species, of which ten per cent could be unique to the forest roof. “We’re dealing with the richest, least known, most threatened habitat on Earth,” says Andrew Mitchell, the executive director of the Global Canopy Programme (GCP), a collection of groups undertaking research into this lofty world. “The problem with our understanding of forests is that nearly all the information we have has been gleaned from just two meters above the soil, and yet we’re dealing with trees that grow to heights of 60 meters, or in the case of the tallest redwood 112 meters. It’s like doctors trying to treat humans by only looking at their feet.”
  2. Tropical rainforest comprises the richest of ecosystems, rivalled only by coral reel for its diversity and complex interrelationships. And a great deal of that diversity lives up in the canopy – an estimated 70-90 per cent of life in the rainforest exists in the trees; one in ten of all vascular plants are canopy dwellers, and about 20-25 per cent of all invertebrates are thought to be unique to the canopy.
  3. The first Briton to actually get into the canopy may have been Sir Francis Drake who, in 1573, gained his first glimpse of the Pacific Ocean from a tall tree in Darien, Panama. However, the first serious effort to reach and study the canopy didn’t begin until 1929. The Oxford University Expedition to British Guiana, led by Major RWG Hingston, still ended up help of locals when it came to building an observation platform. It was a successful expedition all the same, despite the colony’s acting governor getting stuck high up on a winched seat during a visit. In terms of canopy access, the French have proved themselves to be excellent innovators, taking things further with the development of ‘lighter-than-air platforms -balloons and related equipment, to you and me. Francis Halle; from the Laboratoire de Botanique Tropicale at Montpellier University took to a balloon in the mid-1980s in order to approach the canopy from above. His work in French Guiana was inspired by the use in Gabon of a tethered helium balloon by Marcel and Annette Hladick. Halle went one further by using a small purpose-built airship-a cigar-shaped balloon with propellers to aid manoeuvrability. “We suddenly had a mobile system that could move around the treetops; there were no other means of doing this,” says Mitchell.
  4. From this, two balloon-dependent features have developed: the radeau or raft, and the luge or sledge. The raft is a ‘floating’ platform, employed by French academics Dany Cleyet-Marrel and Laurent Pyot and is essentially an island in the treetops. Made of kevlar mesh netting and edged with inflated neoprene tubes, it rests on top of the canopy, allowing sampling (mostly of plants and insects) to take place at the edges of the platform, and can stay in position for several days. The luge, on the other hand, is an inflated hexagon similar to a traditional balloon basket but with a hole in the bottom covered with Kevlar mesh. Such techniques aren’t without their problems, however, “balloons can cover larger areas, especially for collection purposes, but they are extremely expensive- Jibe raft alone cost 122,000 [euro] (86,000 [pounds sterling]) in 2001], nut very effective because you can only reach the tops of the trees, and are highly dependent on the weather, ” says Dr Wilfried Morawetz, director of systematic botany at the University of Leipzig. “Balloons can usually only be used in the early morning for two to four hours. Last time, we could only fly three times during the whole week.” Given these factors, it comes as no surprise that operations involving these balloons numbered just six between 1986 and 2001.
  5. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Smith had the idea of using a static crane to get into the treetops. Un-tethered balloons may allow widely distributed sites to be sampled, but cranes allow scientists to study an area of at least a hectare from soil to canopy throughout the year, year after year. “Cranes beat any other access mode. They are cheap, reliable and fast. In two minutes I can reach any point in our forest, which is essential for comparative measurements across species,” says Professor Christian Korner of the University of Basel. Korner is using a static crane in a unique carbon dioxide-enrichment experiment in Switzerland, in an attempt to discover how forests might respond to the global increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (see Swiss canopy-crane carbon experiment, right). For reasons of convenience, cranes are generally situated close to cities or a research center. Leipzig University has a crane not far from the town, the Location allowing scientists to study the effect of city pollutants on forests. In order to increase the amount of canopy a crane can access, some have been mounted on short rail tracks. In “1995, Dr Wilfried Morawetz was the first to use this technique, installing a crane on 150 meters of track in the Venezuelan rainforest. “In my opinion, cranes should be the core of canopy research in the future,” he says.
  6. It appears that the rest of the scientific community has now come around to Mitchell’s way of thinking. “I think most scientists thought him mad to consider such a complex field station at first,” says internationally respected ‘canopist’ Meg Lowman, the executive director of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. “However, we’ve all come to realize that a combination of methods, a long-term approach to ecological studies and a collaborative approach are the absolute best ways to advance canopy science. A permanent canopy field station would allow that to happen.” With A dedicated group of canopy scientists working together and a wide range of tools available for them to get into the treetops, we’re now finally on our way towards a true understanding of the least-known terrestrial habitat

Solution and Explanation
Questions 1-5:
The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-F
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-F, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet

Q1. The Scientific significance for committing canopy study.

Answer: B
Supporting Answer
And a great deal of that diversity lives up in the canopy – an estimated 70-90 percent of life in the rainforest exists in the trees.One in ten of all vascular plants are canopy dwellers, and about 20-25 percent of all invertebrates are thought to be unique to the canopy.
canopy, 70-90 percent, rainforest, vascular plants
Keyword Location
Paragraph B, lines 2-5
It can be concluded from the paragraph as mentioned above, that canopy is the topic that this reading passage focuses on. Thus, B is the appropriate paragraph for the given sentence. 

Q2. The first academic research attempt mentioned to getting the top canopy.

Answer: C
Supporting Answer
The first Briton to actually get into the canopy may have been Sir Francis Drake who, in 1573. Gained his first glimpse of the Pacific Ocean from a tall tree in Darien, Panama. However, the first serious effort to reach and study the canopy didn’t begin until 1929.
Briton, canopy, Sir Francis Drake, Pacific Ocean, Darien, Panama
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, lines 1-3
The mentioned paragraph talks about the first academic research that was conducted on examining canopies. It also highlights how the study process was carried out. Thus, the above mentioned paragraph is apporpriate for the given sentence in the question. 

Q3. The overview idea of the forest canopy and the problem of understanding the forests.

Answer: A
Supporting Answer
The problem with our understanding of forests is that nearly all the information we have has been gleaned from just two meters above the soil. Yet we’re dealing with trees that grow to heights of 60 meters, or in the case of the tallest redwood 112 meters. It’s like doctors trying to treat humans by only looking at their feet.”
forests, gleaned, soil, tallest, redwood
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, lines 5-9
The varied challenges in comprehending and analysing our forests were a monumental endeavour that took a lot of time and effort, as shown in the above reading passage. As a result, the paragraph fits with the statement.

Q4. Recognition for a long-term effect and cooperation.

Answer: F
Supporting Answer
:With A dedicated group of canopy scientists working together and a wide range of tools available for them to get into the treetops. We’re now finally on our way towards a true understanding of the least-known terrestrial habitat.
scientists, range of tools, understanding
Keyword Location
Paragraph F, lines 7-9
The consensus is that, after a protracted period of study and collaboration, we have now reached a point where we comprehend the habitat. Therefore, the use of this para is suitable for the phrase.

Q5. An innovation accessing to treetop which proved to be an ultimate solution till now.

Answer: E
Supporting Answer
Un-tethered balloons may allow widely distributed sites to be sampled, but cranes allow scientists to study an area. At least a hectare from soil to canopy throughout the year, year after year.
Un-tethered, balloons, hectare, Professor Christian Korner
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, lines 4-6
Because they are dependable and quick, cranes have made it much simpler to access higher trees. It proved to be the ultimate solution, hence it is an appropriate paragraph.

Questions 6-9:
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage
Using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 6-9 on your answer sheet.

Q6. Scientists keep trying new methods to access the canopy of the treetop. Though early attempts succeeded in building an observation platform yet the help from the _________

Answer: Locals
Supporting Answer
: The Oxford University Expedition to British Guiana, led by Major RWG Hingston. Still ended up with the help of locals when it came to building an observation platform.
Oxford University Expedition, British Guiana, Major RWG Hingston
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, lines 3-5
Despite the fact that the research was previously successful, the observation was only accomplished thanks to the assistance of the people.

Q7. was imperative; further innovators made by the French who built a platform with equipment by using __________

Answer: balloons
Supporting Answer
: In terms of canopy access, the French have proved themselves to be excellent innovators. Taking things further with the development of ‘lighter-than-air platforms -balloons and related equipment, to you and me.
French, excellent, innovators, development
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, lines 7-9
French innovations contributed to the development of new techniques and the advancement of research. Balloon rafts and other tools were crucial in this.

Q8. Later, the ‘floating’ platform of__________

Answer: raft
Supporting Answer
: The raft is a ‘floating’ platform, employed by French academics Dany Cleyet-Marrel and Laurent Pyot, and is essentially an island in the treetops.
raft, ‘floating’ platform, academics Dany Cleyet-Marre, Laurent Pyot
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, lines 2-4
The raft serves as a platform for gathering samples and other materials for additional investigation. This can last for a number of days. This was a significant advancement in this study,

Q9. Scientists applied___________

Answer: crane
Supporting Answer
: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Smith had the idea of using a static crane to get into the treetops.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, treetops, static crane
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, lines 1-4
The employment of cranes in research turned out to be advantageous and helped this sector advance.

Questions 10-14:
Use the information in the passage to match the category (listed A-F) with opinions or deeds below.
Write the appropriate letters A-F in boxes 10-14 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once

  1. Sir Francis Drake
  2. Wilfried Morawetz
  3. Dany Cleyet-Marrel
  4. Francis Halle
  5. Christian Korner
  6. Alan Smith

Q10. Scientist whose work was inspired by the method used by other researchers.

Answer: D- Francis Halle
Supporting Answer
: Francis Halle; from the Laboratoire de Botanique Tropicale at Montpellier University took to a balloon in the mid-1980s in order to approach the canopy from above. His work in French Guiana was inspired by the use in Gabon of a tethered helium balloon by Marcel and Annette Hladick.
Francis Halle, Laboratoire de Botanique Tropicale at Montpellier University, French Guiana
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, lines 9-12
The techniques utilised by previous researchers, as described in Paragraph C, served as an inspiration for Francis Halle's study.

Q11. Scientist who made a claim that a balloon could only be used in a limited frequency or time.

Answer: B- Wilfried Morawetz
Supporting Answer
: Dr. Wilfried Morawetz, director of systematic botany at the University of Leipzig. “Balloons can usually only be used in the early morning for two to four hours. Last time, we could only fly three times during the whole week.”
Dr. Wilfried Morawetz, systematic botany, University of Leipzig
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, lines 10-13
Dr. Wilfried asserted that balloons may only be used for a short time, as was described in paragraph D.

Q12. Scientist who initiated a successful access mode which is cheap and stable.

Answer: F- Alan Smith
Supporting Answer
: Smith had the idea of using a static crane to get into the treetops.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, treetops, static crane
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, lines 1-4
: It is explained in Paragraph E how Alan Smith developed the less expensive and more dependable approach of using cranes to investigate trees.

Q13. Scientist who had committed canopy-crane experiment for a specific scientific project.

Answer: E- Christian Korner
Supporting Answer
: “Cranes beat any other access mode. They are cheap, reliable, and fast.
Un-tethered, balloons, hectare, Professor Christian Korner
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, lines 4-6
Christian Korner has cited a passage in paragraph E where he performs the canopy-crane experiment.

Q14. Scientist who initiated the use of cranes on the short rail tracks.

Answer: B- Wilfried Morawetz
Supporting Answer
: In order to increase the amount of canopy a crane can access, some have been mounted on short rail tracks. In 1995, Dr. Wilfried Morawetz was the first to use this technique, installing a crane on 150 meters of track in the Venezuelan rainforest.
Dr. Wilfried Morawetz, systematic botany, University of Leipzig
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, lines 10-13
In order to increase the amount of canopy a crane can access, paragraph E demonstrates that Dr. Wilfriend pioneered the use of cranes on short rail tracks.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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