Reiki Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Dec 9, 2022

Reiki Reading Answers is an IELTS Academic Reading Passage that appeared in the IELTS test, in July 2021. The IELTS academic reading section tests the candidate's understanding ability through a passage. To achieve a high IELTS reading score, candidates need to practice as much as they can. The passage contains the following question types from IELTS Academic Reading Question Types: 

  1. Identifying information
  2. Matching information
  3. Yes/ No/ Not Given

In these questions, candidates need to read the instructions properly. They need to go through the passage and note the important points. Understanding the brief of the passage is very important. The constant practice of IELTS reading practice papers will help them excel in the test.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Reiki IELTS Academic Reading Sample 

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the Reading Passage below.

  1. The spiritual practice of Reiki was first introduced in the early 20th century in Japan and continues to be used by its followers today with the intention of treating physical, emotional and mental imbalances and consequent ill-health. The principles of Reiki involve techniques employed by practitioners they say will channel healing energy through the subject’s body, and advocates hold that these techniques can also be used for self-healing. The name of the practice itself stems from two Japanese characters, pronounced ‘rei’ which translates to ‘unseen’ or ‘spiritual’ and ‘ki’ meaning ‘life force’ or ‘energy’.
  2. According to Reiki philosophy, only by undergoing an attunement process performed by a Reiki Master is an individual able to access, then channel this positive energy within, this ability once established is considered to be enduring. Once attuned, it is said that an individual has the ability to allow energy to flow to weak or diseased areas of the body, activating a natural healing process. Reiki energy is considered to be ‘intelligent energy’ in that it automatically flows to such areas; for this reason, practitioners believe that diagnosis of a specific problem is unnecessary beforehand and that the practice can be used as preventative medicine and encourage healing prior to the onset of tangible symptoms. Since healing initiated by Reiki treatment is entirely natural, many practitioners are confident that it can be used alongside any other type of treatment without adverse effect; however, others recommend that since the patient may undergo significant internal improvement for certain ailments – diabetes, for example – careful monitoring is required since such improvements may establish a need for an alteration in medication requirements.
  3. A ‘whole body’ Reiki treatment session typically lasts between 90 minutes. The subject is required to lie down – often on a treatment table – clothed in comfortable and loose fitting attire. Treatment may involve the practitioner placing their hands on the recipient in a variety of positions; however, some therapists take a non-touching approach, holding their hands a few centimeters away from the body. Hands are usually held in one position for up to 5 minutes before moving on to the next part of the body; between 12 and 20 hand positions are generally used. Those who have undergone a Reiki treatment session often state that they experienced a pleasant warmness in the area of focus and a feeling of contentment and relaxation throughout the session.
  4. The healing energy is said to originate in the universe itself and is not the passing of personal energy from practitioner to patient; it is therefore thought to be inexhaustible and the personal well-being of the practitioner uncompromised. While some masters and teachers hold that subjects must be receptive to the concept in order for energy to flow, others believe that the attitude of the patient is of no consequence and that benefits will follow regardless; for this reason, those following the latter school of thought say that since Reiki requires no conscious belief it can also benefit the well-being of animals and plant life.
  5. Controversy surrounds the practice of Reiki, some in opposition as they say that Reiki may offer only a perceived improvement in health and therefore only a ‘placebo’ effect. Whilst the practice of Reiki itself is not necessarily considered potentially harmful, some medical practitioners are concerned that its benefits may be overestimated by patients and that, as a result, they may ignore or abandon conventional treatments. Others argue against the reliability of Reiki due to the lack of regulation of practitioners, holding that patients may be left vulnerable to illegitimate therapists who lack knowledge and skill. While Reiki is not connected to any particular religious doctrine, some religious leaders oppose the practice for spiritual reasons; however, others hold that the meditative principles involved in treatment have enhanced their own ability to explore and embrace their own particular religion.
  6. Limited scientific studies in the authenticity of Reiki have been conducted. During research conducted by the Institute of Neurological Studies at South Glasgow University Hospital it was observed that there was a significant decrease in heart rate and blood pressure amongst subjects receiving 30 minutes of Reiki treatment as opposed to a group receiving placebo treatment of 30 minutes rest. Since the test group consisted of a small number of subjects just 45 – the research recommendations concluded a requirement for further studies. A similarly small preliminary study into the potential effects of Reiki on patients suffering mild dementia, conducted in the USA, tentatively suggested that treatment had a positive effect on the subjects’ memory abilities; however, research limitations included insufficient analysis of potential placebo effects.
  7. Other studies have also attempted to determine correlation between Reiki treatment and improvement in cancer and stroke patients. Whilst investigations into the first condition indicated a seemingly positive effect on degrees of fatigue, pain and stress experienced by sufferers, the second project failed to reveal a link between treatment and improvement in the subjects’ condition and rehabilitation. Theories have been put forward that the benefits of energy treatments such as Reiki may be scientifically attributed to the effect of electromagnetic fields; however, the majority researchers agree that more extensive investigation is required.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 1-3
Choose THREE letters A-H.
Write your answers in boxes 1- 3 on your answer sheet

(Guide: Your answers may be given in any order.)

Which THREE of the following statements are true of Reiki?

  1. Principles for self-healing differ from those used on others.
  2. Attunement is said to have a permanent effect on the recipient.
  3. Its preventative properties are more significant than cure.
  4. There are differences in opinion regarding its use with other therapies.
  5. The treatment typically involves contact between the therapist and the patient.
  6. The recipient’s energy is the key to the philosophy.
  7. Some therapists believe a pessimistic approach affects results.
  8. It is only practised on human subjects.

Question 1:

Answer: B
Supporting Sentence
: According to Reiki philosophy, only by undergoing an attunement process performed by a Reiki Master is an individual able to access, then channel this positive energy within, this ability once established is considered to be enduring.
: Attunement, permanent, effect, recipient
Keyword Location
: Paragraph B, lines 1-10
: In paragraph B lines 1-3 say that by undergoing an attunement process performed by a Reiki Master is an individual able to access, then channel this positive energy within. The author also mentions that once this ability is established, it is considered to be enduring. This means that it havs a permanent effect on the recipient. 

According to these lines, Attunement is said to have a permanent effect on the recipient.

Question 2:

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence
: Since healing initiated by Reiki treatment is entirely natural, many practitioners are confident that it can be used alongside any other type of treatment without adverse effect; however, others recommend that since the patient may undergo significant internal improvement for certain ailments – diabetes, for example – careful monitoring is required since such improvements may establish a need for an alteration in medication requirements.
: differences, opinion, other, therapies
Keyword Location
: Paragraph B, Lines 8-12
: The author in lines 8-12 of paragraph B, said that Reiki treatment is entirely natural. However, many practitioners have other opinions too. So, the sentence - " There are differences in opinion regarding its use with other therapies" is Correct.

Question 3:

Answer: G
Supporting Sentence
: While some masters and teachers hold that subjects must be receptive to the concept for energy to flow,
: therapists, believe, pessimistic, approach effects, results.
Keyword Location
: Paragraph D, Lines 3-4
: The author in paragraph B, states that some masters and teachers hold that subjects must be receptive to the concept for energy to flow. Here masters and teachers means therapist and the approach is pessimistic. Hence, G is the correct answer. So the sentence - "Some therapists believe a pessimistic approach affects results." Is true.

Questions 4 - 9
Reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-G.
Which paragraph contains the following information? You can use each paragraph more than once.

4) A scientific explanation of why Reiki may have positive effects.

Answer: G
Supporting Sentence
: Theories have been put forward that the benefits of energy treatments such as Reiki may be scientifically attributed to the effect of electromagnetic fields; however, the majority of researchers agree that more extensive investigation is required.
: Scientific, explanation, effects
Keyword Location
: Paragraph G, Lines 3-4
: The author in paragraph G states that there are theories that prove Reiki has benefits and scientific attributes to the effect of electromagnetic fields. it is given that Reiki is attributed to the effect of electromagnetic fields. So, the appropriate answer for this is G. Benefits means positive effects. Hence, G is the correct answer. 

5) An overview of the practicalities of how Reiki is performed.

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence
: Treatment may involve the practitioner placing their hands on the recipient in a variety of positions; however, some therapists take a non-touching approach, holding their hands a few centimeters away from the body. Hands are usually held in one position for up to 5 minutes before moving on to the next part of the body; between 12 and 20 hand positions are generally used.’
: Practicalities, Performed
Keyword Location
: Paragraph C, Lines 2-5
: The author in most parts of the paragraph refers to how Reiki is performed. In paragraph C, It is written about the practicalities of Reiki and how it is Performed and treated. So, the appropriate answer for this is C.

6) The prerequisite required to experience Reiki benefits.

Answer: B
Supporting Sentence
: According to Reiki philosophy, only by undergoing an attunement process performed by a Reiki Master is an individual able to access, then channel this positive energy within, this ability once established is considered to be enduring.
: Prerequisite, Experience, Benefits
Keyword Location
: Paragraph B, Lines 1-4
: In the passage lines 1-4 of paragraph B, states that the Attunement process is a Prerequisite to activating natural healing. Since this is mentioned in the second paragraph, the appropriate answer for this is B.

7) When a patient’s faith and expectations cause concern.

Answer: E
Supporting Sentence
: ‘some medical practitioners are concerned that its benefits may be overestimated by patients and that, as a result, they may ignore or abandon conventional treatments.’
: Patients, Faith, Expectations, Cause, Concern
Keyword Location
: Paragraph E, Lines 3-5
: The author mentions that some medical practitioners believe that patients may ignore conventional treatments. This is because of the overestimated benifits. In lines 3-5 of paragraph E, it is said that Patients may ignore or Abandon Conventional Treatment after seeing the benefits of Reiki. That is the Point of Concern. So the appropriate answer for this is E.

8) The immediate effects that can be experienced by recipients.

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence
: Those who have undergone a Reiki treatment session often state that they experienced a pleasant warmness in the area of focus and a feeling of contentment and relaxation throughout the session.’
: effects, Experienced, recipients
Keyword Location
: Paragraph C, Lines 7-8
: In lines 7-8 of paragraph C, it is said about the Effects after Reiki Treatment that is experienced by the Patients. They feel pleasant warmness in the area of focus and a feeling of Contentment and relaxation throughout the session. So the appropriate answer for this is C.

9) The safety of conducting therapy for practitioners.

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence
: The healing energy is said to originate in the universe itself and is not the passing of personal energy from practitioner to the patient; it is therefore thought to be inexhaustible and the personal well-being of the practitioner uncompromised.’
: Safety, Therapy, Practitioners
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, Lines 1-3
: The author said many opinions about Healing Energy. One of them is that it originates itself and is Not transferred from Practitioners to Patients. It is safe and good for Practitioners. So, the appropriate answer for this is D.

Questions 10 – 13

According to the information in Reading Passage, classify the following research findings into the benefits of Reiki as relating to

  1. The Institute of Neurological Studies
  2. Research conducted in the USA
  3. Cancer research
  4. Stroke research

Write the correct letter A, B, C or D in boxes 10 – 13 on your answer sheet

10) The groups’ comfort and quality of life appeared to improve.

Answer: C. Cancer Research
Supporting Sentence
: Other studies have also attempted to determine the correlation between Reiki treatment and improvement in cancer and stroke patients.
: Groups, Comfort, Life, Improve
Keyword Location
: Paragraph G, Lines 1-4
: In lines 1-4 of paragraph G, it is stated that Reiki Treatment indicates a Positive Effect On the degree of Fatigue, Pain, and Stress in Cancer. There had been studies to determine the correlation between Reiki treatment and improvement in cancer and stroke patients. So, the appropriate answer for this is C. Cancer Research.

11) No apparent links were identified.

Answer: D. Stroke
Supporting Sentence
: Other studies have also attempted to determine the correlation between Reiki treatment and improvement in cancer and stroke patients. 
: apparent, link, identified
Keyword Location
: Paragraph G, Lines 1-4
: The author says that scientists wanted to determine a correlation between Reiki treatment and stroke patients. They have attempted but were not successful. Hence, we can determine that no apparent links were identified. 

12) Results were compared to a control group who did not receive Reiki treatment.

Answer: A. The Institute of Neurological Studies
Supporting Sentence
: During research conducted by the Institute of Neurological Studies at South Glasgow University Hospital, it was observed that there was a significant decrease in heart rate and blood pressure amongst subjects receiving 30 minutes of Reiki treatment as opposed to a group receiving placebo treatment of 30 minutes rest.
: Results, Compared, Control Group, Reiki, Treatment
Keyword Location
: Paragraph F, Lines 2-4
: The passage mentions that research was conducted by the Institute of Neurological Studies at South Glasgow University Hospital. Two different groups were given two Different Treatments. Heart rate and Blood Pressure Decreased in People who were given Reiki Treatment. So the appropriate answer for this is A - The Institute of Neurological Studies.

13) Recollection ability seemed to be enhanced.

Answer: B – Research conducted in the USA
Supporting Sentence
: A similarly small preliminary study into the potential effects of Reiki on patients suffering mild dementia, conducted in the USA, tentatively suggested that treatment had a positive effect on the subjects’ memory abilities; however, research limitations included insufficient analysis of potential placebo effects.
: Recollection, Ability, Enhanced
Keyword Location
: Paragraph F, Lines 7-9
: In lines 7-9 of paragraph F, it is Stated in Sentences that Memory abilities are enhanced in mild dementia Patients when treated with Reiki. So, the appropriate answer for this is B – Research conducted in the USA.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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