Radio Automation Forerunner of the Integrated Circuit Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Dec 7, 2022

Radio Automation Forerunner of the Integrated Circuit Reading Answers has 13 questions that need to be answered in 20 minutes. Radio Automation Forerunner of the Integrated Circuit Reading Answers comprises three types of questions, namely- Complete the flowchart, complete the summary and pick the correct letter. For completing the chart, candidates must read the IELTS reading passage and understand the given cue in the chart to complete it. Candidates must read the IELTS Reading passage, identify keywords, and recognize synonyms to complete the summary of a paragraph of the passage. Candidates are supposed to pick the correct letter from the given multiple options to answer the question. Candidates can undertake IELTS Reading practice papers to practise on different topics.

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Reading Passage Questions

Today they are everywhere. Production lines are controlled by computers and operated by robots. There’s no chatter of assembly workers, just the whirr and click of machines. In the mid-1940s, the worker-less factory was still the stuff of science fiction. There were no computers to speak of and electronics were primitive. Yet hidden away in the English countryside was a highly automated production line called ECME, which could turn out 1500 radio receivers a day with almost no help from human hands.

  1. John Sargrove, the visionary engineer who developed the technology, was way ahead of his time. For more than a decade, Sargrove had been trying to figure out how to make cheaper radios. Automating the manufacturing process would help. But radios didn’t lend themselves to such methods: there were too many parts to fit together and too many wires to solder. Even a simple receiver might have 30 separate components and 80 hand-soldered connections. At every stage, things had to be tested and inspected. Making radios required highly skilled labor—and lots of it.
  2. In 1944, Sargrove came up with the answer. His solution was to dispense with most of the fiddly bits by inventing a primitive chip—a slab of Bakelite with all the receiver’s electrical components and connections embedded in it. This was something that could be made by machines, and he designed those too. At the end of the war, Sargrove built an automatic production line, which he called ECME (electronic circuit-making equipment), in a small factory in Effingham, Surrey.
  3. An operator sat at one end of each ECME line, feeding in die plates. She didn’t need much skill, only quick hands. From now on, everything was controlled by electronic switches and relays. First stop was the sandblaster, which roughened the surface of the plastic BO that molten metal would stick to. The plates were then cleaned to remove any traces of grit The machine automatically checked that the surface was rough enough before sending the plate to the spraying section. There, eight nozzles rotated into position and sprayed molten zinc over both sides of the plate. Again, the nozzles only began to spray when a plate was in place. The plate whizzed on. The next stop was the milling machine, which ground away the surface layer of metal to leave the circuit and other components in the grooves and recesses. Now the plate was a composite of metal and plastic. It sped on to be lacquered and have its circuits tested. By the time it emerged from the end of the line, robot hands had fitted it with sockets to attach components such as valves and loudspeakers. When ECME was working flat out; the whole process took 20 seconds.
  4. ECME was astonishingly advanced. Electronic eyes, photocells that generated a small current when a panel arrived, triggered each step in the operation, BO avoiding excessive wear and tear on the machinery. The plates were automatically tested at each stage as they moved along the conveyor. And if more than two plates in succession were duds, the machines were automatically adjusted—or if necessary halted. In a conventional factory, workers would test faulty circuits and repair them. But Sargrove’s assembly line produced circuits so cheaply they just threw away the faulty ones. Sargrove’s circuit board was even more astonishing for the time. It predated the more familiar printed circuit, with wiring printed on board, yet was more sophisticated. Its built-in components made it more like a modem chip.
  5. When Sargrove unveiled his invention at a meeting of the British Institution of Radio Engineers in February 1947, the assembled engineers were impressed. So was the man from The Times. ECME, he reported the following day, “produces almost without human labor, a complete radio receiving set. This new method of production can be equally well applied to television and other forms of electronic apparatus.
  6. The receivers had many advantages over their predecessors, with components that were more robust. Robots didn’t make the sorts of mistakes human assembly workers sometimes did. “Wiring mistakes just cannot happen,” wrote Sargrove. No w ừ es also meant the radios were lighter and cheaper to ship abroad. And with no soldered wires to come unstuck, the radios were more reliable. Sargrove pointed out that the circuit boards didn’t have to be flat. They could be curved, opening up the prospect of building the electronics into the cabinet of Bakelite radios.
  7. Sargrove was all for introducing this type of automation to other products. It could be used to make more complex electronic equipment than radios, he argued. And even if only part of a manufacturing process were automated, the savings would be substantial. But while his invention was brilliant, his timing was bad. ECME was too advanced for its own good. It was only competitive on huge production runs because each new job meant retooling the machines. But disruption was frequent. Sophisticated as it was, ECME still depended on old- fashioned electromechanical relays and valves—which failed with monotonous regularity. The state of Britain’s economy added to Sargrove’s troubles. Production was dogged by power cuts and post-war shortages of materials. Sargrove’s financial backers began to get cold feet.
  8. There was another problem Sargrove hadn’t foreseen. One of ACME's biggest advantages—the savings on the cost of labor—also accelerated its downfall. Sargrove’s factory had two ECME production lines to produce the two c ữ cuits needed for each radio. Between them these did what a thousand assembly workers would otherwise have done. Human hands were needed only to feed the raw material in at one end and plug the valves into the sockets and fit the loudspeakers at the other. After that, the only job left was to fit the pair of Bakelite panels into a radio cabinet and check that it worked.
  9. Sargrove saw automation as the way to solve post-war labor shortages. With somewhat Utopian idealism, he imagined his new technology would free people from boring, repetitive jobs on the production line and allow them to do more interesting work. “Don’t get the idea that we are out to rob people of their jobs,” he told the Daily Mirror. “Our task is to liberate men and women from being slaves of machines.”
  10. The workers saw things differently. They viewed automation in the same light as the everlasting light bulb or the suit that never wears out—as a threat to people’s livelihoods. If automation spread, they wouldn’t be released to do more exciting jobs. They’d be released to join the dole queue. Financial backing for ECME fizzled out. The money dried up. And Britain lost its lead in a technology that would transform industry just a few years later.

Solution and Explanation
Questions 1 - 7:
The following diagram explains the process of ECME:
Complete the following chart of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no more than two words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet


Question 1.

Answer: Chip
Supporting sentence
In 1944, Sargrove came up with the answer. His solution was to dispense with most of the fiddly bits by inventing a primitive chip—a slab of Bakelite.
Sargrove, primitive chip, 1944.
Keyword Location
Passage B, 1st line.
According to the first sentence of paragraph B, John Sargrove discovered a means to make lighter and less expensive radios in 1944. His solution involved creating a new primitive chip, which was a slab of bakelite, to eliminate numerous separate parts. The receiver's electric links and other components had all been installed in it.

Question 2.

Answer: grit
Supporting sentence
First stop was the sandblaster, which roughened the surface of the plastic BO that molten metal would stick to. The plates were then cleaned to remove any traces of grit.
sandblaster, grit, rid of.
Keyword Location
Passage C, Line 3.
The sandblaster was used to rough up the plastic BO's surface where the molten metal was intended to adhere, as stated in the third sentence of paragraph C. The plates from the sandblaster were then cleaned. To ensure that the procedure is uninterrupted, all of the leftover grit was removed.

Question 3.

Answer: molten zinc
Supporting sentence
There, eight nozzles rotated into position and sprayed molten zinc over both sides of the plate.
nozzles, eight, molten zinc.
Keyword Location
Passage C, Line 4.
The eighth line of paragraph C states, "The eight nozzles rotate in their positions and spray molten zinc across the two sides of the plate."

Question 4.

Answer: milling machine
Supporting sentence
The next stop was the milling machine, which ground away the surface layer of metal to leave the circuit and other components in the grooves and recesses.
Passage C, line 7.
Keyword Location
milling machine, ground away, surface layer metal.
The seventh line of paragraph C explains that the following step is a milling machine. It scrapes away the surface layer metal to reveal the circuit and its associated pieces in the grooves and recesses.

Question 5.

Answer: sockets
Supporting sentence
By the time it emerged from the end of the line, robot hands had fitted it with sockets to attach components such as valves and loudspeakers.
end, components, sockets, fitted.
Keyword Location
Passage C, line 10.
The tenth line of paragraph C states that the circuit had sockets placed by the time the entire operation was complete. It was carried out to affix the various ECME components, including the valves and loudspeakers, together.

Question 6.

Answer: loudspeaker
Supporting sentence
By the time it emerged from the end of the line, robot hands had fitted it with sockets to attach components such as valves and loudspeakers.
ECME, components, attached end.
Keyword Location
Passage C, line 10.
As stated in the tenth line of paragraph C, sockets were inserted in the circuit at the conclusion of the entire procedure. It was in order to piece together the numerous independent pieces, such as valves and loudspeakers, into the ECME.

Question 7.

Answer: valves
Supporting sentence
By the time it emerged from the end of the line, robot hands had fitted it with sockets to connect elements like the valves and loudspeakers.
ECME, components, attached end.
Keyword Location
Passage C, line 10.
The tenth line of paragraph C states that the circuit had sockets placed by the very end of the process. Several components, including valves and loudspeakers, needed to be fixed together in order to construct the ECME.

Questions 8 - 11
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage. using NO more than two words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Writs your answers inboxes 8-11 on your answer sheet

Sargrove had been dedicated to create a……8……radio by automation of manufacture. The old version of radio had a large number of independent…….9……. After this innovation was made, wireless-style radios became…….10…….and inexpensive to export overseas. As Saigrove saw it, the real benefit of ECME’s radio was that it reduced……11……of manual work; which can be easily copied to other industries of manufacturing electronic devices.

Question 8.

Answer: cheaper
Supporting sentence
For more than a decade, Sargrove had been trying to figure out how to make cheaper radios. Automating the manufacturing process would help.
Sargrove, radio, manufacturing.
Keyword Location
Passage A, Line 2.
According to the second line of paragraph A, John Sargrove was a brilliant engineer who was decades ahead of his time. Further, it was dedicated to figuring out how to make radios that were less expensive than the ones we had in the past.

Question 9.

Answer: components
Supporting sentence
But radios didn’t lend themselves to such methods: there were too many parts to fit together and too many wires to solder. Even a simple receiver might have 30 separate components and 80 hand-soldered connections.
separate, components, many.
Keyword Location
Passage A, Line 4.
The fourth line of paragraph A explains that the previous radio versions were significantly more complicated. Because they came with too many independent parts that needed to be fixed together and had a lot of wires that needed to be soldered.

Question 10.

Answer: lighter
Supporting sentence
No waes also meant the radios were lighter and cheaper to ship abroad.
radios, became inexpensive, ship abroad.
Keyword Location
Passage F, line 4.
The fourth line of paragraph F claims that because the ECME radios did not have fewer soldered wires. Thus, they were substantially lighter and cheaper to export overseas.

Question 11.

Answer: cost
Supporting sentence
One of ECME’s biggest advantages—the savings on the cost of labor—also accelerated its downfall.
ECME system, advantage, saving on labor.
Keyword Location
Passage H, line 2.
One of the ECME radio's main advantages was that it reduced the amount of money spent on labour, according to the second line of paragraph H. To make the two circuits that go into each radio, Sargrove's factory had two production lines. This work was once performed by over a thousand workers.

Questions 12 - 13
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.
Write your answers inboxes 12-13 on your answer sheet

  1. What were workers attitude towards ECME Model initially
  1. anxious
  2. welcoming
  3. boring
  4. inspiring

Answer: A
Supporting sentence
The workers saw things differently. They viewed automation in the same light as the everlasting light bulb or the suit that never wears out—as a threat to people’s livelihoods.
automation, workers, threat, livelihood.
Keyword Location
Passage J, line 1.
The workers felt that automation is a threat to their own livelihood. Similar to a light bulb that never burned out or a suit that never lost its shape. They believed that as automation grew, they would no longer be able to work exciting occupations or sign up for the unemployment line.

  1. What is the main idea of this passage?
  1. approach to reduce the price of radio
  2. a new generation of fully popular products and successful business
  3. in application of die automation in the early stage
  4. ECME technology can be applied in many product fields

Answer: C
Supporting sentence
Financial backing for ECME fizzled out. The money dried up. And Britain lost its lead in a technology that would transform industry just a few years later.
financial, technology, lost its lead.
Keyword Location
Passage J, line 5.
Although the ECME technology had many advantages, according to the fifth line of paragraph J. However, workers' resistance to it caused automation to fail in its early stages. Technology with enormous promise was lost along with the financial support for it.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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