Population of Some Countries Includes Large Number of Young Adults IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 26, 2022

Population of Some Countries Includes Large Number of Young Adults IELTS Writing Task 2 has three sample answers provided below. It requires candidates to answer a simple question with argumentative statements. The sample answers have an introduction and body. The introduction provides a brief about the given topic. The body in each sample answer portrays argumentative statements to support the test-taker’s perspectives.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

Model Answer 1

While young people make up the majority of the population in various areas, including some Asian and Western nations. The proportion of the elderly is noticeably larger in some nations, such as Japan. A country is thought to benefit more from having a higher proportion of young. I believe that for faster development, a country should have more engaged youths.
First of all, the young generation is vibrant and vivacious. They are capable of contributing to the employment sector, which has a significant positive effect on the nation's economic growth.They provide new perspectives and are unencumbered by ingrained prejudices. They gain a competitive advantage as a result. The best resource a nation can have is a youthful, educated population. Their contribution to the nation is substantially larger than that of children and the elderly. However, the elder generation's contribution was undeniable, and they have already made contributions to the nation's reform. They have a wealth of knowledge and expertise that are essential for making decisions. They are frequently thought to be a better fit for occupations that involve making decisions.
Additionally, children are a nation's future, while the old have already served their purposes. On the other hand, the younger generation is the working population and may contribute to the country's total growth. While children and the elderly rely on others, they are engaged members of society. The younger generation is more open to learning new things and exchanging ideas, which makes them better leaders. For instance, the ICT industry is led globally by youthful minds and is full of innovative thinkers. ICT is seen as the most important area for a nation's development, particularly in the current modern era. It emphasises the value of young, inexperienced minds over older ones.
To sum up, while young people have more to offer society and the nation as a whole, older folks shouldn't be seen as a burden. This is why a nation would benefit more from having an active workforce than from having elderly people who are reliant.

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Model Answer 2

Some speakers discussed how the older generation and the younger adult population might be compared in both positive and negative ways. I'll provide some instances of this issue to illustrate my own personal viewpoint.
When a nation pursues progress, its population will be its most important component. A significant advantage for the nation would be to have more young people working than older people. On the other hand, a young labour force in large numbers will result in an unseasoned scenario. In addition, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages when taking into account actual cases and data, depending on the viewpoint.
The first benefit is that young people are full of fresh ideas and enthusiasm and are ready to work anywhere and in any weather. This kind of circumstance might accelerate development at a reasonable rate. Young people will develop a new approach to a simple way to fulfil the task of the job effectively, nonetheless, based on the new concepts. This may be the main aspect of the nation's progress. However, young folks lack experience compared to older ones, therefore an experienced labour force would be another important aspect in a country's development. Furthermore, a person with the most victories in their particular industries might not be creative.The person who completed their work in the same manner may not appreciate new adjustments for this reason. For instance, if this happens at a factory that produces goods, the output won't improve since there isn't enough innovation or fresh ideas.
Last but not least, having more young adults than the elderly would be advantageous to the country's development. And adoption of new technology, because no one else can fill the function of the younger generation.

Model Answer 3

In contrast to the number of elderly people, the percentage of young people is higher in most countries nowadays. I believe that this situation has more advantages than problems.
The fact that young people are more productive and have more energy to work toward improving their countries is one of the biggest benefits. Young individuals want to work more and focus more on their jobs, which is what all nations need to boost the economy and open doors for quicker development. Numerous opportunities may result from these, and both young and old people may profit. Additionally, young adults have the attitudes and expertise to alter the perceptions of some countries. For instance, if this new generation applied their knowledge to the entire continent of Africa, many things could change. Such as the attitude toward women or the availability of equal rights.
However, there are drawbacks to having a larger population of young individuals. First off, many of the customs and practices of the past will vanish, including the food and customs of our forefathers. For instance, many crucial concepts would be forgotten, such as the fact that the child is given the father's last name.Second, there are not enough jobs available in the economy to accommodate all the competent young people who want to find something. Especially the one that fits their skills or can make a contribution.
To sum up, this has more benefits than it has disadvantages, and given the world's many issues, it is a highly beneficial thing. I think many countries could change for the better if we handled this situation correctly and made the most of it.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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