Pollination Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Dec 6, 2022

Pollination Reading Answers has 13 questions that need to be answered in 20 minutes. Pollination Reading Answers comprises two types of questions, namely- True/False/Not Given and complete the summary. For True/False/Not Given, candidates must read the IELTS reading passage and understand the statement provided and answer whether the statement is true, false, or not given. Candidates must read the IELTS Reading reading passage, identify keywords, and recognize synonyms to complete the summary of the passage. To practise on more varied topics, check IELTS Reading practice papers.

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Reading Passge Question 

  1. Plants have evolved a wide variety of methods to reproduce themselves. Some plants reproduce asexually by splitting off new roots or bulbs (e.g., garlic, lilies) or even branches, stems, or leaves (e.g., mangroves, spider plants). Plants that reproduce asexually are essentially reproducing clones of themselves. This is a simple and direct method of reproduction, producing new plants more quickly and with less energy than plants using sexual reproduction. The majority of plants, however, reproduce sexually. The advantages from an evolutionary perspective include more genetic variety and better dispersal than the colonies of clones formed by asexual reproduction. In flowering plants, pollen (male) grains are moved from the anther to the stigma, where the pollen fertilises the ovaries (female), resulting in seeds.
  2. A few flowering plants such as peas, beans, and tomatoes pollinate themselves, but more commonly, pollination occurs between separate plants, either through pollen being borne by the wind (most conifers and many kinds of grass) or by pollinators, animal species that plants rely on to help move the pollen from one plant to the ovaries of another. Most pollinators are insects, but some species of birds and bats also play an important role.
  3. Plants have evolved a variety of methods to entice pollinators to do their work. Many produce nectar, a sugary substance that pollinators use as food. A well-known example is a honeybee, which collects nectar as well as pollen for food. When a bee enters one flower, it brushes against the anther and pollen grains are picked up by the surface of its body. When the bee enters a second flower and brushes against the stigma, some of that pollen comes in contact with the ovaries of the second plant, thus fertilising it, resulting in seeds that contain genetic material from the male gametes of the first plant combined with the female reproductive organs of the second plant. Most bees, butterflies, and moths, as well as certain species of bats and birds, are attracted to nectar-producing flowers.
  4. Flowering plants have evolved a variety of methods for signalling their usefulness to pollinators or for otherwise making their work easier. Butterflies are attracted to flowers that are open during the day, are bright-typically red, yellow, or orange and have a "landing platform." In contrast, many moths are active at night and thus are attracted to flowers that are pale or white, have a strong fragrance, but also have broad areas to land on. Both butterflies and moths have long tongues and have coevolved with plants that have developed deep sources of nectar that are available only to certain species. Hummingbirds are also attracted by colour, especially by bright reds, and flowers that attract these tiny birds also have strong stems and are designed for pollen to be brushed on the hummingbirds' heads as they sip nectar.
  5. Bees do not see red; thus, flowers that attract bees tend to be blue, yellow, purple, or other colours. Many bee attractors also have nectar guides, which are spots near the centre of each flower that reflect ultraviolet light, making it easier for the bees to find the nectar. Bees are also attracted to flowers with a mint-like or sweet smell. Snapdragons not only attract bees visually but they are also adapted to appeal to certain bee species: snapdragons have a landing platform that, if the bee is the correct weight, opens-allowing access to the nectar and pollen.
  6. Pollinators play a major role in agriculture. While many staple crops such as rice, corn, canola, and wheat are self-pollinating or pollinated by the wind, farmers are dependent on pollinator species for many fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seed crops. Over 30 percent of the world's crops require the work of pollinator species. Bees are the most common agricultural pollinators, with crops including fruit trees such as apples and cherries; vegetables such as squash, beans, tomatoes, and eggplant; flowering shrubs and annual and perennial flowers; forage crops such as clover and alfalfa; and fibre' crops such as cotton. Other pollinators include midges (cocoa), wasps (figs), moths (yucca, papaya), butterflies (asters, daisies, marigolds), and even a few species of bats (agave, palms, durians) and humming-birds (fuchsia).
  7. Recent declines in honeybees and other pollinator species around the world have raised concerns about future food production, and many scientists have called for increased study of the role of pollinators, the agricultural and environmental changes involved in the declines, as well as the economic and environmental effects and ways to prevent further declines.

Solution and Explanation
Questions 1-5:
Complete the summary using the list of words and phrases below. Write the correct letter, A-I, on lines 1-5 on your answer sheet.

B-flowering plants
E-spider plants
I- time

The reproduction of plants occurs in different ways. Some plants send out new parts such as 1. …… or bulbs. These grow into new plants, which are actually 2. ........ of the original plant. The advantage of this form of reproduction is that it does not require a lot of 3.......... or energy. Many 4. ...... reproduce themselves by forming seeds through the process of pollination. Some plants pollinate themselves. Others rely on the 5. ……. or animals to carry the pollen from plant to plant.

Question 1:

Answer: C- roots
Supporting Sentence
Some plants reproduce asexually by splitting off new roots or bulbs (e.g., garlic, lilies) or even branches, stems, or leaves (e.g., mangroves, spider plants).
Reproduction, plants, occurs, different, ways, send out, new parts, bulbs
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, Line 2
The passage's paragraph A, line 4, mentions that plants reproduce asexually by creating their clones, which is another way of saying that they create "copies." Therefore, "copies" is the right answer.

Question 2:

Answer: G- copies
Supporting Sentence
Plants that reproduce asexually are essentially reproducing clones of themselves.
Grow, new plants, copies, original plant
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, Line 4
The fourth line of paragraph A reads, "Some plants reproduce asexually by breaking off new roots or bulbs or even branches, stems, or leaves." Examples of these plants are lilies, garlic, and lilies (e.g., mangroves, spider plants). Therefore, asexual reproduction happens when a plant splits into two separate halves, giving rise to a new section of the plant. Therefore, "roots" is the right response.

Question 3:

Answer: I- time
Supporting Sentence
This is a simple and direct method of reproduction, producing new plants more quickly and with less energy than plants using sexual reproduction.
Advantage, reproduction, does not, require, a lot of, energy
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, Line 5-6
According to the fifth and sixth lines of paragraph A, asexual reproduction happens swiftly and with little energy expenditure. Therefore, the right answer is "time."

Question 4:

Answer: B- flowering plants
Supporting Sentence
In flowering plants, pollen (male) grains are moved from the anther to the stigma, where the pollen fertilises the ovaries (female), resulting in seeds.
Reproduce, themselves, forming seeds, process, pollination
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, Last three lines
According to the last three lines of paragraph A, a lot of pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma. This indicates that pollination is the primary method of self-reproduction for many flowering plants. Hence, the correct answer is "flowering plants."

Question 5:

Answer: F- air
Supporting Sentence
A few flowering plants such as peas, beans, and tomatoes pollinate themselves, but more commonly, pollination occurs between separate plants, either through pollen being borne by the wind (most conifers and many kinds of grass) or by pollinators, animal species that plants rely on to help move the pollen from one plant to the ovaries of another.
Rely, animals, carry, pollen, plant
Keyword Location
Paragraph B, Line 1-5
Some plants can pollinate themselves, while others need the help of the wind and animals, according to the opening lines of paragraph B of the chapter. Therefore, "air" is the right answer.

Questions 6-14:
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? On lines 6-14 on your answer sheet, write:

TRUE - if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE - if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN - if there is no information on this

  1. Honeybees eat both nectar and pollen.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting Sentence
A well-known example is a honeybee, which collects nectar as well as pollen for food.
Honey Bees, eat, nectar, pollen
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, Line 3
The third line of paragraph C indicates that nectar and pollen are two things that honey bees "gather" for sustenance. It therefore consumes both nectar and pollen. As a result, the statement is accurate.

  1. If an attractive flower is very small, a butterfly will land on its leaves.

The passage does not include the necessary details to answer the question.

  1. Moths are attracted by both colour and scent.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting Sentence
In contrast, many moths are active at night and thus are attracted to flowers that are pale or white, have a strong fragrance, but also have broad areas to land on.
Moths, attracted, colour, scent
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, Line 5
According to the fifth line of paragraph D, many moths are active at night. This draws them to flowers that are light in colour or white, have a potent scent, and have a wide surface area. Therefore, the statement is true.

  1. Certain flowers have evolved to be pollinated by hummingbirds.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting Sentence
Hummingbirds are also attracted by colour, especially by bright reds, and flowers that attract these tiny birds also have strong stems and are designed for pollen to be brushed on the hummingbirds' heads as they sip nectar.
Flowers, evolved, pollinated, hummingbirds
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, Last second line
In the second-to-last sentence of paragraph D, it is said that hummingbirds are drawn to colour, especially vivid reds. The flowers that attract these little birds have strong stalks. They are made so that the pollen can be brushed against the heads of the hummingbirds while they drink nectar. Consequently, the assertion is accurate.

  1. Special markings on a flower help bees to locate the nectar.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting Sentence
Many bee attractors also have nectar guides, which are spots near the centre of each flower that reflect ultraviolet light, making it easier for the bees to find the nectar.
Special markings, flower, help, bees, locate, nectar
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, Line 3
According to the third sentence of paragraph E, many bee attractors also feature nectar guides. These are areas near each flower's centre that reflect ultraviolet light and make it simpler for bees to locate the nectar. As a result, the statement is accurate.

  1. Bees rarely respond to scent.

Answer: FALSE
Supporting Sentence
Bees are also attracted to flowers with a mint-like or sweet smell.
Bees, rarely, respond, scents
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, Line 4
According to the fourth line of paragraph E, bees are drawn to flowers that smell minty or sweet, indicating that they are sensitive to scent. The statement is therefore untrue.

  1. Most grain crops are pollinated by insects.

Answer: FALSE
Supporting Sentence
While many staple crops such as rice, corn, canola, and wheat are self-pollinating or pollinated by the wind, farmers are dependent on pollinator species for many fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seed crops.
Grain, crops, pollinated, insects
Keyword Location
Paragraph F, Line 2
The second line of paragraph F notes that many common crops, including rice, corn, canola, and wheat, are wind- or self-pollinating. Consequently, the assertion is untrue.

  1. Close to one-third of the world's harvest depends on animals for pollination.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting Sentence
Over 30 percent of the world's crops require the work of pollinator species.
One-third, world's harvest, depends, animals, pollination
Keyword Location
Paragraph F, Line 4
The fourth line of paragraph F states that more than 30%, or nearly one-third of the yield, depends on pollinators. Consequently, the statement is accurate.

  1. Farmers in certain parts of the world have suffered economically because of the decline in the honeybee population.

The passage does not include the necessary details to answer the question.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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