Performance Related Pay IELTS Reading Answers

Performance Related Pay IELTS Reading Answers is a general reading topic which comes with a discussion about the bonus payments which are rewarded to the employees for their performance on annual basis. The given IELTS topic has originated from the book named “Cambridge IELTS 10 Student's Book with Answers”. The topic named Performance Related Pay IELTS Reading Answers with 6 wide range of questions in total. The topic comes with only one type of question, which is, complete the notes given below. The candidates should thoroughly read the IELTS reading passage to recognize the synonyms and identify the keywords and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers can be taken into consideration by the candidates in order to score a good score in the reading section in which similar topics like Performance Related Pay IELTS Reading Answers has been included.

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Section 1

Read the passage to answer the following questions

Performance Related Pay IELTS Reading Answers

Performance-related pay

There are a number of reasons why your employer might introduce this type of pay scheme. They may:

  • be keen to retain current staff
  • want to compete for new talent
  • be seeking a fairer way of distributing wages.

In order for performance-related schemes to work, they should be based on clear, measurable targets agreed by both employer and employee. You will normally find out about these targets from your contract of employment and the performance appraisal meetings you have with your manager.

Short-term schemes

Short-term schemes usually offer bonus payments, or, depending on the type of work, commission on sales achieved. Payments vary and these schemes are normally used just to encourage staff to improve their own performance.

Long-term schemes

Long-term schemes offer rewards like share options, and can help to encourage loyalty to the organisation and its aims. Such schemes tend to be used as a way of retaining senior staff.

What to do if you have problems

If you don’t receive bonus or commission payments which you believe you are owed, check your contract of employment or staff handbook to see how your bonus is paid. Ask your employer if you need more information.

If you think a mistake has been made, you should:

  • speak to your employer to see if there has been a misunderstanding
  • ask your employer to set out in writing how they have calculated your pay
  • keep copies of any letters and notes of any meetings.

There are three ways that the law might cover a case of unpaid bonuses:

  • breach of contract
  • unlawful deductions from wages
  • unlawful discrimination.

Deductions from wages / breach of contract

Any right to a bonus will normally be included in your contract of employment. It may not always be written down. It can be verbally agreed or understood to be there due to normal practice in your particular area of business.

Failure to pay a bonus or commission that you are entitled to could amount to an unlawful deduction of wages.


Your employer must not discriminate against particular groups of people – for example, by giving smaller bonuses to women. Ideally, your employer should have some guidelines setting out the normal range of bonuses to give, and these must be followed without discriminating against any specific group.

Section 2

Questions 22-27

Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 22-27 on your answer sheet.

Performance-related pay

One of the reasons for introducing performance-related pay is in order to 22 …………………… existing employees.
Employer and employee should agree on some 23 …………………… that can be measured.
Short-term schemes: bonus or the payment of a 24 …………………… related to sales.
Long-term reward schemes: generally offered to employees at a 25 …………………… level.
Details of bonus payments: may be included in a contract or a handbook for staff.
If you think there has been a mistake with your pay:

  • discuss the issue with your employer
  • keep records of any relevant 26 ……………………

It is illegal for employers to discriminate against any specific group, e.g. by giving less money to 27 …………………… .

Question 22:

Answer: retain
Supporting sentence: be keen to retain current staff
Keyword : keen, retain, current staff
Keyword location: paragraph 1
Explanation: The initial paragraph of the passage states about performance related pay. There are plenty logics. It states about some reasons that why their employer are able to recommend a special type of pay scheme. The employer may be eager and fervent to retain current staff. Those ongoing staffs want to contest for searching new talent, be searching a quality process of disbursing the salaries. Performance-related programmes must be founded on specific, quantifiable goals that have been agreed upon by both the company and the employee. It can be done if they are to be effective. Performance-related programmes must be founded on specific quantifiable goals. Also, this have been agreed upon by both the company and the employee if they are to be effective.

Question 23:

Answer: targets
Supporting sentence: You will normally find out about these targets from your contract of employment and the performance appraisal meetings you have with your manager.
Keyword : targets, contract of employment, performance appraisal, manager
Keyword location: paragraph 2
Explanation: The paragraph 2 clarifies that for the purpose of performance-related schemes to work, they should be positioned on clear, perceptible targets. These schemes or proposal are agreed by both the employer and the employee. One canl easily find out about these targets from their pact of employment. Alongside, they can also find out the targets from the performance assessment talks one have with their manager. It lists a few justifications for why their company would suggest a unique pay structure. The employer can be passionate and keen to keep its current employees. These current employees want to compete for new talent while looking for a quality method of paying salary.

Question 24:

Answer: commission
Supporting sentence: Short-term schemes usually offer bonus payments, or, depending on the type of work, commission on sales achieved.
Keyword : Short-term schemes, offer bonus payments, type of work, commission on sales achieved
Keyword location: paragraph 3
Explanation: The third paragraph explains about the schemes which are of short period of time. Short-term schemes basically grants payments in bonus forms, or, depending on the sort of work, delegation on sales accomplished. Payments generally alter or fluctuates. Also, these schemes are normally used to strengthen the staff to upgrade their performance only. It says to check the employment contract or staff manual to see how the bonus is disbursed. If someone doesn't receive bonus or commission payments he/she should have received. If someone require further information, should speak with their resective employer.

Question 25:

Answer: senior
Supporting sentence: Such schemes tend to be used as a way of retaining senior staff.
Keyword : Long-term schemes, tend to be used, retaining senior staff
Keyword location: paragraph 4
Explanation: The fourth paragraph mentions that “Long-term schemes offer rewards like share options, and can help to encourage loyalty to the organisation and its aims. Such schemes tend to be used as a way of
retaining senior staff.” It enhances that the long term schemes usually provides some bonus type rewards. The rewards are like the options of share, and can also assist to boost the loyalty of the organization and its goals. Usually, these plans are utilised to keep senior employees.

Question 26:

Answer: meetings/letters
Supporting sentence: keep copies of any letters and notes of any meetings.
Keyword : keep copies, letters and notes, meetings.
Keyword location: paragraph 5
Explanation: The paragraph 5 in the passage explains that if a person doesn't receive his/her bonus or commission payments which they believe they should get. They can check their contract letter of employment or staff handbook to see the regulations of how the bonus is given to the employees. They can ask their employer in need of more information. After that, if someone thinks that a mistake has been made, they should speak to their employer. They can have a talk with the employer to see if there has been a misunderstanding or misconception. Also, they can ask the employer to set out in writing that how they have adjusted their pay. They should necessarily keep the confidential copies of all the letters and notes of the meetings.

Question 27:

Answer: women
Supporting sentence: Your employer must not discriminate against particular groups of people – for example, by giving smaller bonuses to women.
Keyword : employer, must not discriminate, particular groups of people, giving smaller bonuses to women
Keyword location: paragraph 7
Explanation: The seventh paragraph clarifies about prohibiting the racial discrimination or something like that. It explains that the employer must not segregate against a distinct groups of people. For instance, by granting minimal bonus payments to women. Basically, the employer should abide by some rules and regulations setting out the normal range of bonuses to give. These bonuses must be rewarded to the candidates without being choosy against any particular group.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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