People Think That Government should Spend on Road System IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 28, 2022

People Think That Government should Spend on Road System IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the topic. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think that the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that the user should pay for the cost. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1

With the increase in the number of cars, the pressure on the road is increasing. As the traffic on the road increases, honking of horns amplifies, traveling to destinations consumes more time. Also more petrol and diesel is burnt due to overcrowding of vehicles. Therefore, the road system has to be constructed on a large scale to ease traveling from one place to another.
Now the point of contention about the construction of the road system is who should take up the task of improving roadways. Some people are of the view that the government should incur the expenditure and improve the road system. While others are of the view that the car users should be bearing the cost. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument and reach a conclusion.
The reason why many people are of the view that the car users should be incurring the costs of improving roadways. Is because they think that when the cost falls on the users they will reduce traveling which will reduce the air pollution and traffic congestion. This will also lead to a reduction in people owning cars as then they’ve to incur the cost. Road system has to be constructed on a large scale to connect various cities and requires a lot of expenditure. For individuals to incur such cost is unexplainable as it is in the public domain and everyone uses the roadways to various purposes.
The view that the government should be paying for the road system is based on the fact that the citizens already pay taxes regularly to the government. To ensure that the public services are in order and revamped as per needs. Since road transport is a major chunk of the economy, the government should regularly allocate budgets to improve the roadways. With an increase in the number of cars purchased, the tax the government will be receiving will also go up. As for instance in India, every car owner has to pay road taxes to the state government to get an allowance to drive the car on the road. The objective of this tax is to ensure that citizens can safely travel and smoothly. This tax is taken from the citizens for this very purpose, therefore it only makes sense for the government to spend on the road system. The government also earns through various penalties and toll taxes, which can also be used to maintain the roads.
In my opinion, the government should incur the cost and build a road system on a large scale to connect various cities and make traveling faster.

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Model Answer 2

With increase in population and advancement of technology, more and more people are owning cars for various purposes. The pressure on the road is increasing due to the increase in the number of everyday vehicles. And is simultaneously increasing air pollution as the emission of harmful gasses increases as well. The road system also needs to be revamped to accommodate more cars and reduce congestion.The point of argument begins at this juncture, as some people think that the cost incurred on the road system should be taken care of by the car users. Who increase the traffic and demand for better roadways. And others think that the government should incur the costs as roads are a part of public services which the government is responsible for.
The reason why many people believe that the users should pay for the costs is because it is the users who are ultimately going to use the service. Hence they should be the one paying for it, as if they don’t require wider and better roads or reduce the purchase of cars. Then the demand will vanish. Also, on the surface, this seems like a plausible way of controlling air pollution. As when the onus of the road system falls on the users, they will automatically be more vigilant and use their vehicle more carefully.
The view that the government should pay for the cost incurred in maintaining roadways believe that the taxes which every citizen of the country pay. Is basically to allow the government to allocate the budgets for various public services and improve the overall standard of living of the citizens. Roadways is a significant part of the country’s economy and is a major item on the public domain which every citizen requires. Road transport is the basic road of transportation. Hence the government should allocate a handsome budget to ensure that the roads are up to date and meet the needs of the people. This act of government will have many benefits- it will improve the roadways of the entire country which on an individual level is not possible. It will also enhance tourism, help in getting the support of the locals and lead to harmony among citizens.
In my opinion, the government should pay for the road system and improve the roads to accommodate more cars. Because the fact that there are more car users indicates that the purchasing power of the citizens are increasing. Which is a sign of development and also indicates that the tax payments too will see an increase.

Model Answer 3

Technological advancements have made it possible for companies to make vehicles, particularly cars for individual use, more affordable. This has led to an increase in car purchase. The consequences of this are seen on the environment and roadways. Air pollution is at a record high currently and the pressure on the roadway has also increased as more and more people are traveling individually. The roads are not equipped to accommodate so many vehicles at once which leads to traffic congestion and accidents. Therefore, expenditure on roads too will have to increase to keep up with the increase in vehicles on road.
Road construction and revamp requires significant spending where people have different views. Some think that the government should pay for the costs and others think the users should pay.
The simple reason why people think the government should pay the costs is because of the taxes. They should be used to increase the standard of living of the citizens and improve various public services. But one needs to understand that the government has to take care of many services and paying for these spendings will keep increasing. If the government continues to pay for it without any restraint on citizens then the purchase will keep increasing and air pollution can’t be managed.
One of the main reasons why some think the users should pay for the cost. Because this will put a constraint on the user which will allow them to rethink their decisions of purchasing. This is a better way of combating air pollution as well. Because whenever owning a car would call for extra spending in terms of better road constructions. People will start avoiding private transports and shift to public transport which can carry many people at one go and reduce the traffic on the road. This way the spending on roadways can be controlled and citizens will become more responsible. Which will benefit the country and government can spend on other important public services like health and education to improve the lives of the people.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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