People Think That Children Should Learn To Paint Or Draw At School IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 29, 2022

People Think That Children Should Learn To Paint Or Draw At School IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people think that children should learn to paint or draw at school. Others believe it is just a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Model Answer 1:

Due to the advancement in the education system, drawing or art classes have become an essential part of modern-day classes. It has become an integral part of the academic curriculum in almost all schools, especially among the lower or primary classes. Many people regard this as a positive development, whereas many others have a view of negative development in drawing or art classes with respect to the academic curriculum. Both the pros and cons are discussed below in my article.

Discussing the pros, the first and the foremost positive impact of the drawing or art classes is probably related to the creativity skills of the students. Drawing lessons enhance the innovative or creative skills of the students which are very very beneficial if induced among the students in the lower or primary classes. Secondly, drawing or art lessons also emphasize greatly expressing their inner thinking. The human mind is the most inquisitive in its primary stages. Drawing or art classes induce them to express those feelings or questions inside their mind in the form of a drawing or a painting. It helps them to plan and formulate their future dreams through the paintings. Thirdly, if one gets really good at those art or drawing classes, he/she may be able to make a good fortune out of it in the future. In this ever-changing world with insecurities in almost every field of job, having a passion for drawing or art may be helpful to them to receive some extra earnings. Also, this will help a lot to release the day-to-day stress, anxiety, or depression resulting from their normal workload. This way, drawing or art classes may result in both mental and economic stability for the students in their future.

On the other hand, instead of various positive impacts, it has a few negative impacts also. One of the most important negative impacts that drawing or art classes have is that it is not a universal passion. There are many students who don't like drawing or art at all. So, If drawing or art classes are made compulsory in their schools, then these types of students may find it difficult to carry on with the others who have a passion for it. This may even induce demotivating vibes in their minds and they may think of themselves as failures.

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Model Answer 2:

In modern-day schools, whether public or private, the inclusion of drawing or art classes has become a normal and essential thing. Both parents and teachers are seen emphasising on the drawing or artistic skills of their students. While many people consider this as a good step, some consider this a useless or time-wasting part of the school's academic curriculum. Both the contrasting views are discussed below in my article.

The inclusion of drawing or art classes fosters creative skills in the minds of the students. While drawing or making an art, the coordination of the eyes, brain , hand and the fingers improves the motor or hand to hand skills of the students. It also helps a lot to find and extract the inner inherited talents of drawing or art which may act beneficial to them in the future, both mentally and economically. Participation in the drawing or art competitions really boosts their confidence and motivation and it greatly helps in their other academic studies also. But instead of so many merits, it has some demerits also, if it is made a compulsory subject. Students who don't have a passion for drawing or art may find it difficult to manage the extra workload provided to them. It may also hamper their other important subjects in the academic curriculum. They may find it difficult to art or draw like their fellow mates who have a passion for that. This may result in enmity or jealousy among them. Again, if they are judged by their drawing teachers only on the basis of their low skills, they may lose their confidence in studies. This may act very very harmful to the students if they go through this in their primary classes. Not being able to draw or art properly may also induce stress or depressing vibes in their minds at a lower age.

Hence, these are some of the pros and cons of the art or drawing classes that I have discussed briefly. I want to conclude this article by saying that the drawing or art classes should not be made mandatory to everyone in the class, the students should be able to choose it as an elective subject ,so that only those who have a passion for it can pursue it .

Model Answer 3:

In today's world, along with the essential subjects of the academic curriculum, drawing or art lessons have gained a lot of popularity, mainly among the lower or primary classes. To foster the skills of creativity or inventiveness in the minds of the students from an early age, school administrations are seen to include drawing or art subjects from the early or primary classes. Though it is a good idea according to many people, many other people also regard it as a useless idea. Both views are discussed below.

Discussing the good impacts of drawing or art classes, its impact on understanding the other essential subjects is among the most important ones. Having good drawing or artistic skills really enhances the understanding of the topics of other important subjects, especially in the case of physics, chemistry, biology, geography, political science, geology, etc, where diagrams or maps play an important role. Being able to make a good diagram or a geological or political map will really enhance the understanding of the concepts more clearly. Moreover, it will also be beneficial in scoring better marks in the exams or assessments, where they can explain the answers more logically and clearly using diagrams or maps.

Again, it also helps a lot in explaining those topics to their juniors in the future with their skills of drawing or art. Drawing or art classes also help the students to express their own thoughts in the form of a painting. They are able to make their own world with their fingers and hands on the paper and make their own dreams of a colorful world. Whereas, too much focus on drawing or art lessons may have a harmful impact on the other essential subjects also. Students should be taught about the balance they have to maintain between a passion and a career. Also, students that don't like to draw or do art find it difficult to carry on with their batch mates who like to draw. These events may induce abnormal emotional issues inside their minds because of the shameful feelings resulting from their poor drawing skills. These things , if happened at a lower age may affect their mind in the long run of their life.

Both the pros and cons of the inclusion of drawing or art classes are discussed in my above article. In a conclusion, parents and teachers have the duty to search and extract any passion if it is inside the students and if they are not passionate about that thing, they should never force them to do so.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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