People Spend a Lot of Money on Tickets to go to Sporting or Events IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Dec 22, 2022

People Spend a Lot of Money on Tickets to go to Sporting or Events IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. There are two parts in the IELTS Writing sample answers: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the topic. IELTS writing score for People Spend a Lot of Money on Tickets to go to Sporting or Events IELTS Writing Task 2 is marked based on band score. Students are not judged on the side they are choosing for the topic: People Spend a Lot of Money on Tickets to go to Sporting or Events IELTS Writing Task 2. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: These days some people spend a lot of money on tickets to go to sporting events. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

Sports have been a source of entertainment for thousands of people. Sporting events like The Fifa World cup and the Olympics are hugely watched all over the world. Very few of them get a chance to watch them live. Hence, people spend a lot of money on tickets for their favorite sport and watch it live or on TV. They love the fact that their favorite players or stars perform live in front of them. It might cost a fortune to watch a world cup final match. People also spend a huge amount of money on these sporting events. They believe it is once in a lifetime experience. I believe that spending money on tickets to go to different sporting or cultural events is not a waste of money. Different reasons supporting such facts have been discussed below.
People hardly find any time to relax due to the hectic work pressure. It takes a toll on their mental health. Studies find that a lot of people have gone into depression. Increased work pressure and deadlines involve the sacrifice of their personal life. These scenarios lead people to find the sporting and cultural events relaxing and mind-refreshing. It provides fun, joy, excitement, and entertainment. They become relaxed mentally and physically. Medical studies have found that watching live sports events are a great stress buster. They are a source of inspiration and motivation for people to do better in their lives. The common people find their idols in life. They want to be like their favorite sports star. For example, when people see their favorite cricket player batting on the ground and hitting sixes, it gives a sense of encouragement. It also motivates them to be more fitness freaks like them and give their 100% in whatever tasks they perform. Many children love sports because of the players that they watch. It helps them choose their career path and follow their ideals path to achieve great heights every day. The most important is that these events help someone socialize more with different kinds of people belonging to different cities, towns, or countries. It helps in building better social relationships and improving communication skills. These events also bring more economy to the country. 
Sports provide encouragement, emotion, drama, motivation, enlightenment, and whatnot. It provides a lifetime experience. The joy and happiness one feels while watching such sports live is beyond imagination. The ambiance in the stadium becomes lightning and spectacular. Hence, I believe that spending money on buying tickets for sporting and cultural events is not a waste of money.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

Spending a lot of money on buying tickets for different sporting and cultural events has become a trend these days. People are spending exceptional amounts of money buying expensive tickets to such events. For a few hours of fun, they tend to spend the hard-earned money recklessly. But spending a high amount of money buying tickets for such events is a total waste of money. Rather, this money can be utilized more productively. Several reasons support the fact that such spending is a total wastage of money.
Most people tend to spend a lot of money buying tickets to such events just to impress their friends. This craze has been found in most of the school and college-going students. Who find it cool to spend their parents’ money on buying tickets to their favorite sporting events or cultural fests. They do not even hesitate before spending recklessly on buying tickets just to boast in front of their group. Secondly, most people buy tickets to such events out of peer pressure. Because they have the larger fear of missing out on the fun their friends or group will have at the event. A study finds that most people use credit cards for buying these tickets and later they fail to repay the credit card loans. Furthermore, some people even borrow money from their friends to buy these tickets.
Tickets to such events are exceptionally high. So, people must think before spending such a high amount of money out of their parent's hard-earned money or salary. These events are just a few hours of fun. But the amount earned had taken days of hard work from their parents. Before spending money on buying tickets to such events. One must weigh the pros and cons. Spending money like this will disturb the monthly finances of the people. That they have maintained, some might even lose the savings they have made for a long time for better. And productive investments than just for a few hours of fun.
Therefore, spending money on buying tickets for sports or other events is a total waste of money. Rather this money should be invested in a better and productive manner.

Band 6.5 IELTS Essay

Spending money on buying tickets for sports or other cultural events has both pros and cons attached to it. For some people, it gives them a sense of relaxation, for others it is just a way to look cool in front of their friends. Labeling such spending as total wastage or total worth would be a wrong statement. Rather, such spending should be critically checked depending on its viability. There are several pros and cons attached to such spending as discussed below.
While looking at the pros, we find these cultural and sports events work as a stress buster for the people. People have been occupied with different deadlines and work pressure which disturbs their mental health and sometimes becomes the reason for depression. In such cases, people find these events as a perfect way to release their stress, charge up their minds and get refreshed. Secondly, these sports events encourage people to focus more on fitness and health and develop a healthy sense of living in their lives. Thirdly, people get inspired by their favorite players or stars to perform better in their respective fields by looking at them.
Talking about the cons of such spending we find that most of the people spend money on buying tickets. For these sports or cultural events just for boasting around their friends. For them, such events are just for fun and there is no emotional value attached to them. Secondly, tickets to such events are very costly and it costs a huge amount of money. Sometimes the value equals the amount you have saved for productive investment. Thirdly, this trend is most common among school and college students. Who go to these events out of peer pressure but don’t think even once about their parents who have worked hard to earn this money.
Money spent on such events must be checked before spending. If such spending is merely for the sake of fun then this is a total waste of money. But, if such events have some emotional value attached to them like for relieving stress and is a source of motivation. This spending on such tickets is a total worth of money.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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