People Sleep Less Than Before In Many Countries IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Dec 29, 2022

People Sleep Less Than Before In Many Countries IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The candidates are provided with a topic on which they need to write. Usually, these IELTS topics are related to society and its issues. The examiner asks the views of the candidates for People Sleep Less Than Before In Many Countries IELTS Writing Task 2. The topic comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains the test-taker's perspective and the reasons justifying the opinion.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates the knowledge of the candidate on the opinion they have shared. The candidates are assessed on grammar, vocabulary, and style in People Sleep Less Than Before In Many Countries IELTS Writing Task 2. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Going through IELTS Writing practice papers that are available online will help candidates become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: People sleep less than before in many countries. Why do people sleep less? What effect does it have individually and in society?

Band 8 IELTS Essay

Sleep is a necessary part of life. Any living being needs to rest and calm their body and mind. Without sleep, our physical and mental health deteriorates. It is said that if a person does not sleep for one night, it affects the body for the next 7 days. Nowadays, this has become very common. People usually stay awake till late night. There are multiple reasons for that. In this essay, we will discuss why people sleep less and what effect it has on individuals and society. 

With the technical advancement, phones, laptops, computers, and television along with video games have created many diversions and distractions for people. They are barred from a peaceful and quiet life. Addiction to these devices has become very common among youth. It is a very common practice to spend the night pon mobiles or laptops watching movies or playing games. This inadvertently impacts the sleeping schedule of a person. As per the doctors, we put a lot of stress on our eyes and body. It can also create damaging effects on the brain and eyes which sometimes might be irreparable. Many people all across the world are staying up late in order to catch up with their favorite television series or play their favorite video games. Children play games at night which affects their vision. People have to get glasses early in their life due to the increased screen time. 7-8 hours of sleep is required to stay active and fresh for the whole day. Our body is just like machines. if we do not give proper rest, it will fail very early. 

I agree that technology has made our life easier. However, this fact cannot be denied that our life has also become shorter. People live less, the average lifespan has decreased if compared to the last 2 decades. This also leads to various health problems, mostly obesity, heart problems, blood pressure, etc. The society also gets affected by this. Individuals are not able to work properly. The economy of the country gets affected since the working hours decrease. I believe everyone should lead a healthy life and for that, proper sleep is required. 

Band 7 IELTS Essay

A well-rested body leads to a well-rested mind is a saying that we are familiar with. If a body is well rested, it can do various work and can handle hard tolls both on mind and body. But an increasing trend in people getting less sleep each passing day has become a cause of serious concern among the public. People are spending more time surfing their mobile phones and laptops during the night so they lose their essential sleeping time. Good sleep can lead to higher productivity, which they might lose. In this hectic and advanced lifestyle, we have become more tech-dependent. Moreover, every minute of our life is spent either on our mobile phones, television or computers. This has led to a strain on the eyes due to harsh lights from the devices, furthermore disrupting our sleep cycle and ultimately leading us to have less sleep.

This hazardous habit of not sleeping well can lead to insomnia causing severe headaches and even making us nauseous in the morning. A well-rested body and mind are needed to function properly throughout the day. A slump in productivity is seen in many individuals who are getting less sleep day by day.

Stress is also a leading factor which can lead to little or no sleep. Stress from work or personal life adds to the burden of a person. The corporate sector wants a person to work more hours with the lucrative “extra pay” tag. This has led to extreme competition among peers to earn some extra money. This has inadvertently led to a huge amount of stress and tension among co-workers, further leading them to have less sleep.

This problem can be solved in many ways. Number one is switching the mobile phone to a book. The light rays from the phone can disrupt our sleep cycle which a book will not. It will relax us and make us eventually feel drowsy.

We can also switch off all our electronic devices 30 minutes before going to sleep. This independence from electronic devices will naturally set off our sleep cycle and we have a well-relaxed sleep. Sleep is an important factor in a healthy human lifestyle that one cannot compromise and hence should be taken care of!

Band 6.5 IELTS Essay

Sleep is an essential part of the healthy life cycle of a person. A good 8 hours' rest is recommended by all health professionals in order to lead a healthy and prosperous life. However, in recent times, there has been an uptick in the number of people who are getting less sleep every night. With the advancement of time, people have become more competitive and dependent on technology. They want what the others have and, as a result, they are running behind in money and competition. Most people work in a corporation which has long working hours. Sometimes they even have to work overtime in order to earn more.

After work, they also have to tend to their family and personal life. They need to fulfill the responsibilities that they have at home. Some might go to a party or spend some time with their loved ones.

Next, technology has become a crucial part of one’s life. After coming from work, people either watch their favorite series or spend a huge amount of time on social media. Another factor that might lead to sleeplessness is the consumption of caffeine before going to sleep. It has been proven scientifically that caffeine can lead to sleep deprivation. So an intake of caffeine can lead to sleeplessness even though they might be tired and exhausted from their work.

All these factors lead to a very unbalanced sleep schedule where people sometimes get as low as three hours of sleep at night. Naturally, their productivity decreases, and they are unable to perform at their best level in any given task. They also lack concentration and are incapable of focusing on a particular task. They have huge deadlines in their workspace or academic life which amount to heavy pressure on their mental state. This way, he or she can lose temper over minimal things if it is not done in the first try.

Therefore, in conclusion, factors like stress, caffeine, and technology have disrupted our sleep cycle. Thus, a balanced sleep cycle can only be achieved if people control these factors in order to lead healthy and prosperous life.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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