People Should Lift Their Heads From Their Computer And Phone Screens And Start Living Life IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Aug 12, 2022

People should lift their heads from their computer and phone screens and start living life IELTS Writing Task 2 is an opinion based essay. The three sample answers have been provided below. Answers begin with the opinion and is followed by a brief explanation related to the topic. The sample answers include 3 parts: introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction talks about the opinion and the reason behind it. The body explains and highlights points to support the topic. The conclusion will have the opinion of the candidate.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics

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Topic: People should lift their heads from their computer and phone screens and start living life. To what extent do you agree with this statement? What can be done to encourage especially younger people to leave technology behind? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

People should lift their heads from their computer and phone screens and start living life

Model Answer 1

Technology in our lives has become synonymous with the air we breathe; one cannot imagine life without it. Regardless of whether we accept it or not, our lives are being controlled by artificial intelligence or AI. Even before an individual has woken up from their slumber, their fingers immediately fold around their electronic devices. The exorbitant amount of time spent on mobile phones and laptops, not only affects mental health. But it also has a negative impact on the circadian rhythm of the human body.

The work-from-home culture, adopted in the face of the covid 19 pandemic, disrupted the work-life balance. This meant staring at laptop screens with no fixed time for clocking out. After work, phone screens replaced laptop screens, leading to continuous strain on the eyes. A component of the light emitted from the screens, known as blue light, has been known to harm the eyes in the long run. Moreover, humans scroll through social media apps right before falling asleep and continue to do so even if they’re feeling drowsy. This act disturbs the sleep cycle which further leads to more harmful consequences.

A simple walk in the park is a great activity to release happy chemicals in the body, it also soothes the eyes. As important as it is to focus on one’s career and work, it is also important to be a part of your surroundings. Practising mindfulness through yoga and meditation has evidently shown a positive impact on physical and mental health. One can easily take time out of their daily schedule to perform these activities. In fact, making efforts to incorporate screen-less recreations as a part of the routine will increase longevity.

Therefore, I strongly agree with the statement that people should lift their heads from their computer and phone screens and start living life. It is necessary for us to be aware of how much our screen time is on a daily basis and to work on reducing it. One must try to be more present in their physical life than in their digital ones by maintaining a perfect balance between the two.

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Model Answer 2

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, an increase in the deterioration of mental health across all age groups was witnessed globally. Cities were put under lockdown and people had no other option than to stay within the walls of their homes to avoid catching the virus. To distract their minds, people turned to the digital world, spending hours after hours on their electronic devices. While for some it was unavoidable to work on their laptops due to work requirements. However, a majority of the users turned to social media apps like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Reddit to fill their time.

The sudden lockdown disrupted long-standing routines; such a drastic change cannot be easily comprehended. To cope with the stress of not seeing their loved ones and not being able to be outside, people began spending unusually long hours on social media. An inordinate amount of time on social media usage has been directly linked to struggling with mental health. People witnessed accounts of others' lives through the digital lens only to become envious of others and resentful of their own. Many suffered from depression either due to the monotonous cycle or from dealing with the stress of the pandemic. The complete dependence on technology and screens made lives miserable.

Now that the lockdowns have been lifted, it is important for everyone to ditch their screens and move outside to spend more time outdoors. We have to make up for the lost time by going on trips, treks and hikes, to take in the beauty of nature in all its glory. Playing a football game with friends on the field will be more enjoyable compared to playing an online game of FIFA. Instead of talking to friends and family through texts and calls, we must strive to meet them in person. Instead of online shopping, we should visit local shops and markets.

We must work towards reducing our dependence on technology wherever possible. Endless scrolling after waking up and before going to sleep affects our daily focus and productivity. In some cases, people reach for their phones frequently in between their work because they are addicted to their screens. Therefore, I wholeheartedly agree that people should lift their heads from their laptops and mobile screens and start living life.

Model Answer 3

Some years back, Toys R Us, a global toy manufacturer shut down its outlets all over the world due to a lack of customers. This seemingly harmless announcement is a testament to the shift from toys to electronic gadgets among children. From a very early age, phones and tablets are shoved into the hands of children to pacify them which eventually leads to a serious addiction when they grow up. Even though our generation is living in the digital world, we grew up playing outdoors and meeting friends in person. But that’s not the case with the upcoming generation, their future state is going to be much worse.

Instead of pacifying a crying baby on their own, exhausted parents show cartoons. They do the same thing to distract a child while feeding them. These kids grow up by spending all their time on screens. They focus more on online friends or online games. Instead of studying, they scroll through their social media accounts. An online game, called Pokémon Go, involved its players to look for pokemons outdoors which led to a lot of deaths. Players of Blue Whale, an online game that asked its players to complete tasks, committed suicide eventually. These are only a few examples of why spending too much time on laptop and phone screens is extremely harmful.

The dangers of spending all our time on these gadgets are far-reaching lifelong impacts. It affects mental as well as physical health. It has led to sedentary lifestyles and consequentially to sudden heart failures, obesity, diabetes and many more life-threatening diagnoses. It seems unbelievable that a simple screen has the power to wreak havoc on such a large scale. But we have been observing this for quite a few years now, it is time to start living physically to save our health.

There is absolutely no doubt that it is better to live life than to put our heads down on laptops, tablets or phones. Nothing good can come from a life that is spent isolated, with little to no movements, and with poor sleep, all of which leads to severe anxiety and depression.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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