Patriotism Vs Humanism Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Feb 18, 2023

Patriotism Vs Humanism Reading Answers is an IELTS academic reading topic. This topic discusses patriotism and humanity in the world. The given IELTS topic has originated from the book named “Cambridge IELTS 6”. The topic named Patriotism Vs Humanism Reading Answers has a total of 13 questions. The question types are to select the correct person and complete the summary.

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Section 1

Read the passage to answer the following questions

Patriotism Vs Humanism Reading Answers

As Corey Booker once said, "Patriotism is the love of country. But you can't love your country without loving your countrymen and countrywomen. We don't always have to agree, but we must empower each other, we must find common ground and we must build bridges across our differences to pursue the common good." The common good that Booker refers to here is humanity. Patriotism is the feeling towards the nation - one of pride and belonging. But, what we have to understand is that humanism is the embodiment of benevolence towards other human beings.

Humanity has to be placed above patriotism. Compassion towards fellow humans, irrespective of caste, creed, gender and nationality is the crux of humanity. The main aim of patriotism should be to inculcate a genuine feeling of oneness as people and the willingness to withstand the test of the ever-changing world together.

Sadly, a large number of people in modern times construe the word abrasively, valuing aggressive patriotism, not humanity, without realizing that patriotic feelings are an intrinsic feature of humanity. Patriotism is not blind love for one's country. It is love for the country by loving its people. Corliss Lamont, a philosopher, stated in his works on Humanism that the true ambit of patriotism involves the death of altruism and promotes a school of thinking. Intense feelings of patriotism have killed genuine self-sacrifice. Everyone is busy promoting self-interest.

On the other hand, there are individuals like John Davis, a blogger who writes about the US military and its veterans and is also an ardent supporter of patriotism, says patriotism is sacred. It leads you to form a bond with your neighbor, makes you loyal to the country and creates a special bond with the 'motherland". He further elucidates that it makes people more sensitive to the needs of their country.

Today, self-conceit, arrogance and boastfulness have become the essence of patriotism. The modern-day concepts of patriotic feelings have divided our globe into multiple countries, each of which has water-tight security measures to ensure that it does not let a 'foreigner' enter without a tedious process. It is thereby implied that everyone living in a particular country has to fight, kill and ultimately die in an attempt to retain the country's greatness.

People give speeches about abnegating bloodshed and genocide, yet they choose to remain absolutely reticent when such untoward incidents take place in other countries. George Bernard Shaw has articulately explained this situation, he states that patriotism is an individual's conviction that the country is superior to all countries because one is born in it. This innate superiority complex has raised many global issues.

A person who loves his country may not be highly productive. On the flip side, it has been noticed that people who believe in national identity often know more about the country and have a higher level of political engagement. Most patriots have displayed contrasting trends. They are barely aware of what is going on in their country and are often disinterested in learning new things.

Research has shown that patriotism is liable for narrowing the thoughts of individuals, making them rigid and inflexible to the idea of change. Philosophers like Howard Zinn and Corey Booker have repeatedly asserted that patriotic feelings generally create mistrust and generate negative feelings towards other countries and their citizens. This is commonly known as the 'us and them mentality'.

A number of theories have been formulated in favor of humanism allowing a better understanding of humans and their innate needs. Carl Rogers' humanistic approach states that humanism was adopted as a rebellion against what was seen as limitations of behaviorist and psychodynamic psychology. Rogers stated that psychology is not a behavior or dynamics of the unconscious mind. It is the innate need for humans to be free, to socialize with fellow humans that determines behavior.

Humanism is based on empirical evidence, whereas patriotism is based on blind belief. However, there are individuals who consider patriotism as an appropriate school of thought as it motivates people to act for their countries. Bertell Ollman, in his book Dance of The Dialectic, states that using patriotic symbols has a massive effect on the minds of the people. This can be construed from election results of political parties using patriotic symbols.

One can say that patriotism has inhibited our ability to think about the long run. It has blinded us with feelings of pride, selfishness and ultra-nationalism and in the process, we tend to forget our basic traits and duties toward other human beings. Human knowledge demands upgrading because the world is dynamic in nature. Humanism embraces this aspect which allows flexibility and tolerance. Patriotism has clouded this vision of ours. We do not need an alien invasion to unite us and to make us think as one race instead of a cluster of groups, to give up bickering and confusion about what we truly want.

Section 2

Questions 14 - 19

Look at the following statements (Questions 14-19) and the list of people below.

Match each statement with the correct person.

Choose the correct answer and move it into the gap.

List of people

Corliss Lamont

Carl Rogers

Bertell Ollman

George Bernard Shaw

John Davis

Howard Zinn

Corey Booker

  1. Patriotism makes us more thoughtful towards the cause of the nation.

Answer: John Davis
Supporting Sentence: He further elucidates that it makes people more sensitive to the needs of their country.
Keywords: sensitive, country
Keyword Location: 3rd paragraph, last sentence
Explanation: The author states that John Davis believes that it helps to form a bond with your neighbor. Patriotism makes one loyal to the country and creates a special bond with the motherland. The supporting sentence also says that it makes people sensitive (thoughtful) to the needs of the country (cause of the nation).

  1. In spite of differences in opinion, people must be united towards the betterment of mankind.

Answer: Corey Booker
Supporting Sentence: We don't always have to agree, but we must empower each other, we must find common ground and we must build bridges across our differences to pursue the common good.
Keywords: don’t, agree, empower, common good
Keyword Location: 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The author at the beginning of the paragraph talks about Cory Booker. As per Corey Booker, it is not important that everyone needs to agree. However, we must empower each other to come to a common ground and work towards common good. Common good means the betterment of mankind.

  1. Love for one's nation encourages selfishness by destroying selflessness.

Answer: Corliss Lamont
Supporting Sentence: Corliss Lamont, a philosopher, stated in his works on Humanism that the true ambit of patriotism involves the death of altruism and promotes a school of thinking. Intense feelings of patriotism have
killed genuine self-sacrifice.
Keywords: feelings, death, patriotism
Keyword Location: 3rd paragraph, 3rd sentence
Explanation: In the passage, as per Corliss Lamont, everyone is busy promoting self-interest. Self interest means selfishness. Lamont says that true ambition of patriotism involves the death of altruism.

  1. Human beings are inborn social creatures.

Answer: Carl Rogers
Supporting Sentence: It is the innate need for humans to be free, to socialize with fellow humans that determines behavior.
Keywords: innate, socialize
Keyword Location: 8th paragraph, last sentence
Explanation: Carl Rogers states that humans are born with a tendency to socialize. This determines the behavior of human beings. Hence, innate means from the time they are born. So, humans are inborn social creatures.

  1. National emblems leave a deep impact on people.

Answer: Bertell Ollman
Supporting Sentence: Bertell Ollman, in his book Dance of The Dialectic, states that using patriotic symbols has a massive effect on the minds of the people.
Keywords: patriotic, effect, minds
Keyword Location: Paragraph 9, 2nd last sentence
Explanation: Here patriotic symbol means national emblem. Massive effect means deep impact. Hence, as per the supporting sentence, using patriotic symbols creates a deep impact in the minds of people.

  1. Being born in a country is a reason enough to regard that country as the best.

Answer: George Bernard Shaw
Supporting Sentence: George Bernard Shaw has articulately explained this situation, he states that patriotism is an individual's conviction that the country is superior to all countries because one is born in it.
Keywords: patriotism, country, superior, born
Keyword Location: 5th paragraph, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The author directly states that patriotism should come because one is born in that country. This can be reason enough to love that country.

Questions 20-26

Complete the summary using the list of words. Choose the correct word and move it into the gap.








Humanity is 20_________ to patriotism as it is the expression of love towards all human beings regardless of 21________charecteristics. Though, the latter is a 22________ part of the former, it is unfortunate that many 23________________ it incorrectly. Instead of uniting people, patriotism, in modern times, is dividing the 24_______. Studies show that it has made people 25______and, as scholars believe, has given rise to 26___________ between people of their own and other countries.

Question 20

Answer: Superior
Supporting Sentence: Humanity has to be placed above patriotism.
Keywords: Humanity, above, patriotism
Keyword Location: 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence
Explanation: The author directly states in the passage that humanity needs to be placed above patriotism. The passage asks about what humanity is to patriotism. It says that humanity is superior. This makes the superior answer correct.

Question 21

Answer: Differentiating
Supporting Sentence: Compassion towards fellow humans, irrespective of caste, creed, gender and nationality is the crux of humanity.
Keywords: irrespective, caste, creed, gender, nationality
Keyword Location: 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The author states that we need to show compassion towards fellow human beings. This should be done without any discrimination. Irrespective of their caste, creed, gender or character, we should show compassion. There should be no differentiation.

Question 22

Answer: Inherent
Supporting Sentence: The main aim of patriotism should be to inculcate a genuine feeling of oneness as people and the willingness to withstand the test of the ever-changing world together.
Keywords: inculcate, aim
Keyword Location: 2nd paragraph, last sentence
Explanation: In the paragraph, the author says that patriotism should be inculcated in people. The author says that it is an inherent part of humans. All have different characteristics. It is the latter part which is inherited on birth.

Question 23

Answer: Interpret
Supporting Sentence: Sadly, a large number of people in modern times construe the word abrasively, valuing aggressive patriotism, not humanity, without realizing that patriotic feelings are an intrinsic feature of humanity.
Keywords: sadly, aggressive, not humanity
Keyword Location: 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence
Explanation: As per the question, we mostly interpret the characters of persons incorrectly. The supporting sentence suggests somevalue aggressive and non-human patriotism without realizing. This makes it an intrinsic feature of humanity.

Question 24

Answer: World
Supporting Sentence: The modern-day concepts of patriotic feelings have divided our globe into multiple countries, each of which has water-tight security measures to ensure that it does not let a 'foreigner' enter without a
tedious process.
Keywords: divided, globe
Keyword Location: 4th paragraph, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The question asks that instead of uniting people, patriotism is dividing what. We can find the answer from the supporting sentence. It says that modern day patriotism is dividing the g;lobe of the world.

Question 25

Answer: Conservative
Supporting Sentence: The modern-day concepts of patriotic feelings have divided our globe into multiple countries, each of which has water-tight security measures to ensure that it does not let a 'foreigner' enter without a
tedious process.
Keywords: divided, globe, does not enter
Keyword Location: 4th paragraph, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The supporting sentence states that the modern day patriotic feeling has divided our world. Foreigners are not allowed to enter the country without a hectic process. This means people have become conservative.

Question 26

Answer: Discrimination
Supporting Sentence: It is thereby implied that everyone living in a particular country has to fight, kill and ultimately die in an attempt to retain the country's greatness.
Keywords: fight, kill, retain
Keyword Location: 4th paragraph, last sentence
Explanation: The author states that everyone has to fight, kill and ultimately die in an attempt to retain the country's greatness. This means there is a discrimination among the people of their own country.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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