Parents Often Give Children Everything They Ask For IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 27, 2022

Parents Often Give Children Everything They Ask For IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the topic. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like. Is it good for children? What are the consequences when they grow up?

Model Answer 1

Yes, it is true. It is seen in most of the families of our society that parents provide everything to their children that they wish for or demand. It may have some good impacts in the sense of bondings, but if done in excess. It will have serious and harmful impacts on the perception and behavior of the child. I have discussed it in my article below.

Providing everything to a child that they wish for may lead to the development of an immature mentality at a mature stage later in his/her life. Doesn't matter how cute or caring it may sound but when a parent completes all of the demands of their child. The child actually begins to lose the real value of those demands or accessories. They don't get the real struggle or effort that other people have to put to fulfill those demands. Because of the lack of struggle, it may have serious impacts on the character of that child when he/she becomes an adult. They may think of those demands as easy to fulfill and may think that everyone can easily fulfill those demands. Also, this has a markable impact on the future life struggle of that child. After getting everything that the child wishes for by its parents for a brief time of life. And suddenly when the parents stop providing due to retirement or other low income reasons, it may cause certain disturbances in the child's mind . In that case , the child may also become agitated at the parents and in extreme cases, they may even physically force them to do as they wish. Also, providing everything or fulfilling every demand of the child may even lead them towards bad paths. As the child has seen fulfilling every demand by its parents. The child may become less afraid of them and become involved in certain anti - social works thinking. That their parents love them so much that they will never be rude or angry towards them. This type of mental behavior is very harmful to the development of a healthy family environment.

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Model Answer 2

Yes, it is evident in many households that parents fulfill all of the demands that their children make. They try to do everything that they love or wish for . As a result of a deep sense of bonding and caring. They provide their children with every accessory that they have asked for . Though it seems to induce love and affection between the children and the family members in the short run. It may have harmful impacts on the future of the child in the long run.

When someone gets something easily, he/she doesn't really get to know about the value of that product . Instead they think of that product to be easily accessible. This type of perceptual change occurs when a child gets everything that he/she wishes for. Without even losing a drop of a sweat. This makes them think of life as an easy journey instead of a hard one. This may create havoc in his/her life in the later phases. When they have to spend their days with their own income source and nothing will be provided by their parents. Also, when the child doesn't know about the real value of a certain accessory. They will not feel any hesitation when they destroy or lose it somewhere . This again makes them lose the value of money. Providing everything that the child asks for may also lead to certain disturbances in the environment of the family. After providing everything that the child asks for a long time. If suddenly due to a financial crisis, the parents are unable to do so , the child may get angry at its parents. And may even disrespectfully force them to abide by his/her words. He/she may also use disrespectful or curse words to express his agitation towards them. Such activities will really worsen the positive vibes of a house. Hence, parents should be aware of their love, affection and caring for their child. There should be a balance in everything. They should not provide their child with excess of anything even if they can afford it. This will ensure both the things - their own financial security and their child's future life security.

Model Answer 3

In most of the families in our society, especially in the urban areas, it is seen that parents provide their children everything that they ask for. It clearly has negative effects on the behavior and thinking of the child. If done in excess , it may even lead the children to criminal paths in worst cases. I have discussed this topic in the article below.

Yes, it's true that parents should provide everything to their child which is essential for their growth and development. It is the sole duty of the parents that they should never keep their children in any kind of scarcity. So keeping this in mind, some parents cross the line while providing accessories or fulfilling the demands of their children. Because of the huge amounts of love and care for their children. They forget to maintain the balance in providing the important and non important things or accessories. In the short term, it may not have any impact on the children. But in the long term , it surely will have serious harmful impacts on their thinking and behavior. As they don't get to know about the struggle behind buying that particular accessory or fulfilling that particular demand. They tend to lose the value of that thing easily. Hence, it becomes more non hesitation or easy for them to destroy or lose that thing. Because of this , in our society, it is seen that many such things are possessed by a higher class child. Who doesn't give a damn to that thing or doesn't hesitate to destroy or lose it. Which however may become more valuable or useful to a lower class child , but they can't afford it . It really decreases the real usefulness of that product. Again, proving everything that a child wishes or demands makes them go out of control of their parents. A time arises, when the parents feel that they are doing a wrong thing. But can't manage to control their child as he/she has got used to getting everything whatever they want. This makes an unwanted family environment .

In conclusion, I would like to say that parents should be aware of the way they treat their children. Too much or too little love and care, both have negative effects. Parents should be able to maintain the balance between them.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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