Parental Attention IELTS Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Aug 24, 2023

Parental Attention IELTS Reading Answers is a general reading subject that explores Parental Attention. Parental Attention IELTS reading answers, have a total of thirteen questions. The specified topic generates a single type of question: True/False/Not Given. Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly in order to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers, which feature topics such as Parental Attention IELTS Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Parental Attention

Sleep medicine is a relatively young field in the UK, with only a couple of centers until the 1980s. In the last decade a number of centers have sprouted, often led by chest physicians and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) surgeons with an interest in obstructive sleep apnea, forcing neurologists and neurophysiologists to wake up and contribute to the non-respiratory aspect of this neglected subject.

Within sleep, two states are recognized - non rapid eye movement (NREM and rapid eye movement (REM). These alternate cyclically through the night with cycle time of 90 minutes (50 ~ 60 minutes in the newborn). NREM sleep evolved with the homeothermic state and is divided into four stages: stage 1 and 2 which are considered light sleep, and stages 3 and 4 which are considered deep sleep with high arousal threshold.

REM is ontogenetically primitive with EEG (electroencephalo-graph) activity closer to wake state, intermittent bursts of REMs and muscle atonia interrupted by phasic burst producing asynchronous twitching. The atonia of REM sleep prevents acting out of dreams and is lost in REM behavior disorder when dreams content becomes violent and patients act out their dream, often resulting in injury.

REM behavior disorder can be a precursor of neurodegenerative disease including Parkinsons. Dream content - pleasant or unpleasant -will be remembered on waking from REM sleep but there is often little or no memory of the preceding mental activity on arousals from REM sleep, even when associated with complex behaviors and autonomic disturbance as occurs in night terrors or sleep walking.

In the newborn, 50 percent of total sleep time is occupied by REM sleep, progressively shrinking to 25 percent in the adult, the first block of REM sleep occurring about 90 minutes after sleep onset. Abrupt withdrawal of alcohol and many centrally acting recreational and non-recreational drugs can cause REM sleep to occur at sleep onset.

This can also increase total REM sleep, leading to intense vivid often frightening dreams, similar to that experienced by patients with narcolepsy.

The NREM/REM sleep states are interrupted by brief arousals and transient awakenings. The frequency of the arousals may increase with emotional disturbance or environmental discomfort but also in many intrinsic sleep disorders such as periodic leg movements in sleep, obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy.

7 The NREM/REM sleep states are interrupted by brief arousals and transient awakenings. The frequency of the arousals may increase with emotional disturbance or environmental discomfort but also in many intrinsic sleep disorders such

as periodic leg movements in sleep, obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy.

A basic rest/activity cycle originates in fetal life. The newborn sleeps an equal amount during the day and night, the sleep/wake cycle organized around three to four hourly feeds. By the second month favoring of sleep towards night time occurs and by six months the baby will have about 12 hour of sleep at night in addition to a couple of daytime naps.

In general, children born prematurely have a tendency to be awake more at night in the first year and breast-fed babies wake more frequently, but the difference disappears by the second year. Persistent night awakenings in infants and toddlers usually reflect the child's inability to self-soothe back to sleep without parental attention and will respond to a well supported behavioral programme.

The establishment of a consolidated night sleep pattern in children reflects brain maturation and may be disrupted in children with developmental problems. Even in this group success is possible by persisting with behavioral work, though many pediatricians prescribe melatonin for these children with some success. But as the long-term safety of

melatonin remains unknown it should be used as a last resort.

There are now good studies looking at short term use of melatonin in sleep wake cycle disorders such as delayed sleep phase syndrome. Its use as a hypnotic should be discouraged, especially in the developing child as there is uncertainty on other cycles, such as menstrual. 

In addition to the NREM/REM cycles, there is a circadian sleep/wake cycle entrained by intrinsic rhythms -melatonin and body temperature and extrinsic factors - light and social cues such as mealtimes, work times.

The pineal hormone melatonin plays a role in entraining the sleep/wake cycle to the light/dark cycle. Melatonin secretion is high in darkness and low in daylight hours, the process beginning in the retina with the supra chiasmatic nucleus playing a major role as a sleep regulator via melatonin. Blind people may lose this entrainment and develop a free running sleep/wake cycle with progressive advancement of sleep onset time.

Polymorphism of the circadian clock gene has now been identified with the population divided between morning types (larks) and evening types (owls). Those predisposed to later sleep onset time are susceptible to developing delayed sleep phase syndrome especially during adolescence when sleep requirement increases and there is a tendency towards later time for sleeping and waking.

In delayed sleep phase syndrome, sleep onset is delayed to the early hours of the morning with consequent difficulty in waking in time for school/work. Once established advancing sleep onset time is difficult and requires treatment with appropriately timed melatonin or bright light therapy, or chronotherapy -advancing sleep onset progressively forwards until the desired sleep time is reached.

In contrast the elderly who are more susceptible to perturbation in their sleep/wake schedule can develop advanced sleep phase syndrome with sleep onset occurring early in the evening. Shift workers often struggle to cope with shift patterns as they grow older due to difficulty in re-adjusting their circadian clock. In general, morning bright light

exposure is a more powerful synchronizer of the circadian rhythm than melatonin.

Section 2

Questions 1-8

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage.

1.People are often injured when dreaming aggressive scenes or sleepwalking.

Explanation:The passage does mention that individuals with REM behavior disorder can act out their dreams, often resulting in injury.

2.Growth interest on sleeping disorder studies caused growth number of centers for researching on sleep medicines.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting statement: “... In the last decade a number of centers have sprouted, often led by chest physicians and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) surgeons with an interest in obstructive sleep apnea....”
Keywords: centers, sprouted
Keyword location: para 1, line 1-3
Explanation: Yes, according to the passage, the growing interest in sleep disorders, particularly obstructive sleep apnea, has led to an increase in the number of centers dedicated to sleep medicine.

3.Parkinsons is scientifically proved to be the only result of REM disorders.

Explanation: While REM behavior disorder (RBD) has been associated with an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease, it is not the only possible cause of Parkinson's

4.REM sleep counts for less proportion of total sleep time for grownups than newborns.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting statement: “...In the newborn, 50 percent of total sleep time is occupied by REM sleep, progressively shrinking to 25 percent in the adult...”
Keywords: precursor, disease
Keyword location: para 5, line 1-2
Explanation: According to the passage, in newborns, approximately 50% of total sleep time is occupied by REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. However, as individuals mature and become adults, the proportion of REM sleep in total sleep time decreases.

5.Frightening dreams are considered irrelevant to alcohols and drugs.

Answer: FALSE
Supporting statement: “...This can also increase total REM sleep, leading to intense vivid often frightening dreams, similar to that experienced by patients with narcolepsy....”
Keywords: intense, patients
Keyword location: para 5, line 5-6
Explanation: The passage does mention that the abrupt withdrawal of alcohol and certain centrally acting recreational and non-recreational drugs can cause REM sleep to occur at sleep onset and increase total REM sleep. 

6.According to the author, babies would sleep more at night from the second month of their births.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting statement: “... By the second month favoring of sleep towards night time occurs and by six months the baby will have about 12 hour of sleep at night in addition to a couple of daytime naps.....”
Keywords: favoring, addition
Keyword location: para 7, line 7-9
Explanation: According to the passage, favoring sleep towards nighttime starts to occur in babies around the second month of their lives. Initially, newborns sleep an equal amount during the day and night, with their sleep/wake cycle organized around three to four hourly feeds. 

7.During the night, children born prematurely wake as frequently as breast fed babies.

Answer: FALSE
Supporting statement: “...In general, children born prematurely have a tendency to be awake more at night in the first year and breast-fed babies wake more frequently...”
Keywords: prematurely, awake
Keyword location: para 8, line 1-2
Explanation:The passage states that children born prematurely have a tendency to be awake more at night in the first year.

8.Children require more deep sleep and less disruption during their sleep in the first half of the night.

Explanation: According to the passage, during the first half of the night, children require more deep sleep and tend to experience less disruption in their sleep. 

Questions 9-14

Complete the summary below.
Choose your answer from the list below and write them in boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all.

Researchers had laid their eyes on using medicines in sleep-wake cycle disorders. The NREM/REM cycles affect sleep along with human 9________ and outside factors. Melatonin plays a determinant role in 10__________ cycle to the day-night cycle. Scientists found that melatonin is high within 11 _____________ of 12 ____________ subjects who may build up a free cycle. Circadian clock genes are 13_________ the sleep wake environment, with an exception between "morning people" and "night people". It is difficult for people with delayed sleep phase syndrome to wake in time. Conversely, 14_______ are more susceptible to sleep early in the evening.


Supporting statement: “… In addition to the NREM/REM cycles, there is a circadian sleep/wake cycle entrained by intrinsic rhythms…”
Keywords: addition, circadian
Keyword location: para 
Explanation:The passage mentions that in addition to the NREM/REM sleep cycles, there is also a circadian sleep/wake cycle that is influenced by intrinsic rhythms and external factors.


Supporting statement: “...The pineal hormone melatonin plays a role in entraining the sleep/wake cycle to the light/dark cycle.…”
Keywords: pineal, hormone
Keyword location:para 12, line 1-2
Explanation:The passage mentions that the pineal hormone melatonin plays a role in entraining the sleep/wake cycle to the light/dark cycle, specifically the day-night cycle. Melatonin secretion is high in darkness and low during daylight hours.


Answer: SHADOW
Supporting statement: “...Melatonin secretion is high in darkness and low in daylight hours, the process.…”
Keywords: darkness, process
Keyword location: para 12, line 2-3
Explanation:The passage mentions that blind individuals may experience disruptions in the entrainment of their sleep/wake cycle due to the absence of light perception. 


Answer: BLIND
Supporting statement:“...Blind people may lose this entrainment and develop a free running sleep/wake cycle with progressive advancement of sleep onset time..…”
Keywords: entrainment, progressive
Keyword location: para 12, line 4-5
ExplanationIn blind individuals who lack light perception, the entrainment of their sleep/wake cycle to the light/dark cycle may be compromised. 


Supporting statement:“....Polymorphism of the circadian clock gene has now been identified with the population divided between morning types (larks) and evening types (owls).…”
Keywords: circadian, morning
Keyword location: para 13, line 1-2
Explanation:he passage mentions that there is polymorphism of the circadian clock gene, which means there are genetic variations in these genes among individuals. 


Answer: ELDERS
Supporting statement: “...Those predisposed to later sleep onset time are susceptible to developing delayed sleep phase syndrome especially during adolescence when sleep…”
Keywords: predisposed, syndrome
Keyword location: para 13, line 3-4
Explanation: The passage mentions that the elderly population is more susceptible to developing advanced sleep phase syndrome, where sleep onset occurs early in the evening. 

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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