Oceanology Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

May 27, 2024

Oceanology Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. Oceanology Reading Answers have a total of 6 IELTS questions in total. In the questions, you have to find the correct word from the passage.

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers, which feature topics such as Oceanology Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

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Section 1

Read the Text Below and Answer Questions


  1. Deep down in the depths of an ocean, amidst beautiful forms of life and nature lies an exotic treasure chest. A treasure chest ceases to exist on land for we mistake them for monetary gain! What about the bounty of tranquillity vested in the vast expanse of the oceans? Isn't that something we ought to yearn for? Movie Star Drew Barrymore shares her affinity to the ocean saying - "I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, may be waves at times. More and more, I want consistency rather than highs and lows." Substantial evidence has conveyed that three-fourths of the earth's surface is essentially water, and this brings the study of oceanography to the forefront.
  2. The Ocean is home to marine life. The Ocean is a significant means of transport  to voyagers and goods from the continent. Oceanography encompasses the study of marine organisms and ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents and waves; plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor; and many pertinent topics that edge us closer to understanding the mysteries of the world. Here are some interesting facts about oceanography that you might enjoy having a look at.
  3. The earth endures about a hundred earthquakes per day, most of which are fortunately borne by the ocean. Earthquakes are commonly experienced in the unstable seabed near Indonesia where continents floating on magma slide against each other. A wide majority of the volcanic activities occur in the oceans. An area as big as New York harbors roughly 1133 active volcanoes, some of which may soon erupt! What may intrigue us at this point is how do sea creatures manage to survive under such frightening circumstances?
  4. The oceans cover 71 per cent of the Earth's surface and contain 97 percent of the Earth's water. Our body requires water to keep functioning. Plus considering the seas and ocean store an endless supply of water, why not drink it when we might have no other option? Well, we should think twice before we swallow. Less than 1 percent is fresh water. The sun's glare enables a part of ocean water to evaporate and drop back into the ocean pool as rainwater. Salty rainwater? Not a good idea! However, most of the rainwater gets back to the ocean through rivers and leaves some for us to drink. Canada boasts of the longest coastline which is 56,453 miles long.
  5. It is commonly believed that man is more adept with facts about Mars and Moon than what really goes on under the surface of the ocean. Estimates disclose that if hypothetically, we could mine the gold suspended in the seawater, each of us would be entitled to a share of 4.5 kg if equally distributed!
  6. Global warming is the culprit behind the event of melting glaciers in Antarctica, thus causing the sea level to rise. If we fail to take remedial measures, cities located in and around islands will be flooded in no time! Dangerous Tsunamis are greatly triggered by earthquakes on the ocean bed. Tsunami wave's travel at the speed of hundred miles per hour and god forbid the place on earth is the marine trench in the Pacific Ocean which is 11.033 metres deep. The highest tides in the world are at Bay of Fundy, which separates New Brunswick from Nova Scotia. In a few cases, the difference between high and low tide is 53 feet 6 inches. That's as huge as a three-story building!

Section 2

Solution and Explantion

Questions 1-6

Write TRUE, FALSE OR NOT GIVEN for the following statements in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

TRUE - if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE - if the statement contradicts the given information
NOT GIVEN - if there is no information on this at all

  1. Humans are using natural resources to make money out of that.

The passage does not mention or provide any evidence related to humans making money from natural resources.

  1. Oceanographers study marine life as they have found strong evidence about it.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting statement:
“........Oceanography encompasses the study of marine organisms and ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents and waves; plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor........”
marine life, evidence
Keyword Location: para 2, lines 1-2
The passage indicates that oceanography includes the study of marine organisms, suggesting a strong interest and evidence supporting this field of study.

  1. Seaways are an important path for trade and travel.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting statement:“........The Ocean is a significant means of transport to voyagers and goods from the continent........”
trade, travel
Keyword Location: para 2, line 1
The passage clearly states that oceans serve as important transportation routes for both people and goods.

  1. Most of the earthquakes occur under the seabed.

The passage mentions that many earthquakes are borne by the ocean but does not specify that most of the earthquakes occur under the seabed.

  1. Sea organisms are able to bear the natural disastrous activities.

Answer: TRUE
Supporting statement:
“........What may intrigue us at this point is how do sea creatures manage to survive under such frightening circumstances?........”
bear, natural
Keyword Location: para 3, lines 4-5 
The passage implies that sea creatures can survive despite the occurrence of natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic activities.

  1. We can consume all the rainwater that gets back on earth.

Answer: FALSE
Supporting statement:
“........Less than 1 percent is fresh water.........”
consume, rainwater
Keyword Location: para 4, line 3
The passage states that less than 1 percent of the Earth's water is fresh and suitable for consumption, implying that we cannot consume all the rainwater that returns to the Earth.

Questions 7-12

Read the passage and choose the correct heading for paragraphs,

A-F from the list of headings below. Write the correct number i-ix.


  1. Reasons behind the study oceanography
  2. Natural disasters in oceans
  3. A treasure chest in the vast oceans
  4. What happens to natural water
  5. Facts and figures of tsunamis
  6. Area of study in oceanography
  7. Facts regarding the sea
  8. Global warming causes dangerous Tsunamis
  9. Oceans serve as habitat to marine life
  1. Paragraph A

Answer: III
Supporting statement:
“........Deep down in the depths of an ocean, amidst beautiful forms of life and nature lies an exotic treasure chest.........”
chest, vast 
Keyword Location: para A, line 1 
The paragraph metaphorically describes the ocean as a treasure chest, emphasising its beauty and tranquillity.

  1. Paragraph B

Answer: VI
Supporting statement:
“........Oceanography encompasses the study of marine organisms and ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents and waves; plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor........”
study, oceanography
Keyword Location: para B, lines 2-3
The paragraph outlines the various areas covered by the study of oceanography.

  1. Paragraph C

Answer: II
Supporting statement:
“........The earth endures about a hundred earthquakes per day, most of which are fortunately borne by the ocean........”
disasters, oceans
Keyword Location: para C, line 1
The paragraph discusses earthquakes and volcanic activities occurring in the oceans.

  1. Paragraph D

Answer: IV
Supporting statement:
“.......The sun's glare enables a part of ocean water to evaporate and drop back into the ocean pool as rainwater..........”
water, happens
Keyword Location: para D, lines 4-5
The paragraph explains the water cycle involving evaporation and precipitation.

  1. Paragraph E

Answer: VII
Supporting statement:
“.......Estimates disclose that if hypothetically, we could mine the gold suspended in the seawater, each of us would be entitled to a share of 4.5 kg if equally distributed!.........”
facts, sea
Keyword Location: para E, lines 3-4
The paragraph presents an interesting fact about the amount of gold suspended in seawater.

  1. Paragraph F

Answer: V
Supporting statement:
“........Dangerous Tsunamis are greatly triggered by earthquakes on the ocean bed.........”
facts, tsunamis
Keyword Location: para F, line 3
The paragraph discusses tsunamis, their causes, and related statistics.

Questions 13-14

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage

The main cause behind the increasing level of the water is 13..................... Further it

Supporting statement:
“.......Global warming is the culprit behind the event of melting glaciers in Antarctica, thus causing the sea level to rise.........”
water, main cause
Keyword Location: para F, line 1
The passage identifies global warming as the cause of rising sea levels.

can flood cities within 14....... no preplans intended.

Answer: NO TIME
Supporting statement:
“........If we fail to take remedial measures, cities located in and around islands will be flooded in no time!........”
cities, no preplan
Keyword Location: para F, line 2
The passage warns that without action, cities could be flooded very quickly.

Read More IELTS Reading Answers

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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