Nuclear Power IELTS Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Sep 25, 2023

Nuclear Power IELTS Reading Answers is a general reading subject that explores Nuclear Power. Nuclear Power IELTS reading answers have a total of thirteen questions. The specified topic generates a single type of question: True/False/Not Given. Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly in order to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers, which feature topics such as Research Committed a Crime IELTS Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions 

Nuclear Power

One of the most significant advantages of nuclear power is that compared to coal, gas, and other electricity-generating plants, nuclear is the lowest by far in greenhouse gas release. Carbon dioxide and similar gases, known for depleting the Earth's atmosphere, have notoriously been an issue in the climate change debate. Due to this fact, nuclear energy has once again been looked at for power production and nuclear energy produces 62 percent of all emission-free electricity in the United States. In nuclear reactors that utilize large cooling towers, it's a common misconception that pollution is massively dumped into the air.

The large clouds people see leaving the smoke stacks are nothing more than steam. Another appealing reason for using nuclear energy is its excellent fuel to power ratio. It has the capacity to meet all needs with just one reactor, let alone multiple, and a relatively small amount of uranium can be used to fuel a 1000-megawatt electric plant providing enough electricity to power a city of about half a million people. Renewable sources, such as solar and wind, provide only enough power to meet residential needs. They don't yet have the capacity of nuclear to handle large-scale power needs, especially in the manufacturing world.

Although the initial costs to build nuclear plants are high, nuclear power produces very inexpensive electricity once up and running. Electricity generated by nuclear reactors is cheaper than gas, coal, or any other fossil fuel plants. Also, uranium is a fairly cheap fuel source, and just a little of it is needed to produce massive power. When you combine all that with a life cycle of 40 to 60 years, the low operating costs far outweigh the high upfront costs to build. Nuclear power also improves the state of the economy and local communities are, more often than not, pro-nuclear due to the amount of jobs a new plant brings.

On average, a new nuclear plant creates 400 to 700 permanent jobs, not to mention thousands of others during its construction. This is comparable to just 90 jobs for a coal plant, and 50 jobs for a natural gas plant. The main reason local communities are so happy over nuclear plants is that each facility generates close to $500 million annually in sales of goods and services. More workers at plants means more people who need lunches and more people with money to spend.

Quite possibly the most important benefit of nuclear energy is that it doesn't rely on fossil fuels and this means it's not affected by the unpredictability of oil and gas costs. It also means that we won't be depleting the Earth's supply of resources nearly as quickly, as nuclear power requires much less fuel to produce a higher amount of energy. With the current supply of uranium, it is estimated that the world has at least another 80 years before supply becomes an issue, but there are also other forms of uranium that can be used if needed, extending that timeline even further.

This is plenty of time to find alternative sources (such as nuclear fusion, the holy grail of energy), if need be. Nuclear energy, however, is not powered by a renewable fuel source. Uranium is in limited (although currently abundant) supply, whereas typical renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, are in infinite supply. Uranium has to be mined, synthesized, then activated to produce energy, and it's expensive to go through this process.

Nuclear energy has a number of positive aspects, making it appealing to more and more countries worldwide; however, like all energy sources, it has its downsides. Many people are scared of nuclear power due to the few, although very significant, accidents that have taken place over the years. And while nuclear energy operates with little pollution to the environment, it certainly isn't without its environmental impacts.

Possibly the biggest concern among nuclear energy advocates is the environmental impact of uranium as a fuel source. A typical nuclear power plant generates about 20 metric tons of used nuclear fuel per year. The problem is that this spent fuel is highly radioactive and it's not a fuel source you can take to a landfill and leave without worry. It has to be carefully handled and stored, which costs a lot of money, and it requires a significant amount of specially designed storage space. Spent nuclear fuel takes hundreds of years to decompose before it reaches adequate levels of safety.

For this reason alone, it becomes an issue that other energy sources simply don't have to deal with. As well as spent fuel, there is also a significant amount of low-level nuclear waste to dispose of. Low level waste can include radioactively contaminated protective clothing, tools, filters, rags, medical tubes, and many other items. Storage sites for this are always underground in a reinforced concrete vault and covered with large amounts of topsoil, and immediately encircling the facility is a layer of impermeable backfill. The waste is stored in canisters until the radioactivity has decayed away and can be disposed of as ordinary trash.

Expense can also be a major deterrent for countries looking to build new nuclear plants. The construction of a new plant can take anywhere from 5 to 10 years to build, costing billions of dollars. Much of that and more is recouped throughout the lifetime of the plant, but it is clear how some nations might be reluctant to pursue nuclear energy.Decommissioning expenses are also significant. Although nuclear energy always provokes emotional debate, there is no denying that it remains as a viable option to solving Earth's increasing energy needs over the next hundred years.

Section 2

Questions 27 - 34
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

  1. Nuclear power offers better results in terms of. ________when compared with traditional power generation.

Answer: Greenhouse Gas Release
Supporting statement: “...One of the most significant advantages of nuclear power is that compared to coal, gas, and other electricity-generating plants, nuclear power is the lowest by far in greenhouse gas release.....”
Keywords: significant, greenhouse
Keyword location: para 1
Explanation: Out of all the ways of generating electricity nuclear power emits the minimal greenhouse gasses in comparison. Hence it has better results than other traditional methods.

  1. It is only _______that comes out of the large chimneys of nuclear power stations.

Answer: Steam
Supporting statement: “....The large clouds people see leaving the smoke stacks are nothing more than steam....”
Keywords: clouds, steam
Keyword location: para 2
Explanation: The large chimneys that are installed in the nuclear power plants. They are mostly emitting steam through them and nothing else.

  1. Nuclear power stations have an extremely advantageous ______of uranium to energy production.

Answer: Ratio
Supporting statement: “....Another appealing reason for using nuclear energy is its excellent fuel to power ratio. ....”
Keywords: excellent, nuclear
Keyword location: para 2, line 2
Explanation: The uranium is used to bombard and then energy is produced due to vibrations at atomic level. Due to this a huge amount of energy is produced. It takes very less uranium to produce a high amount of energy.

  1. Current renewable energy can only satisfy______ requirements.

Answer: Residential
Supporting statement: “...Renewable sources, such as solar and wind, provide only enough power to meet residential needs. ....”
Keywords: renewable, residential
Keyword location: para 2, line 6
Explanation: Renewable energy is currently only used to fulfill the residential needs. The commercial energy is still not produced from renewable resources.

  1. After the length of ________ is taken into account, the construction costs of nuclear power stations are not so significant.

Answer: Lifecycle
Supporting statement: “.... When you combine all that with a life cycle of 40 to 60 years, the low operating costs far outweigh the high upfront costs to build. ...”
Keywords: operating, outweigh
Keyword location: para 3, line 5
Explanation: The life cycle of the nuclear plant is 40 to 60 years and it takes only initial cost to build up the plant. After that it takes very less cost to run. Hence the construction cost is not so big keeping in mind its life cycle.

  1. Nuclear power stations provide more ______ than traditional power plants.

Answer: Jobs
Supporting statement: “....nuclear plant creates 400 to 700 permanent jobs, not to mention thousands of others during its construction. This is comparable to just 90 jobs for a coal plant, and 50 jobs for a natural gas plan...”
Keywords: permanent, construction
Keyword location: para 4, line 1-3
Explanation: Nuclear power plants provide around 400 to 700 jobs. Also during the construction of the plant it creates thousands of jobs. But coal plants only create around 90 jobs and is very less comparable to nuclear powerplants.

  1. Different types of uranium can lengthen the ______of uranium availability as a fuel.

Answer: Timeline
Supporting statement: “...years before supply becomes an issue, but there are also other forms of uranium that can be used if needed, extending that timeline even further.....”
Keywords: supply, extending
Keyword location: para 5
Explanation: it will take 80 years to almost replenish the uranium present as a fuel. There are also uranium found in other forms that can also be used as a fuel. Hence it will further increase the lifeline of uranium.

  1. _____ is regarded as being the best non-renewable way of solving the world's future energy needs.

Answer: Nuclear Fusion
Supporting statement: “...This is plenty of time to find alternative sources (such as nuclear fusion, the holy grail of energy), if need be. Nuclear energy, however, is not powered by a renewable fuel source. Uranium is limited.....”
Keywords: grail, alternative
Keyword location: para 6
Explanation: Nuclear fusion is used to generate energy but it is not a form of renewable energy. But it is a great alternative to the use of uranium to produce energy.

Label the diagram below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

36.TOPSOIL: It refers to the topmost layer of the earth. It contains all the organic matters, nutrients, organic matter and all the microorganisms required for the growth of plants.

37.Impermeable Backfill: It is a kind of barrier that is used to cover the soil and stop the flow of liquids such as water. It is used to keep the soil in the dry state.

38.Canisters: Canisters refer to the vessels that are made to store the wastes that are produced in the nuclear plants. These are used to safely separate the nuclear waste from the environment.

Questions 38 - 40
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

The Disadvantages of Nuclear Power

- Whereas renewable resources have an (38).________ uranium is not a renewable resource fuel source. The processing of uranium is expensive.

Answer: Infinite Supply
Supporting statement: “...Uranium is in limited (although currently abundant) supply, whereas typical renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, are in infinite supply.....”
Keywords: abundant, renewable
Keyword location: para 6, line 3
Explanation: It is clear that the renewable energies like solar, wind and hydro are never ending. Hence we can say that we have infinite supply of renewable resources. But we do have limited amount of uranium.

- Most objections to nuclear power relate to the (39) ______of its fuel – its radioactivity means that used uranium takes a long time to be safe.

Answer: Environmental Impact
Supporting statement: “.... And while nuclear energy operates with little pollution to the environment, it certainly isn't without its environmental impacts....”
Keywords: environment, impacts
Keyword location: para 7
Explanation: There are many objections to nuclear power as a fuel because of the radioactivity. A radioactive substance is very harmful to the environment and humanity.

-The costs of building the power stations and the costs of (40) _____ them are high.

Answer: Decommissioning
Supporting statement: “....Decommissioning expenses are also significant. Although nuclear energy always provokes emotional debate, there is no denying that it remains as a viable option to solving Earth's increasing energy needs over the next hundred years.....”
Keywords: emotional, viable
Keyword location: para 9
Explanation: Decommissioning is also a difficult task to perform as the nuclear waste has to be handled very well. There is also a cost involved with the process of Decommissioning

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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