Nowadays Both Men and Women Spend a Lot of Money on Beauty Care IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Oct 28, 2022

Nowadays both men and women spend a lot of money on beauty care IELTS writing task 2 has three sample answers provided below. It requires candidates to answer a simple question with argumentative statements. The sample answers have an introduction and body. The introduction provides a brief description of the given topic. The body in each sample answer portrays argumentative statements to support the test-taker’s perspectives.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Nowadays both men and women spend a lot of money on beauty care. This was not so in the past. What may be the root cause of this behaviour? Discuss the reason and possible.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

In recent years, both men and women have shown a desire to spend money on their personal appearance. But historically, this practice wasn't all that common. Workplace culture and chronological shift are the key causes of this trend change. These shifts in trend have some unfavourable effects on the world market.

By using examples from newspapers and journals, this article will explain the causes and outcomes. First off, both men and women have seen a tremendous influence in their personal and professional lives as a result of the dramatic shift to beauty. This is due to the fact that attractive individuals may be able to make the other person in the group feel more at ease. As a result, this might enhance workplace creativity and appeal. For instance, the majority of multinational corporations around the world send a presentable individual to meetings as a corporate representative. For this reason, it is a truth that these speakers can captivate an audience and increase revenue for a firm. Spending a lot of money on beauty care has therefore increased in recent years for both sexes. However, everyone's financial management has become very unsatisfied as a result of this tendency. This is because the majority of corporate employees spend 75% of their pay on maintaining their appearance. As a result of this behaviour, they turn to credit cards and loans to get by. For instance, a recent survey in New York revealed that 1.8 million is spent each month on cosmetics by 80% of both men and women. As a result, they accumulate a significant amount of debt. Therefore, spending money on beauty care results in monthly financial loss. In conclusion, it is advised to invest money on appearance when working in the corporate sector. But financial debts shouldn't result from this. Your expenditure on beauty should definitely be constrained, in my opinion.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

Men and women now lead very different lives than they did in previous decades. There is a widespread belief that both sexes spend a lot of money on cosmetics. The causes and repercussions of this problem will be thoroughly examined in the paragraphs that follow. To start, a lot of individuals today believe that looking nice is important because they are preoccupied with and worried about their appearances.

Additionally, both men and women are showing a growing tendency to care for their bodily and mental wellbeing. Exercise, a balanced diet, and, of course, the use of organic beauty products are all included in this. In an effort to reduce wrinkles and appear younger than their actual age, many people choose to purchase organic ones. Depending on how much people spend, this habit's effects might be either positive or negative. People wouldn't be able to pay for other expenses of daily living if they spend all of their earnings on cosmetics. Including, but not limited to, lodging, food, and beverages. In the worst case scenario, they might mortgage their home to obtain a loan to pay for their cosmetics. On the other hand, those that simply spend a little portion of their income won't run into financial difficulties. In conclusion, there is a substantial rise in the number of both men and women who decide to spend a lot of money on cosmetic things. Due to worries about their appearance and also taking care of their facial health. Nevertheless, it might cause negative effects to someone who is a beauty care shopaholic. All things considered, no one can deny that buying such things is inappropriate. Because the world we live in today has changed, it is different from the world our parents lived in the past. There used to be a thought that your inner beauty was the most interesting aspect that made you appear lovely, but that has changed throughout time.

Band 9 IELTS Essay

Cosmetics manufacturing is more prevalent than ever in the modern world. As a result, a lot of money has been spent on the products that make us look younger and more appealing. But nowadays, there is no longer any compulsion to look well. Therefore, a clear purpose should be the source and creator of this mindset.

Investigating the causes and effects of it is therefore necessary. People frequently strive to emulate the actions of celebrities. Such as actors and actresses, and enjoy making comparisons to their celebrity counterparts' behaviour. Therefore, this imitation has an effect on more than just their attire and behaviour; it also undoubtedly has an effect on their physical appearance. As a result, it is clear that people between the ages of 20 and 40 are more likely to use these beauty care products. Since they are more interested in the lifestyle of celebrities. People also think that if someone appears more appealing, they would draw more attention. They can thereby achieve greater success. Moreover, chief executives prefer to hire more attractive males or females, at least for positions involving people. We might cite travel agents, flight attendants, or cashiers as examples. We must not overlook the substantial profits generated by the trade in such minerals. We can be aware of its undesirable effects by understanding its hints and roots. A society made up primarily of mature individuals is seriously in danger of losing its natural appearance. It does not harm if they merely use cosmetic products to appear more attractive, make themselves appear younger. However, many people either have certain kinds of operations to take care of their skin or they prefer to cover up with makeup. Thus, when you are at a party, you mistakenly believe that you are competing in a beauty pageant. In order to improve your beauty, it may be required to spend money on those care products. However, insisting on using them more than necessary is a waste of money and even has the potential to cause skin diseases. In fact, the biggest outcome would be a ruinous alteration of the definition of aesthetic sense if we do not attempt to break this habit.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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