Nowadays Animal Experiments Are Widely Used To Develop New Medicines IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Nov 23, 2022

Nowadays Animal Experiments Are Widely Used To Develop New Medicines IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answers have been mentioned below. The question requires candidates to share their opinion. There are three sample answers provided. This is an opinion oriented discussion. First sample answer provides arguments in view of the topic. Second sample answer portrays disagreement on the topic. Third sample answer provides an agreement-oriented answer having mixed opinions. Each answer has three paragraphs highlighting argumentative opinions and logical reasoning to justify the perspective.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favor of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Band 7 IELTS Essay 

In the modern world, more and more things, including novel pharmaceuticals, are being tested on animals as test subjects. Despite the fact that they violate an animal's right to life and are immortal, some people think that such experiments should be outright forbidden. However, others think that using animals should continue because it helps human life.

The former, in my opinion, is superior for a number of reasons. Some people are against animal testing on the one hand. The first justification is that only because a medication has passed an animal safety test does not imply that it is entirely risk-free for human consumption. Different responses to a given treatment are likely to happen because every species has unique traits and genes.

According to the second point, animal testing is inhumane and in violation of animal rights. To be more exact, animals are routinely killed during most tests in addition to being put through great suffering. The cost of doing animal studies is another justification against using animals in testing. It calls for large investments in state-of-the-art machinery, specialised laboratories, security, and expert training. Long-term alternatives that seem preferable include creating an artificial body to conduct the tests on and developing artificial intelligence to examine and assess the efficacy and safety of new medications. However, it makes sense to assume that animal testing should continue given its advantages.

First off, it is without a doubt true that all medications need to be carefully examined for side effects and safety. Currently, the only way to confirm that a medication is safe to be consumed by humans is through animal testing. Second, people must be prioritised over animals. Without a doubt, it is preferable for an animal to endure suffering in order to spare a human life. Finally, using animals in research can help physicians and scientists create new treatments or ways to save lives. In conclusion, despite being time-consuming and costly, medical animal experiments for security and life-saving reasons should still be carried out because of the benefits they provide to humanity.

Band 6.5 IELTS Essay

One of the most contentious debates in recent decades has been whether humans should allow or avoid animal experiments for ethical reasons. It is commonly argued that animal testing is an inhumane act, while others believe that this type of experiment can aid in the advancement of humanity. Animal testing should be abolished, according to this essay, because it causes more harm than good in a humane society.

Those in favor of animal testing argue that because scientists can't experiment on humans, non-human animals in labs are the only way to get the most accurate results when developing medical treatments or testing the security of other products like cosmetics or detergent. The relationships between a living organism and its environment or chemicals are so complex that even the most advanced computer model on the planet cannot simulate them. Furthermore, because most laboratory animals, such as rats, mice, fish, or sheep, lack intellectual ability, many trust that their life is worth less than a human's. Therefore, it is acceptable to harm them to ensure humanity's future, particularly in the case of finding a cure for deadly diseases like Ebola or HIV. In the meantime, opponents of animal experimentation, also known as animal rights activists, do not agree. As per them, animals used in experiments are frequently subjected to cruel procedures that cause extreme pain and suffering, such as force-feeding, forced injection, or food and water deprivation, which is immoral. People do not have the right to cause death and suffering to other species. Animals have the same capacity as humans to feel pain and distress when they are harmed and killed.

In conclusion, there are solid arguments on both sides of the discussion. It cannot be rejected that, while animal experiments have some advantages to the humane society, their unethical approach and unpredictability of human effects outweigh the benefits. As a result, testing on animals should be phased out in the future in favor of more ethical methods.

Band 6 IELTS Essay 

Animals are frequently used to determine whether medical products are safe for human consumption. While I believe that animal testing is unethical, I believe that its impact on scientific science will benefit humans as a whole.

On the one hand, some people believe that animal experiments should be discontinued. Animals have the right to be protected and to live freely, and it is ethically reprehensible to exploit them for the sake of humans. Furthermore, they are subjected to excruciating pain and are sometimes killed during vaccine or medical testing. Also, just because a medical product has been developed using animal testing does not mean it is suitable for human use. For instance, there had been asleep aids that caused birth defects in humans, but this effect did not occur in animals. Finally, thanks to advances in pharmaceutical technology, feasible and moral alternatives are now available. However, I believe that the use of living creatures in medical research is necessary. To begin with, drugs and vaccines must be tested on animals for side effects and safety, and their sacrifice may be justified if it results in life-saving cures and treatments. Furthermore, animals such as chimps and rodents share similar genetic traits with humans from a biological standpoint. That is to suggest that we are vulnerable to certain illnesses, and even if the treatment options prove effective in animals, thousands of human beings could be saved. Finally, because animals have a shorter life span than humans, researchers can investigate vaccine effectiveness across generations and determine the efficacy of medications.

Finally, while I believe that conducting medical research on living creatures is unethical, I believe that one‘s sacrifice is justified.

Check – IELTS Writing Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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