New Parents should attend Parenting Classes IELTS Writing task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 29, 2022

New Parents should attend Parenting Classes IELTS Writing task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the topic. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: New parents should attend parenting classes to learn how to bring up their children well. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give your opinion, supported by examples from your own experience.

Model Answer 1

Whether it is our first exam, or first cooking lesson, or first parenting. Everything which is a first time in one’s life, avails that person with some excitement, some anxiety, some fear. And hence, with such mixed feelings, we humans ought to look for some valuable advice from the experienced. That entry of a boon in the form of a nice little figured creature in the newly parent's world. The way it brings a bag full of happiness, it also carries the highly impact of responsiveness on their shoulder for its care. Therefore, childcare is considered as one of the most essential periods that needs complete focus and acceptance. Dealing with all their till date daily life's rush hours. All those willing parents are seen to attend parental training classes to confirm the best possible care to their children. What exactly accompanies them through such parenting lessons, is nothing but the favorable advice from the experienced.
In daily life's rush hours, all those willing parents are seen to attend parental training classes to confirm the best possible care for their children. What exactly accompanies them through such parenting lessons, is nothing but the favorable advice from the experienced.
A work pressured mind needs at least a single spoon to conquer their previous lifestyles and bring a quick balance by the help of those classes. Which exists to avail the new parents with the knowledge of how to nurture their newly born. Having said that, the warmth of a family's love undeniably assures the better future of their children. And therefore understanding each of the irs' role in parenthood becomes mandatory. Lessons on how to raise a child, treats the new parents to become familiar with how to give showers to their children. Changing their clothes and most importantly feeding, and nevertheless, how to understand or sense their mood swings.

SCENARIO: ABC Parenting Academy- Day 1

“Greeting parents. Prior to every important information or tips that one must know and analyze, the knowledge of understanding the term breastfeeding. And its importance can be considered as the utmost prioritized lesson that no one should avoid out of any circumstances. That praying with your closed eyes always wishes to the almighty for your child to be absolutely healthy. And stay out of any sort of danger shall definitely become true. If you never overlook your responsibility by assuring your newborn undergoing breastfeeding chances. Breast milk helps keep your baby sound and healthy by betting on keeping it away from all sorts of diseases, allergies, sickness, and even obesity. An infant will always be dependent on its parent. Which makes it unaffordable for them to lack the necessary knowledge on how to keep their good parenting habits stable. As per today’s situation, the joint family system is not in that very trend so when both the partners are equally responsible for their child growth. They ought to have a list of everything that matters like what vaccines required, stock of medicine, child care products, home remedies, etc. If you ask help from friends then it might be equally tricky for them to give support. Parenting classes will teach you how to behave with each other. How the bonding should be between both the partners. And their trust on each other will definitely have a good impact on their child.”

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Model Answer 2

‘The shadow of a big tree will not let the smaller trees grow up. I must go to make room.’- Swami Vivekananda.
As the saying goes, everyone doesn’t face the same blessings or pitfalls, therefore, by undergoing self-experience, and struggle. Shall open the gateway towards success; Same applies to parenting. However, attending some tips doesn’t harm either, it’s just that, the decision shall completely persist in the parent itself.
Undeniably, there are families who believe that even without attending any external parenting classes. And only by following family elders they can surely succeed during their parenthood; Which is not false even at all. Taking extra parenting courses might sometimes fantasize the new. But it is not acceptable to become completely dependent on others' sayings. By utilizing self-power of understanding, strength and strength to make correct decisions. Nothing is impossible to handle not even becoming a first-time parent. After giving birth, a mother herself generates mature understanding and bonds with her newly born baby. And with the right partner the strength to parenting a child doubles their success.
Technically many things might seem incorrect but in real life being practical is more important. Than always mandating self in listening to what others suggest rather than deciding on what we self-experience. In earlier days there were no such training classes available for parents to guide them but does that mean that we are denying their parenting? They raised their children in an even better way. Neither every family is equal nor every situation will remain the same at every moment. As every child grows up in a different atmosphere with different mind-set parents. One of the main reasons why parents agree to take parenting classes is that they fail to give minimal required time to their children. So, the important thing which can help them is by planning their new schedule. And accepting the lifestyle changes to tackle each circumstance maturely enough that will help them ensure their child’s secure and healthy future. By this, parents could know their children more, gel with the infant’s emotion and make a successful parenting life. Eventually, the parents gain a better sight to sense what is good for their children and what their child wants.

Model Answer 3

Expecting anything without faults is illogical, despite having a huge number of benefits. The exploration of more and more of these parenting classes is heavily concerning many elders. With the fact that their next generation, acting as new parents, are becoming unable to take some self-decisions. Which will turn us into more odds than expected, or behave not mature enough to take their responsibility. Anything which is utilized excessively or being dependent upon, is bad. However, we can never deny how much we can get facilitated through helping our preparation with those exclusive tips coming out of the experiencer's mouth.
How about we reveal some discussions made by the parents? Let’s see then
Case 1: (Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor) – They showed the opinion that attending parenting classes was very much helpful for new parents like them. As they stayed abroad, and were away from their parents, elders. Which made them very much concerned about learning everything required for their child’s education. Three months before their baby’s delivery, they planned their schedules with the parenting training periods. It helped them greatly and to a good extent they are now leading a happy life and enjoying parenthood.
Case 2: (Mr. and Mrs. Sahoo) – This couple lives a very simple life, staying with their parents, leading a very not so ambitious life. But they consider themselves a happy family. During Mrs. Sahoo’s pregnancy, the couple was governed by the elders of both sides. In fact, as their family relatives had children before them, they were already no longer new in raising children. When Mr. Sahoo’s friend cum colleague Mr. Kapoor came up with their experience of attending parenting classes. Neither Mr Sahoo nor his Mrs. showed any interest in taking up those classes at all. However, they were already glad to have their elders with them and believing in their self-instincts, they found no difficulty in raising their child happily.
Therefore, we came through our topic watching all its sides. And hopefully we too have grown enough to make our decision. And understand what decision will stand fruitful for their and their child’s future.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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