Nelson Mandela Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Sep 11, 2024

Nelson Mandela Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. Nelson Mandela Reading Answers has a total of 12 IELTS questions in total, from 29-35 you have to find which paragraph contains the information,and from 36-40 fill in the blanks with correct words.

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  1. Nelson Mandela always carried himself as one who was born to lead. His former cellmate, Ahmed Kathrada described his as being born into a royal house and there was that sense about him of someone who understands the meaning of leadership. The Mandela who les the African National Congress into government displayed a strong sense of his own dignity and confidence that nothing in early thirty decades of imprisonment was capable of destroying. 
  2. Mandela often described himself as simply part of the ANC's leadership, though there was never any doubt that he was the most powerful political figure of his generation in South Africa. To the wider world he represented many things; not least as an icon of freedom but also the most vivid example in modern times of forgiveness and reconciliation. The former president of South Africa, FW DE Klerk, spoke about Mandela's astonishing lack of bitterness.
  3. His fundamental creed was best expressed in his address to the sabotage trail in 1964. "I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination, "he said. "I have cherished then ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together I harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But, if needs be, it is an ideal foe which I am prepared to die." 
  4. Born in 1981, Rolihlahla Dalibhunga Mandela was raised in the village of Qunu in the Transkei in the Eastern Cape. He was one of 13 children from a family with close links to the royal house of the Thembu people. He often recalled his boyhood in the green hills of the Transkei with fondness. Mandela was only nine years old when his father died of tuberculosis. Always closer emotionally to his mother, he described his father as a stern disciplinarian, but he credited him with instilling the instincts that would help carry him to greatness.
  5. The late 1950s and early 1960s were a period of growing tumult in South Africa, as African nationality allied with the South African communist party challenged the apartheid state. When protest was met with brute force, the ANC launched an armed struggle with Mandela at its head. He was arrested and charged with treason in 1956. After a trail lasting five years, Mandela was acquitted. But by then the ANC had been banned and his comrade Oliver Tambo had gone into exile.
  6. Mandela went underground and embarked on a secret mission to seek help from other African nations emerging from colonial rule. But soon after his return he was arrested and sentenced to five year in jail. Further charges of sabotage led to a life sentence that would see him spend 27 years behind bars. He revisited his cell several times after his release. During his imprisonment, he worked in the lime quarry on Robben Island, the prison in Cape Town harbor, where the glaring sun on the white stone caused permanent damage to his eyes; he contracted in Pollsmoor prison outside Cape town, and he held the first talks with government ministers while he was incarcerated at the Victor Verster prison farm. In conversation, he would often say prison had given him time to think.
  7. Prison had taken away the prime of his life. It had taken away his family life. Relations with some of his children were strained. His marriage to his wife Winnie Mandela would end in divorce. But prison had never robbed his humanity. Fighting between ANC supporters and the predominantly Zulu Inkatha movement had claimed thousands of lives, mainly in the township around Johannesburg and the hills of Natal. Huge crowds greeted Mandela's release. In those circumstances another leader might have been tempted to blame the enemy alone. But when Mandela spoke, he surprised everyone who was listening by saying: "There are numbers of the ANC who are killing our people... We must face the truth. Our people are just as involved as other organizations that are committing violence... We cannot climb to freedom on the corpses of innocent people." 
  8. He knew the crowd would not like his message but also knew they would listen. As an interviewee, he deflected personal questions with references to the suffering of all South Africans. One learned to read the expressions in his face for a truer guide to what Mandela felt. On the night of 2nd May 1994, a function room was packed with officials, activists, diplomats and journalists, struggling to hear each other as the music pulsed and the cheers rang out. The ANC had won a comprehensive victory. On the stage, surrounded by his closest advisors, Nelson Mandela danced and waved to the crowd. He smiled the open, generous smile of a man who had lived to see his dream.

Question 29-35

The text has eight paragraphs, A-H.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-H.

  1. References Mandela's belief that he worked against both white and black subjugation.


Supporting statement:"I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination, "he said. "I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. 

Keyword: white,black, domination 

Keyword location: paragraph C,2nd line 

Explanation: Nelson Mandela said that he had fought against white domination, and he had fought against black domination to cherish the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons can live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. 

  1. Explores the toll Mandela's life parents influenced his life.


Supporting statement:Prison had taken away the prime of his life. It had taken away his family life. Relations with some of his children were strained. His marriage to his wife Winnie Mandela would end in divorce. But prison had never robbed his humanity.

Keyword: prison, humanity,family life

Keyword location: paragraph G, 1st line 

Explanation:Prison had taken away the prime of his life. It had taken away his family life. Relations with some of his children were strained. His marriage to his wife Winnie Mandela would end in divorce. But prison had never robbed his humanity. Prison affected his family life very much.

  1. Discusses how one of his parents influenced his life.


Supporting statement:Always closer emotionally to his mother, he described his father as a stern disciplinarian, but he credited him with instilling the instincts that would help carry him to greatness.

Keyword: mother,father, greatness 

Keyword location: paragraph D,last line 

Explanation: Nelson Mandela gives credit to his father for influencing his life the most though he was very close to his mother. 

  1. Mentions how Mandela put South Africa's suffering above his own.


Supporting statement:As an interviewee, he deflected personal questions with references to the suffering of all South Africans. One learned to read the expressions in his face for a truer guide to what Mandela felt.

Keyword: deflected, suffering,South African 

Keyword location: paragraph H,2nd line 

Explanation:he deflected personal questions with references to the suffering of all South Africans. One learned to read the expressions in his face for a truer guide to what Mandela felt.

  1. Illustrates Mandela's character in the words of someone with whom he shared a prison cell.


Supporting statement:His former cellmate, Ahmed Kathrada described his as being born into a royal house and there was that sense about him of someone who understands the meaning of leadership.

Keyword: cellmate, leadership 

Keyword location: paragraph A,2nd line 

Explanation:His former cellmate, Ahmed Kathrada described him as being born into a royal house and there was that sense about him of someone who understands the meaning of leadership. He briefly gave the description of Mandela's character and leadership qualities.

  1. Reveals how another South African leader saw Mandela as a symbol of


Supporting statement:To the wider world he represented many things; not least as an icon of freedom but also the most vivid example in modern times of forgiveness and reconciliation. The former president of South Africa, FW DE Klerk, spoke about Mandela's astonishing lack of bitterness.

Keyword: icon,freedom

Keyword location: paragraph B,2nd line 

Explanation:To the wider world he represented many things; not least as an icon of freedom but also the most vivid example in modern times of forgiveness and reconciliation. The former president of South Africa, FW DE Klerk, spoke about Mandela's astonishing lack of bitterness. He was undoubtedly the best leader in South African history.

  1. Shows how his time in prison ironically gave him the space to envision a different future.


Supporting statement:During his imprisonment, he worked in the lime quarry on Robben Island, the prison in Cape Town harbor, where the glaring sun on the white stone caused permanent damage to his eyes; he contracted in Pollsmoor prison outside Cape town, and he held the first talks with government ministers while he was incarcerated at the Victor Verster prison farm. In conversation, he would often say prison had given him time to think.

Keyword: time, think, imprisonment 

Keyword location: paragraph F, 3rd line 

Explanation:In conversation, Nelson Mandela would often say prison had given him time to think which led him to dream about a new future.

Question 36-40


The life and leadership of Nelson servers as a profound example of how 36 ……….and 37……… can empower not only a person but an entire nation to change. These attributes freed Mandela from any bitterness and scorn to enable him to lead South Africa for a new future after apartheid was vanquished. Mandela credited his father with installing the 38 ………,while his mother provided strong emotional support. Mandela's life was not perfect, as he became estranged from his wife and his children while he enough 39…... .Think up a new future for himself and South Africa. Once Mandela was freed, he took a leadership role in the country and used his wisdom and intelligence to reunite his nation. Despite the difficulties he encountered in his life, he refused to 40 …..his enemies for everything that had happened.

36.Answer: Forgiveness 

Supporting statement:To the wider world he represented many things; not least as an icon of freedom but also the most vivid example in modern times of forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Keyword: forgiveness, reconciliation, freedom

Keyword location: paragraph B,2nd line 

Explanation:To the wider world he represented many things; not least as an icon of freedom but also the most vivid example in modern times of forgiveness and reconciliation. Thus,the correct answer is forgiveness.

37. Answer: Reconciliation 

Supporting statement:To the wider world he represented many things; not least as an icon of freedom but also the most vivid example in modern times of forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Keyword: forgiveness, reconciliation, freedom

Keyword location: paragraph B,2nd line 

Explanation:To the wider world he represented many things; not least as an icon of freedom but also the most vivid example in modern times of forgiveness and reconciliation. Thus the correct answer is reconciliation 

38. Answer: instincts 

Supporting statement:Always closer emotionally to his mother, he described his father as a stern disciplinarian, but he credited him with instilling the instincts that would help carry him to greatness.

Keyword: father, instincts, greatness 

Keyword location: paragraph D,last line 

Explanation:Always closer emotionally to his mother, he described his father as a stern disciplinarian, but he credited him with instilling the instincts that would help carry him to greatness. His father helped him in building instincts.

  1. Answer: Time to 

Supporting statement:During his imprisonment, he worked in the lime quarry on Robben Island, the prison in Cape Town harbor, where the glaring sun on the white stone caused permanent damage to his eyes; he contracted in Pollsmoor prison outside Cape town, and he held the first talks with government ministers while he was incarcerated at the Victor Verster prison farm. In conversation, he would often say prison had given him time to think.

Keyword: prison,time,think

Keyword location: paragraph F, 3rd line 

Explanation:Nelson Mandela would often say prison had given him time to think which led him to dream about a new future.

  1. Answer: Blame

Supporting statement:In those circumstances another leader might have been tempted to blame the enemy alone. But when Mandela spoke, he surprised everyone who was listening by saying: "There are numbers of the ANC who are killing our people... We must face the truth. Our people are just as involved as other organizations that are committing violence... We cannot climb to freedom on the corpses of innocent people." 

Keyword: enemy,blame, truth 

Keyword location: paragraph G,5th line 

Explanation:Nelson Mandela never give blame to the enemies alone rather he added, "There are numbers of the ANC who are killing our people... We must face the truth. Our people are just as involved as other organizations that are committing violence... We cannot climb to freedom on the corpses of innocent people."

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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