Nanotechnology Its Development and Uses Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Dec 13, 2022

Nanotechnology Its Development and Uses Reading Answers contains five passages and 13 different types of questions. Candidates will be shown various question types with clear instructions in this IELTS Section. Reading Answers comprises three types of questions: Matching heading, sentence completion, and Choose the correct option. For the Matching heading, candidates need to thoroughly go through each passage. For sentence completion, candidates need to skim the passage for keywords and understand the concept. To choose the correct option, candidates must read the IELTS Reading passage and understand the statement provided.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Nanotechnology Its Development and Uses Reading Answers

  1. Nanotechnology has been hailed by many as being a twentieth century miracle of science. Essentially, nanotechnology, a term derived from Greek, translating literally as 'dwarf technology' is, as the origin of its name suggests, engineering at the atomic level. Scientists work with particles of substances known as 'nanoparticles' which may measure no more than 1 nanometre or a billionth of a metre. That's around 40,000 times smaller than the width of the average human hair. Whilst some of these substances derived from carbon compounds are manufactured, others, such as metals, are naturally-occurring or arise as a by-product of another process e.g. volcanic ash or smoke from wood burning. What makes these substances of such scientific interest is that their minute size facilitates medical and technological processes that would otherwise be impossible.
  2. It may be something of a revelation for many of us to learn that nanotechnology - or its concept - is far from cutting-edge science. In fact, nanotechnology as an idea was first referred to in an influential lecture by American physicist, Richard Feynman, as far back as 1959. During the lecture, entitled 'There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom', Feynman outlined the basic concept of nanotechnology. Individual atoms and molecules, he claimed, could in the future be created by a physical process. Such a process, he envisaged, would involve the building of a set of precise tools to build and operate another proportionally smaller set. The building of increasingly minute tools at the microscopic level would in turn produce ultra-microscopic materials, later to become known as 'nanoparticles'.
  3. Strangely, what should have sparked a scientific revolution was then virtually forgotten about for the next 15 years. In 1974, a Japanese scientist, Norio Taniguchi, of the Tokyo University of Science reintroduced Feynman's theory and put a new name to an old concept, referring to the science as 'nanotechnology'. However, it wasn't until nearly a decade later, in the 1980s, that the way was paved for nanotechnology to leave the realm of theoretical science and become reality. Two major scientific developments within a relatively short period were to enable practical application of nanotechnology. The invention of the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM), combined with the discovery of nano-sized particles termed 'fullerenes', were to prove a turning point in nanotechnology.
  4. Fullerenes are derived from carbon molecules and, in common with other nanoparticles, possess chemical and physical properties that are of huge scientific interest. The potential value of fullerenes for medical science was first raised in 2003 and in 2005 when the scientific magazine 'Chemistry and Biology' ran an article describing the use of fullerenes as light-activated antimicrobial agents. Since then, fullerenes have been used for several biomedical applications ranging from X-ray imaging to treating cancer by targeting cancer cells. In addition, these nanoparticles have been used in the manufacture of commercial products, from sunscreen to cosmetics and some food products. Furthermore, nanoparticles of metals, like gold and silver, have been used in environmental clean-ups of oil slicks and other forms of pollution. The remarkable properties of nanoparticles are down to two main factors: their greater surface-to-weight ratio, compared to larger particles which promotes the attachment of substances to their surface, and their minute size which allows them to penetrate cell membranes. These properties are of great benefit, for example in medicine, as drugs to fight cancer or AIDS can be attached to nanoparticles to reach their target cell in the human body.
  5. However, despite the amazing properties attributed to nanoparticles such as fullerenes, nanotechnology has yet to win wider universal acceptance in scientific circles. For the very properties that make nanoparticles so valuable to technology and medical science are also the ones that make them potentially so toxic. Such properties are potentially lethal if toxic substances attach themselves to the same nanoparticles, thereby delivering a fatal toxin through the cell membranes into the cells themselves. The toxic effect of these compounds is further increased, since their size permits them to enter the bloodstream and hence the body's major organs. Furthermore, the nanoparticles in themselves are essentially a foreign element being introduced to the body. Unlike foreign elements, such as bacteria, the body has no natural immune system to deal with these ultramicroscopic particles. Scientists have yet to convince the nanotechnology sceptics that the potential side effects of nanoparticles are more than compensated for by the advantages that they confer. It may be, however, that opposition to this technology is no more than a general distrust of scientific innovation. In fact, Urban Wiesing from the University of Tubingen has been quoted as saying “Many of the risks associated with nanotechnology have at least been of the risks associated with nanotechnology have at least been encountered in part in other technologies as well." He also believes that regulations can be put in place to minimise such risks. This is a view echoed by the Federal Environment Agency that proposes that such risks are vastly outweighed by the potential benefits of nanotechnology, in particular for the environment.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation
Questions 14-18:
The text has five paragraphs, A-E. Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

  1. promising beginnings

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence
Since then, fullerenes have been used for several biomedical applications ranging from X-ray imaging to treating cancer by targeting cancer cells.
Promising, beginnings, medical applications
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, Lines 5-6
According to the passage, fullerenes have been used for a number of biomedical applications since their value was discovered, indicating a promising future.

  1. definition of a revolutionary technology

Answer: A
Supporting Sentence
Nanotechnology has been hailed by many as being a twentieth century miracle of science.
Nanotechnology, revolutionary, technology
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, Line 1
According to the paragraph, nanotechnology has been dubbed the "wonder of science" since it has transformed the medical industry.

  1. repackaging an old idea

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence
In 1974, a Japanese scientist, Norio Taniguchi, of the Tokyo University of Science reintroduced Feynman's theory and put a new name to an old concept, referring to the science as 'nanotechnology'
Norio Taniguchi, repackaging, Feynman’s theory
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, Line 2-4
According to the text, Norio Taniguchi introduced the concept Feynman had already raised and gave it the label "nanotechnology."

  1. dubious attributes

Answer: E
Supporting Sentence
For the very properties that make nanoparticles so valuable to technology and medical science are also the ones that make them potentially so toxic.
dubious, attributes, nanoparticles, valuable, potentially, toxic
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, Line 3-4
According to some reports, the same properties of fullerenes that create useful nanoparticles can also make them deadly. As a result, its application may be in doubt.

  1. the foundation of a new technology

Answer: B
Supporting Sentence
During the lecture, entitled 'There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom', Feynman outlined the basic concept of nanotechnology.
Foundation, new, technology
Keyword Location
Paragraph B, Lines 4-5
It is claimed that Feynman introduced the concept of nanotechnology in his presentation in 1959, which paved the way for the development of a brand-new technology.

Questions 19-23:
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write your answers in boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet.

  1. Nanotechnology
  1. has limited value.
  2. is not related to science.
  3. incites controversy.
  4. poses insurmountable safety issues.
Answer: C- incites controversy.
Supporting Sentence
However, despite the amazing properties attributed to nanoparticles such as fullerenes, nanotechnology has yet to win wider universal acceptance in scientific circles.
Nanotechnology, incites, controversy
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, Line 1
According to a claim, the property of fullerenes has made nanotechnology a contentious advancement that hasn't yet received full scientific approval. Therefore, C is the right response.

  1. In the beginning, nanotechnology was
  1. overlooked as a science.
  2. considered to be irrelevant.
  3. highly unpopular.
  4. regarded as being revolutionary.

Answer: A- overlooked as a science.
Supporting Sentence
Strangely, what should have sparked a scientific revolution was then virtually forgotten about for the next 15 years.
Nanotechnology, overlooked, science
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, Line 1-2
It is claimed that instead of being further investigated when nanotechnology came to light, 15 years were spent ignoring it. A is the right response, thus.

  1. Nanoparticles are a product of
  1. manufacturing processes alone.
  2. natural and manufactured processes.
  3. purely biological processes.
  4. environmental factors alone.

Answer: B- natural and manufactured processes.
Supporting Sentence
Whilst some of these substances derived from carbon compounds are manufactured, others, such as metals, are naturally-occurring or arise as a by-product of another process e.g. volcanic ash or smoke from wood burning.
Nanoparticles, product, natural, manufactured, processes
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, Line 6-7
It is said that nanoparticles are created by combining naturally occurring metals and produced carbon compounds, creating a combination of both processes. Therefore, B is the right response.

  1. Nanotechnology remained a purely theoretical science until
  1. other technologies caught up with it.
  2. scientists were better able to understand its practical applications.
  3. Taniguchi convinced other scientists of its practical value.
  4. A scientist invented a new technology.

Answer: A- other technologies caught up with it.
Supporting Sentence
However, it wasn't until nearly a decade later, in the 1980s, that the way was paved for nanotechnology to leave the realm of theoretical science and become reality.
Nanotechnology, remained, purely, theoretical, science, technologies, caught up
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, Line 5-6
The passage claims that the 1980s saw the commercialization of nanotechnology. Prior to it, it was only an idea. A is the right response, thus.

  1. Safety concerns about nanotechnology are
  1. completely unfounded.
  2. exaggerated by its detractors.
  3. real but manageable.
  4. misunderstood.

Answer: C- real but manageable.
Supporting Sentence
In fact, Urban Wiesing from the University of Tubingen has been quoted as saying “Many of the risks associated with nanotechnology have at least been encountered in part in other technologies as well.”
Safety, concerns, nanotechnology, real, manageable
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, Line 15-18
It is claimed that the concerns related to nanotechnology are the same risks present in other technologies that can be effectively managed. Therefore, C is the right response.

Questions 24-26:
Complete the sentences. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet.

A major 24..... in the field of nanotechnology came with the discovery of fullerenes and the invention of the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope.

Answer: turning point
Supporting Sentence
The invention of the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM), combined with the discovery of nano-sized particles termed 'fullerenes', were to prove a turning point in nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology, discovery, fullerenes, invention, Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, Last 3 lines
According to some sources, the discovery of fullerenes and the development of the scanning tunneling microscope represented the main advances in science that moved nanotechnology from the realm of theory to practical application. Therefore, the appropriate response is "turning moment."

Amongst scientists, nanotechnology has not met with 25......

Answer: universal acceptance
Supporting Sentence
However, despite the amazing properties attributed to nanoparticles such as fullerenes, nanotechnology has yet to win wider universal acceptance in scientific circles.
Scientists, nanotechnology, not met, universal, acceptance
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, Line 1
The article notes that because nanotechnology may be harmful, it has not yet been accepted by the scientific community on a widespread basis. Therefore, the appropriate response is "universal acceptance."

The ability of nanoparticles to penetrate 26..... is somewhat of a mixed blessing.

Answer: cell membrane
Supporting Sentence
The remarkable properties of nanoparticles are down to two main factors: their greater surface-to-weight ratio, compared to larger particles which promotes the attachment of substances to their surface, and their minute size which allows them to penetrate cell membranes
Ability, nanoparticles, penetrate, mixed, blessing
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, Lines 11-14
According to the passage, one of nanoparticles' key characteristics is their extremely small size, which enables them to pass through cell membranes. Therefore, "cell membrane" is the appropriate response.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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