MS Disease Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Mar 21, 2024

MS Disease Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. MS Disease Reading Answers have a total of 12 IELTS questions in total. This topic has 5 questions in which you have to choose the correct choice. In the rest of the questions you have to fill up the black choosing appropriate words from the paragraphs. 

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers, which feature topics such as MS Disease Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

(MS) Disease

  1. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the patient's immune system attacks the central nervous system. This can lead to numerous physicol and mental symptoms, as the disease affects the transmission of electricol signals between the body and the brain. However, the human body, being a flexible, adaptable system, can compensate for some level of damage, so a person with MS can look and feel fine even though the disease is present
  2. MS patients can have one of two main varieties of the disease: the relapsing form and the primary progressive form. In the relapsing form, the disease progresses in a series of jumps; at times it is in remission, which means that a person's normal functions return for a period of time before the system goes into relapse and the disease again becomes more active. This is the most common form of MS; 80-90% of people have this form of the disease when they are first diagnosed. The relopse-remission cycle can continue for many years. Eventually, however, loss of physical and cognitive function starts to take place, and the remissions become less frequent.
  3. In the primary progressive form of MS, there are no remissions, and a continual but steady loss of physical and cognitive functions takes place. This condition affects about 10-15% of sufferers at diagnosis.
  4. The expected course of the disease, or prognosis, depends on many variables: the subtype of the disease, the patient's individual characteristics and the initial symptoms. Life expectancy of patients, however, is often nearly the same as that of an unaffected person-provided that a reasonoble standard of care is received. In some cases, a near-normal life span is possible.
  5. The cause of the disease is unclear; it seems that some people have a genetic susceptibility, which is triggered by some unknown environmental factor. Onset of the disease usually occurs in young adults between the ages of 20 and 40. It is more common in women than men; however, it has also been diagnosed in young children and elderly people.
  6. Hereditary factors have been seen to have some relevance. Studies of identical twins have shown that if one twin has the disease, then it is likely that the other twin will develop it. In addition, it is importont to realize that close relotives of patients have a higher chance of developing the diseose than people without a relative who has MS.
  7. Where people live con be seen to hove a clear effect, as MS does not occur as frequently in every country. It commonly affects Caucasian people particularly in North America, Europe and Australia. It has been recognized that MS is more common the further the country is away from the equato! and the incidence of MS is generally much higher in northern countries with temperate climates than in warmer southern countries.
  8. Three things, which do not normally occur in healthy people, happen to people who have MS. First, tiny potches of inflammation occur in the brain or spinalcord. Second, the protective coating around the axons, or nerve fibres, in the body start to deteriorate. Third, the axons themselves become damaged or destroyed. This can lead to a wide range of symptoms in the patient, depending on where the affected oxons are located.
  9. A common symptom of MS is blurred vision caused by inflammation of the optic nerve. Another sign is loss of muscle tone in arms and legs; this is when control of muscle movement, or strength in the arms or legs, can be lost. Sense of touch con be lost so that the body is unable to feel the heal or cold or the sufferer experiences temperature inappropriately; that is, feeling heat when it is cold and vice versa. Balance can also be affected; some people may eventually have to resort to a wheelchair, either on a permanent or temporary basis. The course of the disease varies from person to person
  10. A diagnosis of MS is often confirmed by the use of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, which can show defects in the brain and spinal cord. Once diagnosed, MS is a lifelong disease; no cure exists, although a number of medical treatments have been shown to reduce relapses and slow the progression of the disease. It is important that patients with the disease are diagnosed early so that treatment, which can slow the disease, can be started early.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 15-19

Reading Passage 2 has ten paragrophs labeled A-J.

Which paragraph contains the following information? Write your answers in boxes 15-19 on your answer sheet .
NB You may use any letter more than once.

  1. The main types of the disease

Answer: B
Supporting statement:
“........MS patients can have one of two main varieties of the disease: the relapsing form and the primary progressive form. In the relapsing form, the disease progresses in a series of jumps...........”
disease, series 
Keyword Location: para B, line 1
Para B mentions the main varieties of MS - relapsing form and primary progressive form.

  1. Loss of the sense of feeling

Answer: I
Supporting statement:
“.........A common symptom of MS is blurred vision caused by inflammation of the optic nerve. Another sign is loss of muscle tone in arms and legs; this is when control of muscle movement..........”
inflammation, control 
Keyword Location: para I, line 2
Para I mention various symptoms of MS, including loss of the sense of feeling.

  1. The progress of the disease

Answer: H
Supporting statement:
“.........Three things, which do not normally occur in healthy people, happen to people who have MS. First, tiny potches of inflammation occur in the brain or spinalcord. Second, the protective coating around the axons, or
nerve fibres..........”
spinalcord, fibres 
Keyword Location: para H, line 2
Para H mentions three abnormalities that occur in people with MS, including patches of inflammation in the brain or spinal cord.

  1. Treatments for the disease

Answer: J
Supporting statement:
“........A diagnosis of MS is often confirmed by the use of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, which can show defects in the brain and spinal cord. Once diagnosed, MS is a lifelong disease...........”
diagnosed, lifelong 
Keyword Location: para J, line 2
Para J mention the diagnosis and treatment of MS, mentioning that it is a lifelong disease with no cure but various treatments to reduce relapses and slow progression.

  1. The effects of geography

Answer: G
Supporting statement:
“....... Where people live con be seen to hove a clear effect, as MS does not occur as frequently in every country. It commonly affects Caucasion people particularly in North America, Europe and Australia............”
people, countries 
Keyword Location: para G, line 2
Para G mentions the geographical distribution of MS, noting that it is more common in certain regions and that factors such as distance from the equator and climate may influence its incidence.

Questions 20-27

Choose NO MORE THAN TRE WORDS for each answer.

Main Types of 20…….

21…….. 80-90% of sufferers Primary Progressive Form 22……….. of patients

24……… people are more often affected than other races. There is a higher incidence where the weather is 25 ………….


If one 26…….affected the other is likely to develop MS.

Three effects of MS:

Inflammation in the brain

and/or 27......

Coating of nerve fibres


Axons themselves damaged.


Supporting statement:
“........ Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the patient's immune system attacks the central nervous system. ...........”
immune, attack 
Keyword Location: para A, line 2
This is the main topic of the passage.


Supporting statement:
“.........return for a period of time before the system goes into relapse and the disease again becomes more active. ..........”
relapse, disease 
Keyword Location: para B, line 4
Para B discusses the relapsing form of MS, which affects 80-90% of sufferers.


Answer: 10-15%
Supporting statement:
“......... In the primary progressive form of MS, there are no remissions, and a continual but steady loss of physical and cognitive functions takes place. This condition affects about 10-15% of sufferers at diagnosis..........”
condition, sufferers 
Keyword Location: para C, line 2
Para C mentions that the primary progressive form of MS affects about 10-15% of sufferers.


Supporting statement:
“.......... Where people live con be seen to hove a clear effect, as MS does not occur as frequently in every country. It commonly affects Caucasion people particularly in North .........”
occur, particular 
Keyword Location: para G, line 1
Para G discusses how geography affects the incidence of MS.


Supporting statement:
“......... It commonly affects Caucasian people particularly in North America, Europe and Australia. It has been recognized that MS is more common the further the country is away from the equato! ..........”
further, country 
Keyword Location: para G, line 3
Para G mentions that MS commonly affects Caucasian people, particularly in certain regions.


Answer: COLDER
Supporting statement:
“........ Sense of touch con be lost so that the body is unable to feel the heal or cold or the sufferer experiences temperature inappropriately; that is, feeling heat when it is cold and vice versa...........”
heat, cold
Keyword Location: para I, line 3
Para G mentions that the incidence of MS is generally much higher in northern countries with temperate climates than in warmer southern countries.


Answer: TWIN
Supporting statement:
“.........Hereditary factors have been seen to have some relevance. Studies of identical twins have shown that if one twin has the disease, then it is likely that the other twin will develop it..........”
relevace, twin
Keyword Location: para F, line 2
Para F discusses hereditary factors and the likelihood of one twin developing MS if the other twin has it.


Supporting statement:
“..........First, tiny potches of inflammation occur in the brain or spinalcord. Second, the protective coating around the axons, or nerve fibres, in the body start to deteriorate. .........”
spinal cord, deteriorate 
Keyword Location: para H, line 2
Para H discusses inflammation in the brain or spinal cord as one of the effects of MS.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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