Most People Try To Balance Between Work And Other Part Of Lives IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 29, 2022

Most People Try To Balance Between Work And Other Part Of Lives IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Most people try to balance between work and other parts of their lives. Unfortunately, not many achieve this delicate balance. What are the main problems people are facing? What is the best way to overcome them?

Model Answer 1:

One of the hardest things about working professional experience is striking the right balance between work and personal life. For the working professionals, it becomes really hard to find time for their families and this indirectly hampers their personal relationship equations. In modern times, the world is full of competition in every field. People try hard to find the correct balance between their personal and professional lives but the majority of them failed to do so. There are certain reasons that affect the balance between work and family as discussed below.

The reasons for the failure of working professionals to balance their work and personal life are many. One of them is the priority, most people make work their priority. In the 21st century, there is competition in every field, and in such scenarios to survive, people devote their extra time to work to prove themselves worthy every day. This cycle of proving themselves makes them so involved in their careers that they forget about their family and work. The second reason that disturbs the balance between work and family is poor time management skills. Most people lack the time management skills to control their time between work and family and this becomes the major reason for the disbalance. People spend time on unnecessary stuff like social media and so on that have no productive value.

This poor work-family balance impacts their both professional and personal life in the long term. Prioritizing work makes them struggle with their relationships with family and friends which ultimately leads to fights, and arguments with family members. This indirectly affects one’s mental health and is reflected in poor performance in the workspace.

To survive peacefully one needs to set their priority in the right manner balancing both family and work. Also, the time management skill is important amongst all the factors. If you can master time, you can master the whole world. Though it is easier said than done, the right balance between family and work will help you remain positive and active in life.

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Model Answer 2:

The majority of the working population of the world are struggling to balance their professional and personal life correctly. Often people try hard to take a break from work and some quality time with their family and friends but due to work pressure, they get strangled between work and family. Therefore, most people try hard to balance their work and personal life but the majority of them fail to do so because of the several factors that affect their working conditions.

The issue of the poor work-family balance is most often found in the working professionals with high salaries or high executive job roles. These people have to work extra and give their extra time to work to survive in the working arena and compete with their colleagues to become the best amongst all. The modern world has become a competitive field and to survive in this world one has to work extra hard to prove themselves every day. But in the process of proving oneself every day, people forget about the value of their personal relationships and the balance goes off. Secondly, poor time management is another reason for this poor balance. Though it is undeniable that work requires time to be perfect, similarly a relationship also requires time to nurture and bloom but due to poor time management personal life always suffers the most. Most breakups or divorces happened due to a lack of time and communication. People tend to give extra working hours in the office to impress their boss but they fail to find time to impress their family.

To find the right balance between work and personal life, one needs to understand the process of prioritizing things. If you find your family above work, then find a job that requires less time and strength so that you could spend more time with your family and friends. But if you think your work matters the most, then try to manage the time so that you can give ample time to your family and not disturb that balance. In conclusion, though finding the right balance between family and work seems a difficult task, one must have to set their priority and manage time in such a manner to find the right balance.

Model Answer 3:

The real struggle a working individual comes across is managing his work and personal relationships simultaneously. One has to please his boss every day and at the same time bring smiles to their families’ faces simultaneously. No matter how much people try to maintain a balance between their work and family, a majority of them fail to do so. The reasons for their failure are manifold.

One of the major sufferers of the work-family balance syndrome is the working women who have to balance their work with their families, and kids. They have to manage the work pressure with family welfare every single day. Besides, they cannot compromise on any one of the two. However, there are many reasons for such off-balance, one of them is poor time management. Most people lack time management skills that make it even harder to balance their work with family and the majority of the time they have to sacrifice their family’s commitment to fulfilling their work commitments. For example, most vacation plans get canceled due to work commitments, and this results in negativity among family members. Secondly, people fail to set their priorities correctly. Most of the people who want to keep their family above work fail to do so out of work pressure. Thirdly, people, these days are so influenced by materialistic things and to achieve those materialistic things, they work extra to earn more and for this, they give their extra time to work compromising their family time.

This real struggle needs a real solution. To balance work and personal life, people need to understand the value of prioritizing things. If they want to keep their family over work then they should find a job or work that demands less time and mind or they must delegate their small and not-so-important task to their subordinates to save their time for their personal life. One cannot sail on two boats simultaneously, so they need to set their priorities rightly. Secondly one needs to learn the art of managing time between work and family. Once people learn this art of managing time, it becomes really easy to strike the right balance between work and family.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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