More and More People Read the News on the Internet IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 27, 2022

More and More People Read the News on the Internet IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Nowadays, more and more people read the news on the internet. However, newspapers have most of the important information and news. Give your opinion from your experience and give examples.

Model Answer 1:

In the past decade, the internet has surpassed all other forms of media significantly. A higher percentage of people refer to the internet to get news, information, etc. But, even though digital media has risen to the higher ranks, the traditional newspaper still remains an important source of information and news for many reasons.

One of the reasons would be that human beings are creatures of habit and the habit of reading the newspaper is still prevalent amongst many people. According to many surveys done in recent times, people feel more comfortable reading a newspaper than getting their news from electronic devices. Also, most people prefer to read the newspaper early in the morning, and it has been proven multiple times that watching too many screens like television and phones can have a negative impact on a human being’s eyes, and hence individuals try to avoid looking at screens too much. For example, a study done by Cambridge University concluded that people using screens every day are more likely to develop health issues,

Also a point worth mentioning is that there is still a large chunk of the world who has limited or no access to the internet, it is seen as a luxury, and newspapers are much more accessible and cheaper. And despite the developments that are being made in these countries, the availability of the internet as a regular household item is still a few decades away.

There is also the fact that the internet is known for circulating gossip and sometimes the news spread can be fake. Many still hold this view and hence prefer publication houses to provide them with the right information. An example would be a study done by MIT where 30% of people admitted that they will continue to prefer newspapers in the coming years rather than relying on the internet for the news.

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Model Answer 2:

The second school of thought stresses more on the advantages of reading news online. Many hold the opinion that reading a newspaper is a force of habit, and the future of news is more digital rather than the traditional form of media.

Reading news on the internet has many benefits. The topmost point of the project is that the news is always up to date and convenient. It gives the most information in the least amount of words. There is no doubt that an individual today is always on the go and barely has time to sit and read an entire newspaper. It is much easier and more convenient to read off of their phones or tune into talk shows and podcasts to get to know about the happenings. It is easier to find information online and is just a google search away.

Turning the pages of a newspaper repeatedly can be tedious work, and people much prefer to just scroll instead and have all their news and headlines in one stretch. People around the globe understand the impact newspapers have on the environment. Tens of trees are cut down to make paper, and then the publishing again takes a lot to do. It is definitely not sustainable, whereas e-newspapers are much more eco-friendly.

As e-newspapers are digitally stored, there will be no need for physical storage required and the racks of unused papers from decades will be replaced with pdf copies on your devices. E-readers are much more user-friendly and comfortable to use. According to a report published by a journalist organization 7 out of 10 people prefer to be up to date through social media and online newsfeeds and the number is expected to grow in the coming years.

Model Answer 3:

In conclusion, the preference depends on the kind of lifestyle people lead. Working individuals would generally prefer a means of information that is quick, convenient, and brief, whereas individuals who have time prefer reading the newspaper while they have their breakfasts or morning tea. The use of newspapers is much more preferred among the older generation as they have been using this method of media for decades. While most of the youth today are working individuals who do not have the time for the tedious process of reading through a newspaper where the news can be seen as very scattered and not focused. Many newspaper publishing houses have realized the recent trend of the switch to online reading and have started news websites side by side with their newspapers. On these websites, one can find their preferred genre of news instead of having to turn pages to look for it.

This step has not only reduced the printing and publishing costs but also these news houses have managed to retain their readership and not lose their audience. But the influence of newspapers on the world is indeed a huge one, and even if the use of the newspapers reduces, it will never go away as there’s always a certain charm amongst the older generations and fond memories.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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