More and More Animals are on the Verge of Extinction IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 12, 2022

More and More Animals are on the Verge of Extinction IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the knowledge and views. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are on the endangered list. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to solve this problem?

Model Answer 1

Due to careless human activities, many wild species and animals are getting affected. This has made them on the verge of extinction and many others are on the endangered list. There might be several reasons for this. Also, there are some positive initiatives and measures to solve this problem. The main and most important reason for extinction is deforestation. Humans are on the verge of cutting trees to fill their industry. purposes. Industries are generally settled up on the outskirts of the city. Which helps them get resources easily. Due to industrial development many forests have been cleared and deforestation increased. Many breeds of trees have also gone onto the verge of extinction. This also affected the weather. It also leads to loss of natural habitat of wild animals and their lives have been put at risk. Many of them wander in villages in search of food which might be dangerous for people. They are often killed due to the threat to human lives. Another reason for the extinction of wild animals can be Poaching. They are often killed for their skin or hairs. Many expensive goods and luxury items are made such as bags, shoes, jackets etc.
To undo the damage done to the wind species and animals many steps and measures can be taken by the government as well as humans. The first and most important initiative must be sensitizing people about the importance of conserving wildlife. There should be awareness and importance spread all over the region. There must be laws and rules made to stop the excessive poaching. Media or social media will have to play an important role in the matter. They must try to spread awareness and discourage people who buy animal skin goods. They must be told the effects of their purchase on wildlife.
To conclude, many human activities such as deforestation and poaching are the main reasons for the problem. Such activities should be stopped by enacting strict rules and regulations. Wildlife must not be killed. There should be separate emergency teams to catch wild life animals reaching villages.

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Model Answer 2

Conservation of environment and wildlife is the major concern for every country. There are many species and wildlife animals on the verge of extinction. Many of them are on the endangered lists. There are plenty of reasons for this situation. There are few effective measures to solve the situation.
The extinction of animals causes disturbance in the ecological system. The balance between Flora and Fauna gets stumbled. This is all because of human activities Humans have never feared about the consequences of their activities. They have always tried to meet their own needs and greed. Due to such activities animals have been endangered. Many human activities like killing animals for meat, for making luxury products etc have been continuing. The animals are often killed for food. Also, just to promote fashion and lifestyle excessive poaching is done. Such products are sold at a very high rate. Deforestation is increased due to industrial purposes. Many forests have been cleared to set up big and large industries.
Only by government initiatives can this issue be resolved. Government must launch programs like "Save Tiger". Such programs focus on saving the animals on endangered lists. There should be strict laws enacted by the government to stop harmful activities of humans. Aslo, some reserved forests should be left untouched. Special forests and reserved areas should be made. People must not try to take resources from such forests. Many tribal people are also getting affected due to the same. But tribal people are also a danger to wildlife as their livelihood depends upon forests. Also, depletion of forests led to animals wandering villages and countries for food. There should be special teams to catch such animals and leave them outside the area. They must not be killed.
To conclude, the conservation of wildlife must be considered a global public issue. There should be awareness spread regarding the importance of wildlife. People must be made empathetic towards wildlife. Proper education in schools should be provided regarding the same. Also, there must be rules and regulations enforced to stop it before the end of wildlife.

Model Answer 3

Our ecological system depends upon the wildlife, the Flora and the Fauna. But it is getting imbalanced dueto extinction of wild animals. Many animals and species are on the endangered lists. There are many reasons for their extinction. Many measures and initiatives can be taken to stop it before the wildlife comes to an end.
The main reason for the extinction and affect on wildlife is deforestation. The destruction and interference with their natural habitats. Deforestation not only affects the wildlife but it also influences rainfall, climatic conditions, increased urbanization and pollution. It leads to a lot of problems. Also, the species and wildlife animals depend upon forests for their food. This affects their health and they try to come into the populated areas for their food. They are often killed because they became a threat to human lives and property. But humans should understand that they come outside because their homes are getting destroyed. Big industries are settled up clearing forests. They are also killing animals as excessive poaching. Luxury items are made with their skin.
Some productive and effective measures must be taken by the government. As per directive principles of state policy it is the duty of state to protect its wildlife. So state heads must take proper initiatives to control human activities affecting wildlife. There must be several plans launched to protect wildlife. They should be reserved forests left untouched by the people. Also, the animals kept in zoos and locked up should be restricted. Such activities might be for entertainment purposes but it affects the wildlife. Also, the animals taken for circus and shows should be banned and restricted. Strict laws should be enacted for the same.
To recapitulate, people must be made sensitive and sympathetic towards wildlife. They should be made aware of the consequences of their actions. Also, they should be charged and punished for their activity regarding wildlife. There must be proper laws for the same.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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