Monologue for Students Planning to Study in South America - IELTS Listening Sample Answer

IELTS Listening section comprises both conversations and monologues or lectures. All IELTS Listening audios are based on academic or social contexts. This topic - A monologue given to a group of students planning to study in South America in IELTS listening part two. Candidates need to answer the following IELTS listening question types:

  • Note completion

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Audio Transcript:

You will now hear a speaker talking to a group of students planning to study in South America next year.

First you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15

(Pause the recording for 30 seconds)

Now listen carefully and answer questions 11 to 15

Hello there; good afternoon! Thank you for finding the time in your busy schedules to come to the international student office's first orientation meeting for students going abroad, to South America next autumn. By the way, if you haven't already signed next to your name on our attendance lists - they're located on the table at the entrance of the auditorium - be sure to do it on your way out. Remember, this orientation meeting is obligatory, so you need to make sure we know that you're here.

Alright, to begin, we're going to be talking about health, and specifically the procedures that you have to go through in order to get your student visas for your host country. For all of you, this will entail gathering a folder of health information, such as vaccination records and proof from your doctors that you're not suffering from any serious contagious diseases. For many of you, this will also entail getting some extra vaccinations, depending on your destination country. All the specifics that each of you will need are to be found in your host country handbook that you received when you were accepted into the programme.

Also each one of you is required to attend a consultation with a doctor at the student health, centre who is specialised in travel medicine. The health centre can give you details about appointment times, but be sure to book your appointment early, because the specialist Is only at the heath centre at certain times; to have the most benefit, you should have your meeting at least 4-6 weeks before your trip, to allow time for your vaccines to take effect. Now, at this consultation, you will be given all the latest Information about what vaccines you'll need and any other health considerations you need to be aware of - If you'll need to take medication for malaria, for example - or what to expect in case of any existing health issues.

Before you hear the rest of the lecture you have some time to look at questions 16 to 20.

(Pause the recording for 30 seconds)

Now listen carefully and answer questions 16 to 20.

Now, I want to talk in a bit more detail about some important health issues that many of you will face. First of all I want to say a few things about Malaria, which will apply to most of you with South American destinations. In most South American countries, malaria is present in some areas, but not in others. In Brazil, for example, the Amazon basin is a high-risk area, while the costal cities, such as Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, have a very low risk of malaria. So, if you will be studying in Sao Paulo, you will not need to take medication for malaria. However, if you are studying in Sao Paulo and doing fieldwork somewhere in the Amazon basin, then you will need medication. Likewise, if you plan to travel into rural regions, then you will need medication. You should be realistic about what your plans are, and it you decide not to take malaria medication, keep informed and don't travel to a high-risk area. We've had two instances of students returning with malaria in the last 5 years, and both cases had to do with spontaneous travel after their studies to areas with a high risk of malaria.

Of course, there are quite a few other insect-born illnesses that can be caught, so it's essential to avoid being bitten as much as possible, even if you are taking malaria medication. To prevent insect bites, you should wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers whenever possible, and use an insect repellent on any bare skin. You should also bring a flying-insect spray to help clear rooms of mosquitoes. The product should contain a pyrethroid insecticide. Bed nets treated with permethrin, if you will not be sleeping in an air-conditioned or well-screened room, are also a very good idea. Although it's not always possible, it's best to remain indoors in a screened or air-conditioned area during the peak biting periods of dusk and dawn.

Finally, in much of South America, there is a risk of Schistosomiasis - a rather nasty parasitic infection that can be contracted in fresh water. So do not swim in fresh water, except in well-chlorinated swimming pools. Any questions so far?

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Complete the notes below
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Orientation Meeting for students studying abroad in South America

Remember to sign the attendance lists on the way out!

To get a student visa you must make a folder of health information including:

vaccination 11________

Answer: records

Explanation: The students planning to study in South America need to get their health information like vaccination records ready.

Also check:

proof that you don’t have a serious 12________

Answer: contagious disease

Explanation: The students also need to provide proof that they don’t have a serious disease.

Have a consultation with a doctor specialised in 13________ information on:

Answer: travel medicine

Explanation: All the students are required to visit the doctor in the student health center who is specialized in travel medicine.

what vaccines you will need to get

14________ for malaria

Answer: medication

Explanation: In the doctor’s consultation, the students will get to know if they will be requiring medications for malaria and other diseases.

what to expect if you have any existing 15________

Answer: health issues

Explanation: They will also get to know what to expect if they have any existing health issues.

Health issues in South America

Malaria is a concern for most people going to South America.

In each country, it is 16________ in some areas but not others.

Answer: present

Explanation: In most of the South American countries, Malaria is present in some areas or others.

You must 17________ and not travel to high-risk areas if you are not protected.

Answer: keep informed

Explanation: The monologue asks the students to stay informed and not travel to high-risk areas if they are not protected.

To prevent insect bites:

wear long-sleeved shirts and 18________

Answer: long trousers

Explanation: In order to protect themselves from insect bites, they are advised to wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers.

use insect repellent on 19________ and flying-insect spray in rooms

Answer: bare skin

Explanation: They are also required to use insect repellent on their bare skin, and spray flying insect sprays in their room.

stay indoors in the peak biting periods of 20________ and ________

Answer: dusk/dawn

Explanation: The students are also advised to stay indoors during the peak biting periods of dusk and dawn.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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