Modern Technology Is Used In Entertainment May Lead People To Be Less Creative IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 29, 2022

Modern Technology Is Used In Entertainment May Lead People To Be Less Creative IELTS Writing Task 2 has three sample answers provided below. It requires candidates to answer a simple question with argumentative statements. The sample answers have an introduction and body. The introduction provides a brief description of the given topic. The body in each sample answer portrays argumentative statements to support the test-taker’s perspectives.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Leisure is a growing industry. Nowadays, more modern technology is used in entertainment, which may lead people to be less creative. Do you agree or disagree? State your view with examples.

Model Answer 1

The entertainment industry is growing in popularity throughout the world, and the use of new technologies in this sector has significantly altered it. I disagree with the claim that people's creativity will decline as a result of using technology. In this essay, I'll back up my claims with solid reasoning.
First and foremost, using technology in a leisure sector like film encourages individuals to be more creative. Through various software and equipment, they can turn their thoughts and imaginations into motion pictures. As an example, the writer's imaginative ideas in the well-known Hollywood film "Avtar" cannot be realised without the aid of cutting-edge technology. Thus, using modern software, web design, and graphics helps us be more creative and carry out our creative ideas more successfully.
In addition, theme parks, kid-friendly areas, and galleries are using various tech-related tools and gadgets to boost young people's creative abilities. Many art galleries host digital painting exhibitions so that visitors can display and explore their artistic talent. Games and sports that previously required specialised and expensive equipment are becoming digitalized by kids' zones. These games may be played on a desktop computer, allowing kids to learn and develop their creativity in ways that weren't previously conceivable. Children are familiar with a lot more games than they were in the past, according to a study from Harvard University. It is often attributed to the accessibility of technologically advanced activities in various parks. Thus, it fosters children's ability to study and be creative.
In conclusion, it is clear that the use of technology in the leisure sector has improved artistic and creative talent among people all over the world. Though I believe that current technology is a gift, I also think that it can occasionally work against nimble people in their careers.

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Model Answer 2

It is important to address the serious question of whether leisure leads to laziness or fosters innovation. The second issue is one with which I wholeheartedly concur, and I'll be addressing it in the lines that follow.
First, technology has ingrained itself into daily life. Life has changed significantly since the development of small pins and large cars, but this hasn't made people lazy. On the contrary, it encourages greater creativity. For instance, without the well-known social media tool Tiktok, individuals might not have been aware of how imaginative or funny they are. Through the use of such programs, some individuals have achieved fame and are now at the forefront on real platforms.
Another illustration of automation is found in schools. Without the introduction of technology, none of the pupils would have been exposed to the benefits of utilising a computer. With the aid of modernization, society is undergoing transformation. People are developing their creativity, and they are learning what abilities they possess and where they should concentrate their efforts. I also have one specific example to use to support my argument. The use of technology in today's movies has boosted demand for employees, which has resulted in a high employment rate as businesses hire qualified workers.
Since humans have started using technology, their creativity has increased. With the development of the 5g network, the primary challenge in metropolitan areas, networking, has been resolved. Because of improved communication and the use of automation to learn more and expand their businesses online, unskilled workers are now able to do both. Additionally, with the spread of Coronavirus sickness, technology has become the sole means of income for household heads.
To sum up, technology has not made people lazy but rather easier and more creative, and I firmly believe that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Model Answer 3

Although the leisure business is expanding, people are less able to amuse themselves than they once were. Especially because of how sedentary and uncreative they have become thanks to modern technologies. I vehemently object to the assertion and the associated issues that will be covered in the following sentences.
The widespread use of modern technology has undoubtedly improved the modern world over the years. In the past two decades, when families didn't have jobs, they would physically visit their relatives. But today, with the help of advanced electrical tools, families can host virtual meetings. Similarly, in the past, people played games at home and on the ground. While modern gaming laptops have made it possible to play a range of games virtually when you have free time. Children may now play cricket on computers and mobile devices, unlike 20 years ago when they could only do so on large fields.
Additionally, older people and younger people used to solely watch movies in theatres. They may now amuse themselves by using both the OTT platform and the theatre. However, in the past, people would hire transportation services to travel to other locations. But today's computers and mobile devices make it feasible to virtually travel to many locations during downtime. For instance, thirty years ago, a family would have needed to take a bus to travel to areas like Goa, Manali, and Kerala. But today, thanks to VR glasses, they can do so virtually from the comfort of their own home.
In contrast, many middle-class families cannot afford to purchase a virtual reality device like VR glasses. Additionally, to a certain extent, the community cannot fully experience the allure of places like Jammu and Kashmir, known as heaven on earth. Even if they just visit them online.
To sum up, I vehemently disagree with the statement. Because society may amuse itself just as much without the use of modern electronic devices, which does not make people less creative or lazy.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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