It is Important to Spend a Lot of Money on a Large Wedding Celebration IELTS Writing Task 2

Ankita Rakshit

Dec 30, 2022

It is Important to Spend a Lot of Money on a Large Wedding Celebration IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers illustrated below. The IELTS writing section directs candidates to respond to a simple question with argumentative statements. The topic: It is Important to Spend a Lot of Money on a Large Wedding Celebration IELTS Writing Task 2 have an introduction and body. The introduction briefly describes the subject matter of the topic. The body illustrates the argumentative statements that satisfy the viewpoint of the test-taker.
IELTS writing task 2 offers the candidates a platform to demonstrate their opinion and knowledge about the topic. The topic: It is Important to Spend a Lot of Money on a Large Wedding Celebration IELTS Writing Task 2 tests the grammar, vocabulary, style and skills of the candidates. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. There exist diversified topics in this section. The candidates must focus on the IELTS Writing practice papers to become acquainted with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Many people think it is important to spend a lot of money on a large wedding celebration. Others disagree. Discuss both these views and give your opinion and give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge and experience.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

A wedding is considered to be a very auspicious occasion in our society which embarks a new episode of an individual’s life. It is a festival of happiness that the prospective bride and groom would like to celebrate as a couple. However, any kind of celebration relates to the budget aspect that people are willing to spend. There is a huge debate about whether one should spend a lot of money on wedding ceremonies. In this essay, I will try to showcase both sides of this debate. However, as per my opinion, we should not be extravagant while spending on a wedding occasion.

One section of the people believes that wedding to be celebrated in a grand manner. Throwing lavish wedding parties is a method to showcase class and status to society. According to the advocate of these thoughts, it is a significant milestone of life and should not leave any effort to make it memorable for a lifetime.

On the other hand, these kinds of show-offs often lead to spending someone’s lifetime income. It is also very common to take loans to celebrate weddings in an elegant way. In this way, some moments of happiness can lead to a future full of concern. It is commonly observed that families fall into a debt trap in the process of showing the desperation of throwing large wedding ceremonies to maintain their standard of living. In most cases, people are enforced to spend extravagantly due to social obligations and the pressure of maintaining standards in society. Furthermore, large parties often result in a lot of wastage of food and beverages.

In conclusion, wedding celebrations are precious moments that need to be celebrated in the most beautiful way. But, at the same time spending an excessive amount of money for that is not a worthy way. In my opinion, we should not get confused between money and happiness and should refrain from spending heftily on Wedding celebrations.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

In today's society, most individuals want to spend a lot of money on a lavish wedding. But regrettably, not everyone could afford it, thus some people choose a low-key ceremony. I favour having a modest celebration with a small group of friends. The number of people who wish to be married is increasing significantly every day, as can be seen, if we focus on the past few decades. Sharing everything with your partner for the rest of your life is, in my opinion, a terrific idea. However, a lot of money is needed for the party.

In reality, a sizable proportion of individuals choose to spend a significant amount of money on the largest wedding ever. Such groups of people, in my opinion, don't give a thought about how much money they'll spend—all they worry about is having the time of their life. Personally, I believe that you can have the most perfect wedding ever even on a tight budget. The second thing I believe is that every individual is unique. Therefore, some individuals make it appear as though they have more. Such as flowers, decorations, the best church ever, the best vocalist in the city, and the best cuisine. However, as I already stated, each request has a fee. So, as your desires grow, so does your spending. Additionally, some folks favour inviting every friend and relative in the phone book. On the other hand, some individuals, like me, prefer to invite a small number of guests in order to have a private wedding. Additionally, in my opinion, I prefer to save more money during the wedding so that my partner and I can explore and go on new adventures later. In conclusion, while I believe that weddings are significant, you can still have the nicest party even if it is less expensive.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

I somewhat agree that wealthy people use their wealth to improve their reputation in society. Rich people, on the other hand, like to flaunt their wealth by spending a lot of money. While some royal families choose to leave their fortune behind and conduct average lives rather than rely on state funding. The essay will analyse both points of view and present arguments for why grand events are necessary to bring people together in society. First of all, billionaires waste a lot of money on weddings in order to attract media attention.

And secondly, they want to exploit this as a business improvement plan. As an illustration, the richest man in India lavished millions of dollars on his daughter's wedding and invited all of the world's richest individuals. Due to the invitation, he got to know some of the richest businessmen, and he later negotiated many business deals with them all over the world. He exploited the wedding to his advantage and made more money than he spent. For instance, Singapore outlawed all ceremonies a few months ago. However, some of the wealthiest royal families do not wish to utilise the money from hardworking people to pay for their security requirements. For instance, Prince Harry made the incredible decision to leave his life as a prince and relocate to Canada with his wife in order to have a more normal life. As per a recent survey, the majority of wealthy Americans often contribute to local community projects or give money to NGOs that help those who are ill. To sum up, it is fine to use riches to some extent when booking a nice banquet hall for a wedding, inviting close family members, and sticking to a budget. Otherwise, assist those in need and use the surplus to fund societal progress. There are some really kind people who desire a good life over pay or reputation.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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