Select the word that is closest in meaning to the word provided.
Sample 1
Answer key to Sample 1
1 - b (one meaning of gambit is a calculated move; a ploy is a tactic)
2 - a (voracious and ravenous mean having a huge appetite)
3 - d (facile means easily achieved and often lacking sincerity; glib means marked by ease and lacking depth and substance)
4 - d (to eschew means to avoid habitually, or to abstain)
5 - c (to abscond means to depart secretly; to flee means to run away)
6 - b (a knack is a special ability)
7 - a (apropos means being both relevant and appropriate; opportune means occurring at an appropriate time)
8 - b (veritable means not false or imagined, or authentic)
9 - b (a fiasco is a complete failure, or a disaster)
10 - a (a chasm is a deep split in the earth, or a gorge)
11 - b (tractable means easier to deal with; stubborn means difficult to deal with)
12 - a (dexterous means skillful; clumsy means lacking grace)
13 - c (Aerate is supply of oxygen and to suffocate is denial of oxygen)
14 - c (venerable means impressive by reason of age; sophomoric is immaturity)
15 - d (rancor means bitter ill-will and accord is for better relations)
16 - c (to daunt is to lessen the courage; inspirit is to give courage)
17 - a (paucity smaller in number; excess means higher in number)
18 - b (heedless is thoughtless; attentive is thoughtful or mindful)
19 - d (Abound is higher presence while to dwindle is moving to lower number)
20 - a (a confederate is an ally while an enemy is an opponent)
Sample 2 – IELTS
Answer key to Sample 2
1 - a (Glaring is to stare with anger)
2 – d (erratic is an irregularity pertaining to anything)
3- c (civil involves general public)
4 - c (expertise is related to having special skills)
5 - b (outlandish is something out of the ordinary)
6 – d (to pine means to long for, or to crave)
7 - b (an exploit is a notable or heroic act; a feat is a courageous deed)
8 – a (culmination is the act of bringing into concrete existence)
9 – c (to feign means to assert as if true by pretending something)
10 - c (auspicious means marked by favourable signs)
11 - c (prudent means marked by wisdom or good judgment; foolish means marked by a lack of good sense or prudence)
12 - d (forced means produced with effort; natural means uncultivated or spontaneous)
13 - a (to acquaint means to get to know or to become friendly; to alienate means to cause unfriendliness or hostility)
14 - c (expansive means sizeable or extensive; narrow means restricted)
15 - d (one meaning of benign is of a gentle disposition; malicious means marked by mischievous impulse)
16 - a (to foster means to encourage; to discourage means to deprive of courage or confidence)
17 - b (ample means more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity, or sufficient, therefore, insufficient is the most dissimilar)
18 - c (deviant means departing from the established norm, or abnormal, therefore normal is the most dissimilar)
19 - d (to abolish means to do away with entirely; to establish means to bring into existence)
20 - b (to forsake means to renounce; one meaning of to embrace is to welcome or include)