Lighting Up The Lies Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Feb 2, 2023

Lighting Up The Lies Reading Answers contains a write up about the Causton health center. Lighting Up The Lies Reading Answers contains a total of 8 paragraphs. Related to the paragraphs are 13 questions. Candidates in this IELTS Section will be shown various question types with clear instructions. The paragraphs contain information about the development of fMRI technique. Also, the lie detecting machines and its use and effectiveness.

Lighting Up The Lies Reading Answers is an IELTS Reading passage which comprises three types of questions: choose the correct option true/false and not given and complete the summary. Candidates must carefully and properly read each paragraph. It is necessary to interpret each text. In order to respond to the questions, you must identify the paragraph's main idea. It's vital to keep in mind the crucial facts. The paragraphs may be missing some details that need to be marked as not given. To complete the summary the candidates must read each and every line with full awareness and find the missing word.To gain proficiency, candidates can practice from IELTS reading practice test.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Lighting Up The Lies Reading Answers

  1. Last year Sean A. Spence, a professor at the school of medicine at the University of Sheffield in England, performed brain scans that showed that a woman convicted of poisoning a child in her care appeared to be telling the truth when she denied committing the crime. This deception study, along with two others performed by the Sheffield group, was funded by Quickfire Media, a television production company working for the U.K.’s Channel 4, which broadcast videos of the researchers at work as part of a three-part series called “Lie Lab.” The brain study of the woman later appeared in the journal European Psychiatry.
  1. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) purports to detect mendacity by seeing inside the brain instead of tracking peripheral measures of anxiety—such as changes in pulse, blood pressure or respiration —measured by a polygraph. Besides drawing hundreds of thousands of viewers, fMRI has pulled in entrepreneurs. Two companies—Cephos in Pepperell, Mass., and No Lie MRI in Tarzana, Calif.—claim to predict with 90 percent or greater certitude whether you are telling the truth. No Lie MRI, whose name evokes the casual familiarity of a walk-in dental clinic in a strip mall, suggests that the technique may even be used for “risk reduction in dating” .
  1. Many neuroscientists and legal scholars doubt such claims—and some even question whether brain scans for lie detection will ever be ready for anything but more research on the nature of deception and the brain. An fMRI machine tracks blood flow to activated brain areas. The assumption in lie detection is that the
    the brain must exert extra effort when telling a lie and that the regions that do more work get more blood. Such areas light up in scans; during the lie studies, the illuminated regions are primarily involved in decision making.
  1. To assess how fMRI and other neuroscience findings affect the law, the Mac- Arthur Foundation put up $10 million last year to pilot for three years the Law and Neuroscience Project. Part of the funding will attempt to set criteria for accurate and reliable lie detection using fMRI and other brain-scanning technology. “I think it’s not possible, given the current technology, to trust the results,” says Marcus Raichle, a neuroscientist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis who heads the project’s study group on lie detection. “But it’s not impossible to set up a research program to determine whether that’s possible.” A major review article last year in the American Journal of Law and Medicine by Henry T. Greely of Stanford University and Judy Illes, now at the University of British Columbia, explores the deficiencies of existing research and what may be needed to move the technology forward. The two scholars found that lie detection studies conducted so far (still less than 20 in all) failed to prove that fMRI is “effective as a lie detector in the real world at any accuracy level.”
  1. Most studies examined groups, not individuals.Subjects in these studies were healthy young adults—making it unclear how the results would apply to someone who takes a drug that affects blood pressure or has a blockage in an artery. The two researchers questioned the specificity of the lit-up areas; they noted that the regions also correlate with a wide range of cognitive behaviors, including memory, self- monitoring and conscious self-awareness.
  1. The biggest challenge for which the Law and Neuroscience Project is already funding new research—is how to diminish the artificiality of the test protocol. Lying about whether a playing card is the seven of spades may not activate the same areas of the cortex as answering a question about whether you robbed the comer store. In fact, the most realistic studies to date may have come from the Lie Lab television programs. The two companies marketing the technology are not waiting for more data. Cephos is offering scans without charge to people who claim they were falsely accused if they meet certain criteria in an effort to get scans accepted by the courts. Allowing scans as legal evidence could open a potentially huge and lucrative market. “We may have to take many shots on goal before we actually see a courtroom,” says Cephos chief executive Steven Laken. He asserts that the technology has achieved 97 percent accuracy and that the more than 100 people scanned using the Cephos protocol have provided data that have resolved many of the issues that Greely and Illes cited.
  1. But until formal clinical trials prove that the machines meet safety and effectiveness criteria, Greely and Illes have called for a ban on non-research uses. Trials envisaged for regulatory approval hint at the technical challenges. Actors, professional poker players and sociopaths would be compared against average Joes. The devout would go in the scanner after nonbelievers. Testing would take into account social settings. White lies—“no, dinner really was fantastic”—would have to be compared against untruths about sexual peccadilloes to ensure that the brain reacts identically.
  1. There potential for abuse prompts caution. “The danger is that people’s lives can be changed in bad ways because of mistakes in the technology,” Greely says.
    “The danger for science is that it gets a black eye because of this very high profile use of neuroimaging that goes wrong.” Considering the long and controversial history of the polygraph, gradualism may be the wisest course to follow for a new diagnostic that probes an essential quality governing social interaction.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 1-7

Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-D) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-D in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.

NB you may use any letter more than once

  1. Henry T. Greely &Judy Illes
  1. Steven Laken
  1. Henry T. Greely
  1. Marcus Raichle
  1. The possibility hidden in a mission impossible

Answer: D
Supporting Statement: Part of the funding will attempt to set criteria for accurate and reliable lie detection using fMRI and other brain-scanning technology. “I think it’s not possible, given the current technology, to trust the results,” says Marcus Raichle, a neuroscientist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis who heads the project’s study group on lie detection. “But it’s not impossible to set up a research program to determine whether that’s possible.”
Keywords: Impossible, research
Keyword Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: As per paragraph D, it has been mentioned that Marcus Raichle, a neurologist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis who leads the project's study group on lie detection, says, "I think it's not realistic, given the current technology, to accept the results." However, setting up a research program to ascertain whether it is feasible is not impossible. So, the correct answer is D.

  1. The uncertain effectiveness of functional magnetic resonance imaging for detecting lies

Answer: A
Supporting Statement: A major review article last year in the American Journal of Law and Medicine by Henry T. Greely of Stanford University and Judy Illes, now at the University of British Columbia, explores the deficiencies of existing research and what may be needed to move the technology forward. The two scholars found that lie detection studies conducted so far (still less than 20 in all) failed to prove that fMRI is “effective as a lie detector in the real world at any accuracy level.”
Keywords: fMRI, Lie detection
Keyword Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: As per paragraph D, it has been stated that Henry T. Greely of Stanford University and Judy Illes, who is currently at the University of British Columbia, published a significant review paper last year in the American Journal of Medicine and Law discovered that the few lie detection studies that have been done so far (less than 20 in total) have not succeeded in demonstrating that fMRI is "useful as a lie detector in the real world at any accuracy level." So, the correct answer is A.

  1. The hazard lying behind the technology as a lie detector

Answer: C
Supporting Statement: Their potential for abuse prompts caution. “The danger is that people’s lives can be changed in bad ways because of mistakes in the technology,” Greely says.
“The danger for science is that it gets a black eye because of this very high profile use of neuroimaging that goes wrong.”
Keywords: Potential, danger
Keyword Location: Paragraph H
Explanation: As per paragraph H, Greely states that there is a risk of abuse, so proceed with caution. The risk, according to Greely, is that technological errors could negatively alter people's lives. So, as per the explanation provided and the lines of paragraph H, the correct answer is C.

  1. The limited fields for the use of lie detection technology

Answer: A
Supporting Statement: But until formal clinical trials prove that the machines meet safety and effectiveness criteria, Greely and Illes have called for a ban on non-research uses. Trials envisaged for regulatory approval hint at the technical challenges.
Keywords: Effectiveness criteria, non research uses.
Keyword Location: Paragraph G
Explanation: As per paragraph G, it has been mentioned that Greely and Illes, have urged for a restriction on non-research usage until official clinical trials demonstrate that the devices meet safety and effectiveness standards. The trials planned for regulatory approval provide a glimpse at the technical difficulties. So, the correct answer is A.

  1. Several successful cases of applying the results from the lie detection technology

Answer: B
Supporting Statement: Allowing scans as legal evidence could open a potentially huge and lucrative market. “We may have to take many shots on goal before we actually see a courtroom,” says Cephos chief executive Steven Laken. He asserts that the technology has achieved 97 percent accuracy and that the more than 100 people scanned using the Cephos protocol have provided data that have resolved many of the issues that Greely and Illes cited.
Keywords: many shots, goals
Keyword Location: Paragraph F
Explanation: As per paragraph F, it has been stated that the acceptance of scans as evidence in court might create a sizable and lucrative market. Steven Laken, CEO of Cephos, argues that it can take a while before a courtroom actually appears. He claims that the system has a 97 percent accuracy rate and that the data collected from the more than 100 people who were scanned using the Cephos protocol helped to answer many of the problems raised by Greely and Illes. So, the correct answer is B.

  1. Cons of the current research related to lie-detector tests

Answer: A
Supporting Statement: The danger for science is that it gets a black eye because of this very high profile use of neuroimaging that goes wrong.” Considering the long and controversial history of the polygraph, gradualism may be the wisest course to follow for a new diagnostic that probes an essential quality governing social interaction.
Keywords: danger high profile use
Keyword Location: Paragraph H
Explanation: As per paragraph H, it has been mentioned that the risk is that science loses credibility as a result of this extremely public misuse of neuroimaging. A new diagnostic that examines a key attribute governing social interaction may be best served by gradualism given the polygraph's lengthy and contentious history. So, the correct answer as per the explanation provided and the lines of paragraph H is A.

  1. There should be some requested work to improve the techniques regarding lie detection

Answer: A
Supporting Statement: Considering the long and controversial history of the polygraph, gradualism may be the wisest course to follow for a new diagnostic that probes an essential quality governing social interaction.
Keywords: long and controversial, new diagnostic
Keyword Location: Paragraph H
Explanation: As per paragraph H, it has been stated that a new diagnostic that examines a key attribute governing social interaction may be best served by gradualism given the polygraph's lengthy and contentious history. So, the correct answer as per the explanation provided and the lines of paragraph H is A.

Questions 8-10

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?

In boxes 8-10 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage

  1. The lie detection for a convicted woman was first conducted by researchers in Europe.

Answer: True
Supporting Statement: Last year Sean A. Spence, a professor at the school of medicine at the University of Sheffield in England, performed brain scans that showed that a woman convicted of poisoning a child in her care appeared to be telling the truth when she denied committing the crime. Broadcast videos of the researchers at work as part of a three-part series called “Lie Lab.” The brain study of the woman later appeared in the journal European Psychiatry.
Keywords: Woman, European parliamentary
Keyword Location: Paragraph A
Explanation: As per the mentioned lines in paragraph A,conducted brain scans last year that revealed a lady convicted of poisoning a kid in her care looked to be telling the truth when she denied doing the crime. Later, the woman's brain analysis was published in the journal European Psychiatry. So,the correct answer as per the explanation provided is True.

  1. The legitimization of using scans in the court might mean a promising and profitable business.

Answer: True
Supporting Statement: The two companies marketing the technology are not waiting for more data. Cephos is offering scans without charge to people who claim they were falsely accused if they meet certain criteria in an effort to get scans accepted by the courts. Allowing scans as legal evidence could open a potentially huge and lucrative market.
Keywords: Lucrative market, potentially huge
Keyword Location: Paragraph F
Explanation: As per paragraph F, it has been stated that In an effort to get scans acknowledged by the courts, Cephos is providing scans free of charge to anyone who contends they were wrongfully charged if they meet specific requirements. The acceptance of scans as evidence in court might create a sizable and lucrative market. So, the correct answer is True.

  1. There is always something wrong with neuroimaging.

Answer: Not Given
Explanation: There has been no relevant information provided associated with the question statement in the paragraph. Thus, the correct answer is not given.

Questions 11-13

Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using No More than Three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.

It is claimed that functional magnetic resonance imaging can check lies by observing the internal part of the brain rather than following up 11……………… to evaluate the anxiety as 12………………. does. Audiences as well as 13……………….. are fascinated by this amazing lie-detection technology..

Question 11)

Answer: Peripheral measures
Supporting Statement: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) purports to detect mendacity by seeing inside the brain instead of tracking peripheral measures of anxiety—such as changes in pulse, blood pressure or respiration —measured by a polygraph. Besides drawing hundreds of thousands of viewers, fMRI has pulled in entrepreneurs.
Keywords: functional magnetic resonance imaging
Keyword Location: Paragraph B
Explanation: As per paragraph B, it has been mentioned that functional magnetic resonance imaging claims to be able to identify dishonesty by looking inside the brain as opposed to monitoring anxiety-related increases in blood pressure, heart rate, or respiration as determined by a polygraph. Thus, the correct answer is peripheral measure as per the explanation provided.

Question 12)

Answer: A polygraph
Supporting Statement: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) purports to detect mendacity by seeing inside the brain instead of tracking peripheral measures of anxiety—such as changes in pulse, blood pressure or respiration —measured by a polygraph. Besides drawing hundreds of thousands of viewers, fMRI has pulled in entrepreneurs.
Keywords: measures, polygraph
Keyword Location: Paragraph B
Explanation: As per paragraph B, it has been mentioned that functional magnetic resonance imaging claims to be able to identify dishonesty by looking inside the brain as opposed to monitoring anxiety-related increases in blood pressure, heart rate, or respiration as determined by a polygraph. Thus, the correct answer is a polygraph as per the explanation provided.

Question 13)

Answer: Entrepreneurs
Supporting Statement: Besides drawing hundreds of thousands of viewers, fMRI has pulled in entrepreneurs. Two companies—Cephos in Pepperell, Mass., and No Lie MRI in Tarzana, Calif.—claim to predict with 90 percent or greater certitude whether you are telling the truth. No Lie MRI, whose name evokes the casual familiarity of a walk-in dental clinic in a strip mall, suggests that the technique may even be used for “risk reduction in dating”
Keywords: entrepreneurs, thousands of viewers
Keyword Location: Paragraph B
Explanation: As per paragraph B, it has been stated that in addition to attracting millions of spectators, fMRI also attracts entrepreneurs. Two businesses, Cephos in Pepperell, Massachusetts, and No Lie MRI in Tarzana, California, assert that they can determine whether you are telling the truth with a certainty of at least 90%. So, the correct answer is entrepreneurs.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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