Life was Better when Technology was Simpler IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Nov 29, 2022

Life was Better when Technology was Simpler IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answers have been provided in this article. This is a topic on social issues where candidates are asked about their opinion. Candidates are required to share their opinion based on how they think technology has affected the life of human beings. Candidates can write either in favour of the given statement or against the given statement by giving examples to form their argument. Thus, a brief conclusion is also necessary to be provided in this aspect. Three samples are provided for the students so that they can select from a range of answers. In the body of the answer, the views regarding both sides are explained. The concluding part of the answers leaves the candidate to decide which is more important.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Title: Life was better when technology was simpler. To what extent do you agree and disagree?

Band 6 IELTS Essay

It is frequently said that modern fast technological devices like computers and cell phones have made life more challenging. This essay wholeheartedly concurs with this assertion because excessive social media use on these devices can result in melancholy and distraction. Too many users of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram experience depression when browsing the web.

To put it another way, they observe a lot of individuals experiencing success in their lives. And here are the folks who are suffering in their life doing nothing as they share pictures of their promotions, marriages, and lives lived to the fullest. As a result, it causes anxiety and sadness, which ultimately forces them to seek medical attention in order to turn around their life. For instance, I have a cousin who used to surf the internet and use his phone continuously for twelve hours a day. After two or three years, this caused him to develop major mental issues, so we had to take him to the doctor who prescribed a tranquiliser. Our lives' distractions have gotten more numerous as technology has advanced. When we are attempting to concentrate on our job or studies, our phones occasionally ring or we receive text messages, it will cause us to become distracted. Our overall productivity eventually declines as a result. For instance, a New York Times analysis found that total university student grades have dropped by 12% since smartphones first appeared on the scene. Finally, it is frequently said that humans led quiet lives in earlier eras of technology because such eras were not as advanced as modern times. I concur with this remark since they were not subjected to distraction and they were not exposed to a lot of people succeeding in life. It prevented them from becoming despondent.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

The fact that technology is advancing rapidly in the current period cannot be disputed. Everyone's life became incredibly simple as a result, and manual labour required less effort. Some people think that life was too good before automation was introduced. This idea appeals to me, and the following essay will present my viewpoint. First of all, technology is so much a part of our daily lives. What I mean to say is that we plan to buy new technology as soon as new versions are released.

An updated version of the iPhone, for instance, is released by Apple every year. Because of this, even though the latest phone is in better shape, people frequently sell their old phones in order to buy the new ones. They act in this way because they feel awkward using an older model phone in front of their peers. As a result, it stimulates spending and causes debt. On the other hand, back in the day, when people avoided technology, they were delightful. They may have lived a fairly straightforward life in the past. If they want to meet up with their pals, they can do it in person by going to their house, which is more enjoyable than doing so over video call. Technology is contributing to a rapid decline in moral ideals. Instead of playing with other kids, children are more addicted to digital equipment like video games and televisions. As a result, they spend more time in front of screens, which reduces their participation in social activities. Additionally, it compromises their long-term health in ways like weight and vision loss. In a nutshell, I write that although technology has made our lives easier, it has more drawbacks than advantages. However, if we use it properly, it won't ever replace our simple way of life.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

Whether or not life was better before the invention of modern technologies is a contentious issue. I agree that some elements of life appeared to be better off without technological advancements. But I also think that technology has significantly benefited our way of life. Granted, older generations frequently claim that social interactions were better when technology was less complex.

For instance, older individuals today frequently gripe that modern society relies too heavily on communication methods like social media sites. Lower levels of face-to-face engagement as a result of this dependence have unavoidably threatened interpersonal relationships. But in the past, individuals had to rely on letters to stay in touch with friends who lived far away because there were no modern means of communication. While receiving a letter could take days or even weeks, people can now phone or text each other right away thanks to social networking services. When employed sparingly, these cutting-edge communication tools can help keep people "closer" to one another and significantly strengthen relationships. I remark how clearly many other parts of life have been improved by technology to further support my claim. First and foremost, food yields have increased dramatically thanks to modern irrigation systems and pesticide use. Large chunks of the global population are now free from the daily battle to exist because of the abundance of food in the majority of the world's regions. Additionally, advances in medical technology enable for more effective treatment of disease, extending life expectancy and enhancing quality of life. Last but not least, the internet has made teleworking and online learning possible. Enabling a large number of people to achieve their academic or professional ambitions. Their level of life happiness is substantially influenced by this. To sum up, technology has unquestionably improved modern living compared to the past, even while it has the potential to cause some issues if used improperly.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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