A Lecture by an Indian Sociologist on Indian Youth IELTS Listening Answers is a lecture on the Indian Youth by an Indian Sociologist. The candidate needs to answer the following question types: Fill in the blanks. Candidates need to listen to the audio carefully and answer the questions in no more than two words or numbers.
The IELTS Listening section tests a candidate’s listening ability. The candidates are required to listen to an audio and then answer the given IELTS listening questions.
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Topic: A Lecture by an Indian Sociologist on Indian Youth
Section 2
Questions (11-20)
Questions 11-15:
Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.
Answer: rock music
Explanation: According to Mr. Singh, people often make superficial observations about rock music.
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Answer: very slow
Explanation: According to Mr. Singh, the change in cultures happen very slowly.
Answer: two
Explanation: Mr. Singh has two children.
Answer: politics
Explanation: According to Mr. Singh, the young Indians are not concerned about the political happenings around them and also across the world.
Answer: mobility
Explanation: According to Mr. Singh, Indians have the advantage of mobility. They can move across the country, and get themselves opportunities.
Questions 16-20:
Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.
Answer: push
Explanation: The main problem that Indians face, according to Mr. Singh is, the parents push their children too much at school.
Answer: education
Explanation: According to the lecture, education is becoming more available to the people in India.
Answer: creative
Explanation: According to Mr. Singh, the best way to be successful is to be creative.
Answer: Indian value system
Explanation: According to Mr. Singh, the mixture of the Indian value system and the Western methods is excellent.
Answer: achieve
Explanation: According to Mr. Singh, his generation could only dream but the new ones can achieve them as well.