Kayak Reading News

Ahana Bhaduri

Aug 16, 2024

The topic discussed is an academic reading answer. Kayaking Reading Answers has a total of 13 IELTS questions in total. In the questions, you have to fill in the blanks with the correct answer below 4 words.

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognise synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers, which feature topics such as Kayaking Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

Section 1


Kayaking is the use of a kayak for wandering across water. It is different from canoeing with various parameters such as the sitting position of the paddler and the number of blades on the paddle. A kayak is a low-to-the-water, canoe-like boat in which the paddler takes a seat facing frontward, legs in front, using a double-bladed paddle to pull front-to-back on one side and then the other in rotation. Most kayaks have closed decks, while sit-on-top and inflatable kayaks are rising in popularity as well.

Kayaks were made thousands of years ago by the Inuit, formerly known as Eskimos, of the northern Arctic regions. They used driftwood and occasionally the skeleton of whales, to construct the frame of the kayak, and animal skin, particularly seal skin was used to create the body. The main idea for creating the kayak, which translates to "hunter's boat" was for hunting and fishing. The kayak's stealth abilities allowed the hunter to sneak up behind animals on the shoreline and successfully catch their prey. In the 1740s, Russian explorers commanded by Vitus Bering met the Aleutians, who had taken the basic kayak concept and evolved multiple designs specifically for hunting, transportation, and environmental conditions. They soon acknowledged the fact that the Aleutians were very skilful at hunting sea otters by kayak. Since otters were a renowned commodity in Europe and Asia, they would exploit and even kidnap Aleutians and keep them aboard their ships to work and hunt.

By the mid-1800s the kayak became increasingly prevalent and the Europeans became interested. German and French men started kayaking for sport. In 1931, Adolf Anderle was the first person to kayak down the Salzachöfen Gorge, which is believed to be the origin of modern-day white-water kayaking. Kayak races were familiarized in the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936. In the 1950s, fibreglass kayaks were developed and commonly used, until the 1980s when polyethylene plastic kayaks were initiated. Kayaking progressed as a fringe sport in the U.S. until the 1970s, when it became a mainstream sport. Now, more than 10 white water kayaking proceedings are presented in the Olympics. While kayaking signifies key international water sports, few academic studies have (to date)

been directed on the role kayaking plays in the lives and activities of the public

There are different types of kayaks used in flat water and Whitewater kayaking. The sizes and shapes differ considerably depending on what type of water to be paddled on and what the paddler would like to do. Another set of essentials for kayaking is an off-set paddle where the paddle blades are slanted to help lessen wind resistance while the other blade is being used in the water. These differ in length and shape depending on the intended use, the height of the paddler, and the paddler's preference. Kayaks should be furnished with one or more buoyancy aids (also called flotation) which builds air space that helps prevent a kayak from sinking when filled with water. A life jacket should always be worn (also called a personal flotation device or PFD), and a helmet is also habitually obligatory for most kayaking and is compulsory for white water kayaking. Various other parts of safety gear include a whistle for indicating help; throwing ropes to help save other kayakers; and, a diving knife and appropriate water shoes should be used depending upon the risks the water and terrain pose Proper clothing such as a dry suit, wetsuit or spray top also assists protect kayakers from cold water.

"Sit on top" kayaks place the paddler in an exposed, shallowly concave deck overhead the water level. This style is typically used for non-white water happenings as most find it tougher to stay inside the kayak while also averting them from "rolling" which occupancies the user to upright themselves if they flip over. There are some benefits to sitting on tops such as the ability for a "dry hatch" these are a compartment, that usually runs the length of the kayak, which in addition to providing more buoyancy allows for the kayaker to stock various equipment. "Sit on top" kayaks usually use "through holes" which allow any water that got in the boat to make it through the deck and dry hatch to drain. "Cockpit style" involves sitting with the legs and hips inside the kayak hull with a spray deck or "spray skirt' that builds a water-resistant seal around the waist. There is a wide range of "cockpit style" boats which usually allow for more user control of the boat as they can push against the walls of the boat to tip to complete manoeuvres. A common variant of "cockpit style' kayaks are "play boats" these are typically very short kayaks in which the operator ensures tricks and manoeuvres: "Inflatables" are ar amalgam of the two prior configurations; these boats have an exposed deck, but the paddler sits underneath the level of the deck. These boats are frequently subject to more ambiguity due to the way the boat sits higher in the water. They are typically used in a more viable setting; they are often affectionately called "Duckies". "Tandems" are shaped for multiple paddlers, in contrast to the single-person designs featured by most kayaks. Tandems can be used by two or even three paddlers.

Questions 1-7

Write no more than THREE WORDS.

1. Kayaking involves the use of a kayak in water, but it is unlike …………..


Supporting statement: “..........Kayaking is the use of a kayak for wandering across water. It is different from canoeing with various parameters such as the sitting position of the paddler and the number of blades on the paddle..........”

Keywords: different, canoeing

Keyword Location: para 1, lines 1-2

Explanation: The text explains that kayaking differs from canoeing based on the paddler's sitting position and the number of blades on the paddle, making it clear that the two activities are distinct from one another.

2. Most kayaks have closed decks, while other types of Kayaks are growing in ……….


Supporting statement: “........Most kayaks have closed decks, while sit-on-top and inflatable kayaks are rising in popularity as well............”

Keywords: rising, popularity

Keyword Location: para 1, line 5

Explanation: The passage highlights that while closed-deck kayaks are common, sit-on-top and inflatable kayaks are becoming more popular. Hence popularity is the correct answer.

3. Thousands of years ago, Kayaks were made in …………….


Supporting statement: “.........Kayaks were made thousands of years ago by the Inuit, formerly known as Eskimos, of the northern Arctic regions..........”

Keywords: thousands, northern

Keyword Location: para 2, lines 1-2

Explanation: The passage specifies that the Inuit from the northern Arctic regions created kayaks thousands of years ago, emphasizing the historical and geographical origins of kayaking.

4. Apart from using driftwood, frames of Kayaks were also made by using Seal skin and ……………


Supporting statement: “........They used driftwood and occasionally the skeleton of whale, to construct the frame of the kayak, and animal skin, particularly seal skin was used to create the body............”

Keywords: skeleton, whale

Keyword Location: para 2, lines 2-3

Explanation: The passage describes the materials used by the Inuit to construct kayaks, which included driftwood, whale skeletons, and seal skin.

5. The main reason for creating Kayak was for and ………….


Supporting statement: “.........The main idea for creating the kayak, which translates to 'hunter's boat' was for hunting and fishing............”

Keywords: hunting, fishing

Keyword Location: para 2, lines 4-5

Explanation: The passage explains that the primary purpose of creating kayaks was for hunting and fishing, as indicated by the term "hunter's boat."

6. Kayaking as a race sport was presented at ... ….in 19305. GA


Supporting statement: “..........Kayak races were familiarized in the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936.........”

Keywords: Berlin, Olympic

Keyword Location: para 3, line 4

Explanation: The passage notes that kayak races were introduced at the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936, marking an important event in the history of the sport. Hence Berlin Olympic Games is the correct answer.

7. In 1980s …………Kayaks were introduced.


Supporting statement: “..........In the 1950s, fibre glass kayaks were developed and commonly used, until 1980s when polyethene plastic kayaks were initiated.........”

Keywords: 1980s, plastic

Keyword Location: para 3, lines 5-6

Explanation: The passage states that plastic kayaks were introduced in the 1980s, highlighting a significant development in kayak materials.

Questions 8-13

Write no more than THREE WORDS.

8. Along with a life jacket, ....... IS compulsory while doing white water


Answer: HELMET

Supporting statement: “........ life jacket should always be worn (also called a personal flotation device or PFD), and a helmet is also habitually obligatory for most kayaking and is compulsory for white water kayaking...........”

Keywords: helmet, compulsory

Keyword Location: para 5, lines 6-7

Explanation: The passage emphasizes that a helmet, along with a life jacket, is mandatory for white water kayaking due to safety requirements. Hence helmet is the correct answer.

9. … is used to help save other Kayakers.


Supporting statement: “........Various other parts of safety gear include a whistle for indicating for help; throwing ropes to help save other kayakers...........”

Keywords: throwing, save

Keyword Location: para 5, lines 7-8

Explanation: The passage mentions throwing ropes as essential safety equipment used to assist in rescuing other kayakers. Hence throwing ropes is the correct answer.

10 ……... Appropriate clothing saves Kayakers


Supporting statement: “.........Proper clothing such as a dry suit, wetsuit or spray top also assists protect kayakers from cold water..........”

Keywords: protect, cold

Keyword Location: para 5, line 9

Explanation: The passage indicates that appropriate clothing, such as dry suits and wetsuits, helps protect kayakers from the dangers of cold water. Hence cold water is correct.

From 11. ...... type of Kayaks is used for non-white water happenings.

Answer: SIT ON TOP

Supporting statement: “........Sit on top' kayaks place the paddler in an exposed, shallowly concave deck overhead the water level. This style is typically used for non-white water happenings...........”

Keywords: top, non-white

Keyword Location: para 6, lines 1-2

Explanation: The passage explains that sit-on-top kayaks are generally used for non-white water activities, as they are not designed for the rough conditions of white water.

12 …... Kayaks comprise sitting with the legs and hips inside the kayak



Supporting statement: “.........Cockpit style' involves sitting with the legs and hips inside the kayak hull with a spray deck or 'spray skirt' that builds a water-resistant seal around the waist..........”

Keywords: style, inside

Keyword Location: para 6, lines 8-9

Explanation: The passage describes cockpit-style kayaks as having the paddler seated inside the kayak hull, providing better control and manoeuvrability.

13. The kayak that can be used by multiple Kayakers is ...............


Supporting statement: “..........' Tandems' are shaped for multiple paddlers, in contrast to the single person designs featured by most kayaks.........”

Keywords: tandems, multiple

Keyword Location: para 6, lines 12-13

Explanation: The passage notes that tandem kayaks are designed to accommodate multiple paddlers, unlike most kayaks which are intended for single use. Hence tandem is the correct answer.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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